有一个表,字段 filename(C),FTXT(M),其中
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filename ftxt(备注型)
DGYS201704002 [1]LEVY J A. The hospice in the context of an aging society[J]. Journal of aging studies, 1989, 3(4): 385-399.
[2]PRATT M, MACERA C A, WANG G. Higher direct medical costs associated with physical inactivity[J]. The physician and sportsmedicine, 2000,28(10): 63-70.
[3]马惠娣, 邓蕊, 成素梅. 中国老龄化社会进程中的休闲问题[J].自然辩证法研究, 2002, (8): 58-62.
[4]田翠芹, 齐心. 农民闲暇[M]. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社, 2005.
filename ftxt (备注型)
DGYS201704002 [1]LEVY J A. The hospice in the context of an aging society[J]. Journal of aging studies, 1989, 3(4): 385-399.
DGYS201704002 [2]PRATT M, MACERA C A, WANG G. Higher direct medical costs associated with physical inactivity[J]. The physician and sportsmedicine, 2000,28(10): 63-70.
DGYS201704002 [3]马惠娣, 邓蕊, 成素梅. 中国老龄化社会进程中的休闲问题[J].自然辩证法研究, 2002, (8): 58-62.
DGYS201704002 [4]田翠芹, 齐心. 农民闲暇[M]. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社, 2005.