and so on, and so forth. There are all kinds of ways to get an invalid pointer value in C. My favourite has got to be the guy who tried to "save" his objects by writing their addresses to a file. Strangely, when he read back those pointer values during a different run of the program, they didn't point to his objects any more. Fancy, that.
But that's just what wild means to me. Since it's not a normative term, it means whatever the person who spoke or wrote it meant it to mean. Ask him or her.
作者原意 野指针不是规范的术语
所以描述野指针 他会尽量准确无歧义
所以其他人使用这个词可能用于表达和作者不同的含义 具体含义自行Ask him or her
并且 他的描述和我的描述没什么矛盾
搞得好像只有你上过stackoverflow ?