AllFiles => 已在stdafx.h声明为全局变量
#include "stdafx.h" #include "Write1.h" BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { return TRUE; } int _stdcall Write1(char *FPath ,char *FN, int Count, int *A) { char FP[Max_Size]={0}; char FileP[Max_Size]={0}; char FileP1[Max_Size]={0}; strcpy(FP, FPath); strcpy(FileP, FP); strcpy(FileP1, FP); strcat(FileP,FN); FILE *stream1; unsigned char *TitleTemp = new unsigned char[Count]; memcpy(&TitleTemp[0],&A[0],Count); A=NULL; if (getDirFile(FP,".1")==0) //搜寻档案 { stream1 = fopen( FileP , "ab+" ); if( stream1 != NULL ) { int nwDataSize =fwrite(&TitleTemp[0],sizeof (char), Count, stream1); fflush(stream1); //强制输出磁碟缓冲区数据 } else return Write2(FileP,Count,&TitleTemp[0]); //写出新档 fclose(stream1); } else if (getDirFile(FP,".1")!=0) //這部分怎改? { strcat(FileP1,FN);strcat(FileP1,".1"); if (strlen(FileP1)<=255) { if (Write2(FileP1,Count,&TitleTemp[0])==1) //写出新档 if (ReWrite(FileP,FileP1,Count,&TitleTemp[0])==0)//回写合并档案 return -1; else return Write2(FileP1,Count,&TitleTemp[0]); } } delete [] TitleTemp; //内存空间 TitleTemp=NULL; //释放内存地址 return 1; //成功写入原档 }
#include "stdafx.h" int Write2(char*,int,unsigned char*); int getDirFile(const char*,const char*); int ReWrite(char*,char*,int,char*); long GetFileLength(char*); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// long GetFileLength( char * fileName)//取得档案大小 { if (!fileName && !*fileName) return 0; HANDLE h; WIN32_FIND_DATA info; if ((h=FindFirstFile(fileName,&info)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(h); if ((info.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) // Is it a file? { union { struct { DWORD low, high; } lh; __int64 size; // MS large int extension } file; file.lh.low = info.nFileSizeLow; file.lh.high= info.nFileSizeHigh; return (long)file.size; // will be casted to double } // It's a directory, not a file } return 0; // No such name. } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// int Write2(char *FN, int Count, unsigned char *A) { char FN1[Max_Size]={0}; strcat(FN1,FN); strcat(FN1,".1"); FILE *stream2 = fopen( FN1, "ab+" ); if( stream2 != NULL ) { int nwDataSize =fwrite(&A[0],sizeof (char), Count, stream2); fflush(stream2); //强制输出磁碟缓冲区数据 } else return Write2(FN1,Count,A); //失败写入新档 fclose(stream2); return 1; //成功写入新档 } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// int getDirFile(const char* definePath, const char* extenName) { short int i=0,j=0; _chdir(definePath); unsigned long hFile=0; struct _finddata_t fileName; hFile = _findfirst(extenName, &fileName); do { if (fileName.time_create >0) { j=sprintf(AllFiles[i], "%s\\%s", definePath, fileName.name); i++; } } while(hFile != -1 && _findnext(hFile, &fileName)==0); return (i-1); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// int ReWrite(char *FN, char *FN1, int Count, unsigned char *A) { int nwDataSize=0,ret=0; size_t BUFFER_SIZE =(unsigned)GetFileLength(FN1); if (BUFFER_SIZE != 0) { unsigned char *TitleTemp1 = new unsigned char[BUFFER_SIZE+Count]; FILE *stream3 = fopen( FN1, "rb" ); nwDataSize =fread(&TitleTemp1[0],sizeof (char),BUFFER_SIZE, stream3); fclose(stream3); memcpy(&TitleTemp1[BUFFER_SIZE],&A[0],Count); char filename[Max_Size]={0}; strcpy(filename,FN1); ret = remove(filename); //删除暂存档 if(ret == 0) { FILE *stream4 = fopen( FN, "ab+" ); //接着档案后面继续写 nwDataSize =fwrite(&TitleTemp1[0],sizeof (char), BUFFER_SIZE+Count, stream4); fflush(stream4); //强制输出磁碟缓冲区数据 fclose(stream4); } else return 0; } else return 0; return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
[此贴子已经被作者于2020-5-15 15:41编辑过]