[原创] [挑战] 100 行代码以内实现贪吃蛇
#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
static void snack_feed(char *board, int bw, int bh, int ssize) {
int rf = rand() % ((bw - 2) * (bh - 2) - ssize), i;
for (i=0; i<bw*bh; i++) {
if (board[i] == ' ' && !rf--) {
board[i] = 'f'; break;
static void snack_init(char *board, int bw, int bh, int *snack, int *shead, int *stail, int *ssize) {
int i; memset(board, ' ', bw * bh);
for (i=0; i<bw-2; i++) board[i+1] = board[bw*bh - i - 2] = '-';
for (i=0; i<bh-2; i++) board[bw+i*bw] = board[bw-1+bw+i*bw] = '|';
board[0] = board[bw-1] = board[bw*(bh-1)] = board[bw*bh-1] = '+';
board[bw/2 + bh/2*bw] = '@';
*ssize = *shead = *stail = 1;
snack[2] = bw/2; snack[3] = bh/2;
snack_feed(board, bw, bh, *ssize);
static void snack_draw(char *board, int bw, int bh) {
int i, j;
system("cls"); printf("i-UP, k-DOWN, j-LEFT, l-RIGHT, q-EXIT\n\n");
for (i=0; i<bh; i++) {
for (j=0; j<bw; j++) printf("%c ", board[j+i*bw]);
static int snack_move(char *board, int bw, int bh, int *snack, int *shead, int *stail, int *ssize, int d) {
int hx = snack[*shead * 2 + 0], tx = snack[*stail * 2 + 0], ox = hx;
int hy = snack[*shead * 2 + 1], ty = snack[*stail * 2 + 1], oy = hy;
switch (d) {
case 'J': case 'j': hx--; break; // left
case 'L': case 'l': hx++; break; // right
case 'I': case 'i': hy--; break; // up
case 'K': case 'k': hy++; break; // down
default : return -1;
if (board[hx + hy * bw] == '-' || board[hx + hy * bw] == '|' || (board[hx + hy * bw] == '#' && (hx != tx || hy != ty))) {
return 'D'; // 'D' means snake die
if (board[hx + hy * bw] == 'f') {
(*ssize)++; (*shead)++; *shead %= (bw-2)*(bh-2);
board[ox + oy * bw] = '#'; board[hx + hy * bw] = '@';
snack[*shead * 2 + 0] = hx; snack[*shead * 2 + 1] = hy;
if (*ssize == (bw-2)*(bh-2)) return 'W'; // 'W' means win
snack_feed(board, bw, bh, *ssize);
return 'E'; // means snake eat
(*shead)++; *shead %= (bw-2)*(bh-2);
(*stail)++; *stail %= (bw-2)*(bh-2);
snack[*shead * 2 + 0] = hx; snack[*shead * 2 + 1] = hy;
board[ox + oy * bw] = *ssize > 1 ? '#' : ' ';
board[tx + ty * bw] = ' ';
board[hx + hy * bw] = '@';
return 'M';
int main(void) {
int width = 17, height = 11, snack[2 * (width-2) * (height-2)], shead = 0, stail = 0, ssize = 0, op = 0, reinit = 1, ret;
char board[width * height];
do {
if (reinit) {
snack_init(board, width, height, snack, &shead, &stail, &ssize);
reinit = 0; op = 0;
ret = snack_move(board, width, height, snack, &shead, &stail, &ssize, op);
snack_draw(board, width, height);
switch (ret) {
case 'D': reinit = 1; printf("\ngame over !\n\npress any key to try agin ...\n"); break;
case 'W': reinit = 1; printf("\nyou win !\n\nYou are a clever and great snake !\n\npress any key to try agin ...\n"); break;
} while ((op = getch()) && op != 'q' && op != 'Q');
return 0;
[此贴子已经被作者于2020-2-24 14:12编辑过]