C primer Plus (第6版)习题(一)
描述:C primer Plus 第10章 编程练习题 第9题:
/********************************************************************* * title: use a VLA array function copy an 3x5 2D array to another 3x5 2D array.use another VLA array function to show all the elements of the two 2D arraies. * * C primer Plus charpter 10 exerices 10-13-09 * 2018/03/06 *********************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #define ROW 3 #define COL 5 void copy_2d_arr(int row,int col,double target_arr[row][col],double (*source_arr)[COL]); void show_all(int row,int col,int a_row,double target_arr[row][col],double source_arr[row][col]); int main (void) { int row,col,a_row,a_col,count,check,i,j; char ch; row = ROW;col = COL; a_row = row + ROW; a_col = col; double source_arr[ROW][COL] = {}; double target_arr[row][col]; printf("\nEnter some double type value into a 2D array named 'source_arr'.\n");/*man-machine interaction*/ printf("\nthe array elements number limited by %d row,%d column\n",ROW,COL); printf("\nother type input or '#' will finish the input.^_^\n:"); check = 1; for(i = 0;check == 1 && i < ROW;i++) /*array assignment*/ { for(j = 0;j < COL && check == 1;j ++) { check = scanf("%lf",&source_arr[i][j]);/*check input*/ while((ch = getchar()) == '#') break; if(check == 1) printf("received.source_arr[%d][%d] = %g.\n",i,j,source_arr[i][j]);/*receive succeed*/ else printf("Sorry,the value you have entered is not a double type.\n Quit!.\n: (\n"); } } if(check == 1 || ch == '#') { printf("\ninput done.\n"); count = sizeof source_arr / sizeof source_arr[0][0]; printf("\nThe 2-D array 'source_arr' have %d elements.\n\n",count);/*verify the array elements*/ copy_2d_arr(row,col,target_arr,source_arr);/*function call*/ show_all(row,col,a_row,target_arr,source_arr); } return 0; } void copy_2d_arr(int row,int col,double target_arr[row][col],double (*source_arr)[COL]) { int j,k; printf("The copy of array arr is:\n\ntarget_arr[%d][%d] = {",row,col); for(j = 0;j < row;j++) { printf("{"); for(k = 0;k < col;k++) /*copy*/ { target_arr[j][k] = *(source_arr[j] + k); printf((k == (col-1))?"%g":"%g,",target_arr[j][k]); } printf((j == (row -1))?"}":"},"); } printf("}\n"); } void show_all(int row,int col,int a_row,double target_arr[row][col],double source_arr[row][col]) { int j,k; printf("All the two 2D arraies' elements are:\nall_arr[%d][%d] = {\n",a_row,col); for(j = 0;j < a_row;j++) { printf("\t\t{"); for(k = 0;k < col;k++) { if(j >= row) printf((k == (col-1))?"%g":"%g,",target_arr[j-row][k]); else printf((k == (col-1))?"%g":"%g,",source_arr[j][k]); } printf((j == (a_row-1))?"}\n":"},\n"); } printf("\t\t}\n"); }
[此贴子已经被作者于2018-3-6 19:47编辑过]