select distinct 项目 from B表 into array axm select distinct 部门车间 from B表 into array acj lcstr="项目 c(50),合计 n(10,2)" for i=1 to alen(acj,1) lcstr=lcstr+","+alltrim(acj[i,1])+" n(10,2)" endfor create cursor b2 (&lcstr) append from array axm index on 项目 tag xm select B表 set relation to 项目 into b2 scan replace (B表.部门车间) with evaluate(B表.部门车间)+B表.数量 in b2 endscan set relation to select b2 set order to * 行合计 lnsum="" for i=3 to fcount() lnsum=lnsum+"+"+field(i) endfor replace all 合计 with &lnsum * 列合计 insert into b2 (项目) values ("合计") for i=2 to fcount() sum evaluate(field(i)) to lhj replace record reccount() (field(i)) with lhj endfor browse