--drop table 表a
create table 表a(编号 varchar(10),姓名 varchar(20),社保 numeric(6,2))
insert into 表a
select 'b0001','张三',500 union all
select 'b0002','李四',400 union all
select 'b0003','王五',410 union all
select 'b0004','陈六',610 union all
select 'b0005','赵七',520 union all
select 'b0008','黄二',282
--drop table 表b
create table 表b(编号 varchar(10),姓名 varchar(20),工资 numeric(8,2))
insert into 表b
select 'b0001','张三',5500 union all
select 'b0002','李四',4400 union all
select 'b0003','王五',4410 union all
select 'b0004','陈六',6610 union all
select 'b0005','赵七',5520 union all
select 'b0006','刘八',2520 union all
select 'b0007','何九',2900 union all
select 'b0008','黄二',2820
select * from 表b where 工资<2900 and 编号 in(select 编号 from 表a)
select * from 表b where 工资<2900 and 编号 not in(select 编号 from 表a)
select * from 表b where 编号 not in(select 编号 from 表a)