以下是我自己写的rc4的代码,以"abcdefgh"为密钥和明文,结果是 3364d84e0e72bfdcopenssl里的rc4,以"abcdefgh"为密钥和明文,结果是 3065df4f0d73b0b4
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #define N 256 #define Bufsize 1024 unsigned char Box_256[N]; unsigned char Key_256[N]; void usage(void); void Init(); void Init_Box_256(); void Init_Key_256(); void Encrypt(); unsigned char GetKey(int i); template <typename T> void Swap(T &a,T &b); int main() { usage(); Init(); Encrypt(); system("pause"); return 0; } void usage(void) { printf(" hahaha \n"); } void Init() { Init_Key_256(); Init_Box_256(); // return 0; } void Init_Box_256() { int i,j; for(i=0;i<N;i++)//填充0-255 Box_256[i]=i; for(i=0,j=0;i<N;i++)//按算法交换 { j=(j+Box_256[i]+Key_256[i])%N; Swap(Box_256[i],Box_256[j]); } } void Init_Key_256() { int i,len; unsigned char *Key; Key=(unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*Bufsize); printf("Please input the Key:"); scanf("%s",Key); len=strlen((const char *)Key); // j=strlen(Key); while(len>N) { printf("too long for Key\n.Please input the Key:"); memset(Key,0,Bufsize); scanf("%s",Key); len=strlen((const char *)Key); } for(i=0;i<N;i++)//密钥填充满256字节 Key_256[i]=Key[i%len]; free(Key); printf("11\n"); } template <typename T> void Swap(T &a,T &b) { T temp; temp=a; a=b; b=temp; } void Encrypt() { int i,j,k,len; unsigned char Key_temp; unsigned char *ming; ming=(unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*Bufsize); printf("input data for encrypt:"); scanf("%s",ming); len=strlen((const char *)ming); for(i=0,j=0,k=0;k<len;k++) { // GetKey[k] i=(i+1)%N; j=(j+Box_256[i])%N; Swap(Box_256[i],Box_256[j]); Key_temp=(Box_256[i]+Box_256[j])%N; Key_temp=Box_256[Key_temp]; printf("%02x",ming[i]^Key_temp); } free(ming); } void Decrypt() { Encrypt(); }