select a.姓名, b.消费,c.取现, d.充值sys, d.充值xls
select a.姓名, isnull(b.消费,0)消费,isnull(c.取现,0)取现, isnull(d.充值sys,0)充值sys, isnull(d.充值xls,0)充值xls
就可以去掉 .NULL.
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drop table #tmp_a
create table #tmp_a(ID int,姓名 varchar(20))
insert into #tmp_a(ID,姓名) values(1,'A1')
insert into #tmp_a(ID,姓名) values(2,'B1')
insert into #tmp_a(ID,姓名) values(3,'C1')
drop table #tmp_b
create table #tmp_b(ID int,消费 numeric(12,2),日期 datetime)
insert into #tmp_b(ID,消费,日期) values(1,100,'2016-03-01')
insert into #tmp_b(ID,消费,日期) values(3,50,'2016-03-02')
insert into #tmp_b(ID,消费,日期) values(3,20,'2016-03-31')
insert into #tmp_b(ID,消费,日期) values(2,12,'2016-02-25')
drop table #tmp_c
create table #tmp_c(ID int,取现 numeric(12,2),日期 datetime)
insert into #tmp_c(ID,取现,日期) values(2,30,'2016-03-15')
drop table #tmp_d
create table #tmp_d(ID int,充值 numeric(12,2),日期 datetime,备注 varchar(20))
insert into #tmp_d(ID,充值,日期,备注) values(1,200,'2016-03-15','sys')
insert into #tmp_d(ID,充值,日期,备注) values(3,40,'2016-03-13','xls')
insert into #tmp_d(ID,充值,日期,备注) values(1,100,'2016-03-14','sys')
declare @dt datetime
set @dt='2016-03-01'
select a.姓名, isnull(b.消费,0)消费,isnull(c.取现,0)取现, isnull(d.充值sys,0)充值sys, isnull(d.充值xls,0)充值xls
from #tmp_a as a
left join(
select ID,
sum(消费) as 消费
from #tmp_b
where year(日期)=year(@dt) and month(日期)=month(@dt)
group by id
on a.id=b.id
left join(
select ID,
sum(取现) as 取现
from #tmp_c
where year(日期)=year(@dt) and month(日期)=month(@dt)
group by id
on a.id=c.id
left join(
select ID,
sum(case when 备注='sys' then 充值 else 0 end) as [充值sys],
sum(case when 备注='xls' then 充值 else 0 end) as [充值xls]
from #tmp_d
where year(日期)=year(@dt) and month(日期)=month(@dt)
group by id
on a.id =d.id