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注 册:2016-3-19
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/* Pragram 2.18 Calculating the heighe of a there */
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    long shorty = 0L;                                             // 矮子在英寸的高度
    long lofty = 0L;                                               // 左边在英寸的高度
    long feet = 0L;
    long inches = 0L;
    long shorty_to_lofty = 0L;                                     // 矮个子到高个子的距离
    long lofty_to_tree = 0L;                                       // 高个子到树的距离
    long tree_height = 0L;                                          // hight of the in inchies
    const long inches_per_foot = 12L;
    // Get Lofty's height
    printf("Enter Lofty's hight to the top of his/her head, in whole feet: ");
    scanf("%ld", &feet);
    printf("                                          ... and then inches: ");
    scanf("%ld", &inches);
    lofty = feet*inches_per_foot + inches;
    // Get Shorty's height up to his/her eyes
    ptintf("Enter Shorty's heinght up to his/her eyes, in whole feet: ");
    scanf("%ld", &feet);
    printf("                                         ... and there inches: ");
    scanf("%ld", &inches);
    shorty = feet*inches_per_foot + inches;
    // Gat the distance from Shorty to Lofty
    printf("Enter the distance between Shorty and Lofty, in whole feet: ");
    scanf("%ld", &feet);
    printf("                                         ... and then inches: ");
    scanf("%ld", &inches);
    shorty_to_lofty = feet*inches_per_foot + inches;
    // Get thes distance from Lofty to the tree
    printf("Finally enter the distance from Lofty to the tree to the nearest foot: ");
    scanf("%ld", &feet);
    lofty_to_tree = feet*inches_per_foot;
    // Calculate the height of the tree in incher
    tree_height = shorty + (shorty_to_lofty + lofty_to_tree)*(lofty-shorty)/shorty_to_lofty;
    // Dispiay the result in feet and inches
    printf("The height of the tree is %ld feet and %ld inches.\n", tree_height/inches_per_foot, tree_height%inches_per_foot);
    return 0;
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 矮个子 include 高个子 
2016-03-19 23:58
Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14
等 级:贵宾
威 望:54
帖 子:1409
注 册:2016-2-14
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    long shorty = 0L;                                             // 矮子在英寸的高度
    long lofty = 0L;                                               // 左边在英寸的高度
    long feet = 0L;
    long inches = 0L;
    long shorty_to_lofty = 0L;                                     // 矮个子到高个子的距离
    long lofty_to_tree = 0L;                                       // 高个子到树的距离
    long tree_height = 0L;                                          // hight of the in inchies
    const long inches_per_foot = 12L;

    // Get Lofty's height
    printf("Enter Lofty's hight to the top of his/her head, in whole feet: ");
    scanf("%ld", &feet);
    printf("                                          ... and then inches: ");
    scanf("%ld", &inches);
    lofty = feet*inches_per_foot + inches;

    // Get Shorty's height up to his/her eyes
    printf("Enter Shorty's heinght up to his/her eyes, in whole feet: ");//printf输错了
    scanf("%ld", &feet);
    printf("                                         ... and there inches: ");
    scanf("%ld", &inches);
    shorty = feet*inches_per_foot + inches;

    // Gat the distance from Shorty to Lofty
    printf("Enter the distance between Shorty and Lofty, in whole feet: ");
    scanf("%ld", &feet);
    printf("                                         ... and then inches: ");
    scanf("%ld", &inches);
    shorty_to_lofty = feet*inches_per_foot + inches;

    // Get thes distance from Lofty to the tree
    printf("Finally enter the distance from Lofty to the tree to the nearest foot: ");
    scanf("%ld", &feet);
    lofty_to_tree = feet*inches_per_foot;

    // Calculate the height of the tree in incher
    tree_height = shorty + (shorty_to_lofty + lofty_to_tree)*(lofty - shorty) / shorty_to_lofty;

    // Dispiay the result in feet and inches
    printf("The height of the tree is %ld feet and %ld inches.\n", tree_height / inches_per_foot, tree_height%inches_per_foot);
    return 0;
2016-03-21 10:12

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