Dim wApp As Word.Application Dim wDoc As Word.Document Private Sub Command1_Click() Merge "c:\1.docx", "c:\2.docx", wApp Form1.Caption = "OK" End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Set wApp = New Word.Application End Sub Function Merge(ByVal sFirstFile As String, ByVal sSecondFile As String, ByRef wrdapp As Word.Application) As Boolean Dim docNew As Word.Document 'open the main document Set docNew = wrdapp.Documents.Open(sSecondFile) 'insert the coversheet wrdapp.Selection.InsertFile FileName:=sFirstFile, Range:="", ConfirmConversions:=False, Link:=False, Attachment:=False 'set position to first page/coversheet wrdapp.Selection.MoveUp Unit:=wdScreen, Count:=1 'force header/footer to begin on 2nd page With wrdapp.Selection.PageSetup .DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True End With 'save the document docNew.SaveAs "C:\NewFile.docx" End Function