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标题:自己做的一个 blackjack 的简易文字模式, 求大神帮忙修改下
只看楼主 加入收藏
Rank: 2
等 级:论坛游民
威 望:1
帖 子:10
注 册:2012-9-5
 问题点数:0 回复次数:0 
自己做的一个 blackjack 的简易文字模式, 求大神帮忙修改下
//分为四个class 但是总是有错误, 还有其中一个method没有使用
package Poker_Game;

public class Card
    private short rank, suit;

    private static String[] suits = { "hearts", "spades", "diamonds", "clubs" };
    private static String[] ranks  = { "Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King" };

    public static String rankAsString( int __rank ) {
        return ranks[__rank];

    Card(short suit, short rank)

    public Card(int a, int b) {

    public @Override String toString()
          return ranks[rank] + " of " + suits[suit];

    public short getRank() {
         return rank;

    public short getSuit() {
        return suit;
package Poker_Game;

public class Card
    private short rank, suit;

    private static String[] suits = { "hearts", "spades", "diamonds", "clubs" };
    private static String[] ranks  = { "Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King" };

    public static String rankAsString( int __rank ) {
        return ranks[__rank];

    Card(short suit, short rank)

    public Card(int a, int b) {

    public @Override String toString()
          return ranks[rank] + " of " + suits[suit];

    public short getRank() {
         return rank;

    public short getSuit() {
        return suit;

package Poker_Game;

public class Hand {
    private Card[] cards;
    private int[] value;

    Hand(Deck d)
        value = new int[6];
        cards = new Card[5];
        for (int x=0; x<5; x++)
            cards[x] = d.drawFromDeck(); //fill up cards[] array.
        int[] ranks = new int[14];

        for (int x=0; x<=13; x++)
        ranks[x]=0; //zero the contents of the array

        for (int x=0; x<=4; x++)
        ranks[ cards[x].getRank() ]++; //increment rank array at the index of each card's rank
        int sameCards=1; //we know there will be at least one card of any rank
        int groupRank=0;
        int sameCards1=1,sameCards2=1;            //initialze to 1
        int largeGroupRank=0,smallGroupRank=0;
        for (int x=13; x>=1; x--) //loop going from 13 to 1
                    if ( ranks[x] > sameCards) //If more cards of rank x than sameCards
                        sameCards=ranks[x];    //set sameCards to that number of cards
                        groupRank=x;           //and record the rank of the cards
                     sameCards = ranks[x];
                     largeGroupRank = x;


        for (int x=13; x>=1; x--) //x is rank of cards, ranks[x] is number of cards of that rank
                         if (ranks[x] > sameCards)
                             if (sameCards == 1)  //if sameCards was not assigned to already
                                 largeGroupRank = x;

                             else {
                                 sameCards2 = sameCards; //if sameCards was assigned to, write data from
                                 smallGroupRank = x;          //top group to low group               


                             sameCards = ranks[x];           //update sameCards to new greatest sameCards value in ranks

                         } else if (ranks[x] > sameCards2)
                             sameCards2 = ranks[x];
                             smallGroupRank = x;

                boolean flush=true; //assume there is a flush

                for (int x=0; x<4; x++)
                            if ( cards[x].getSuit() != cards[x+1].getSuit() )

                int topStraightValue=0;
                boolean straight=false;  //assume no straight  

                for (int x=1; x<=9; x++) //can't have straight with lowest value of more than 10
                            if (ranks[x]==1 && ranks[x+1]==1 && ranks[x+2]==1 && ranks[x+3]==1 && ranks[x+4]==1)
                                topStraightValue=x+4; //4 above bottom value

                        if (ranks[10]==1 && ranks[11]==1 && ranks[12]==1 && ranks[13]==1 && ranks[1]==1) //ace high
                            topStraightValue=14; //higher than king

                          int[] orderedRanks = new int[5];

                          int index=0;

                           if (ranks[1]==1) //if ace, run this before because ace is highest card
                                      orderedRanks[index]=14; //record an ace as 14 instead of one, as its the highest card
                                      index++; //increment position

                            for (int x=13; x>=2; x--)
                                      if (ranks[x]==1) //we have already written code to handle the case of their being two cards of the same rank

                          //start hand evaluation
                            if ( sameCards==1 ) {    //if we have no pair...
                                value[0]=1;          //this is the lowest type of hand, so it gets the lowest value
                                value[1]=orderedRanks[0];  //the first determining factor is the highest card,
                                value[2]=orderedRanks[1];  //then the next highest card,
                                value[3]=orderedRanks[2];  //and so on

                    if (sameCards==2 && sameCards2==1) //if 1 pair
                                value[0]=2;                //pair ranked higher than high card
                                value[1]=largeGroupRank;   //rank of pair
                                value[2]=orderedRanks[0];  //next highest cards.

                            if (sameCards==2 && sameCards2==2) //two pair
                                value[1]= largeGroupRank>smallGroupRank ? largeGroupRank : smallGroupRank; //rank of greater pair
                                value[2]= largeGroupRank<smallGroupRank ? largeGroupRank : smallGroupRank; //rank of smaller pair
                                value[3]=orderedRanks[0];  //extra card

                            if (sameCards==3 && sameCards2!=2) //three of a kind (not full house)
                                value[1]= largeGroupRank;

                            if (straight)
                                value[1]=topStraightValue;  //if we have two straights, the one with the highest top cards wins

                            if (flush)   
                                value[1]=orderedRanks[0]; //tie determined by ranks of cards

                            if (sameCards==3 && sameCards2==2)  //full house

                            if (sameCards==4)  //four of a kind

                            if (straight && flush)  //straight flush

    //rest of our code to assign values to the value array goes here

    void displayAll()
        for (int x=0; x<5; x++)
            System.out.println(cards[x]); //calls cards[x].toString()

    int compareTo(Hand that)
        for (int x=0; x<6; x++) //cycle through values
            if (this.value[x]>that.value[x])
                return 1;
            else if (this.value[x]<that.value[x])
                return -1;
        return 0; //if hands are equal
    void display()
        String s;
        switch( value[0] )

            case 1:
                s="high card";
            case 2:
                s="pair of " + Card.rankAsString(value[1]) + "\'s";
            case 3:
                s="two pair " + Card.rankAsString(value[1]) + " " + Card.rankAsString(value[2]);
            case 4:
                s="three of a kind " + Card.rankAsString(value[1]) + "\'s";
            case 5:
                s=Card.rankAsString(value[1]) + " high straight";
            case 6:
            case 7:
                s="full house " + Card.rankAsString(value[1]) + " over " + Card.rankAsString(value[2]);
            case 8:
                s="four of a kind " + Card.rankAsString(value[1]);
            case 9:
                s="straight flush " + Card.rankAsString(value[1]) + " high";
                s="error in Hand.display: value[0] contains invalid value";
        s = "                " + s; //this just moves the output over a little in the console so its easier to see when viewing the output


package Poker_Game;

public class Hand {
    private Card[] cards;
    private int[] value;

    Hand(Deck d)
        value = new int[6];
        cards = new Card[5];
        for (int x=0; x<5; x++)
            cards[x] = d.drawFromDeck(); //fill up cards[] array.
        int[] ranks = new int[14];

        for (int x=0; x<=13; x++)
        ranks[x]=0; //zero the contents of the array

        for (int x=0; x<=4; x++)
        ranks[ cards[x].getRank() ]++; //increment rank array at the index of each card's rank
        int sameCards=1; //we know there will be at least one card of any rank
        int groupRank=0;
        int sameCards1=1,sameCards2=1;            //initialze to 1
        int largeGroupRank=0,smallGroupRank=0;
        for (int x=13; x>=1; x--) //loop going from 13 to 1
                    if ( ranks[x] > sameCards) //If more cards of rank x than sameCards
                        sameCards=ranks[x];    //set sameCards to that number of cards
                        groupRank=x;           //and record the rank of the cards
                     sameCards = ranks[x];
                     largeGroupRank = x;


        for (int x=13; x>=1; x--) //x is rank of cards, ranks[x] is number of cards of that rank
                         if (ranks[x] > sameCards)
                             if (sameCards == 1)  //if sameCards was not assigned to already
                                 largeGroupRank = x;

                             else {
                                 sameCards2 = sameCards; //if sameCards was assigned to, write data from
                                 smallGroupRank = x;          //top group to low group               


                             sameCards = ranks[x];           //update sameCards to new greatest sameCards value in ranks

                         } else if (ranks[x] > sameCards2)
                             sameCards2 = ranks[x];
                             smallGroupRank = x;

                boolean flush=true; //assume there is a flush

                for (int x=0; x<4; x++)
                            if ( cards[x].getSuit() != cards[x+1].getSuit() )

                int topStraightValue=0;
                boolean straight=false;  //assume no straight  

                for (int x=1; x<=9; x++) //can't have straight with lowest value of more than 10
                            if (ranks[x]==1 && ranks[x+1]==1 && ranks[x+2]==1 && ranks[x+3]==1 && ranks[x+4]==1)
                                topStraightValue=x+4; //4 above bottom value

                        if (ranks[10]==1 && ranks[11]==1 && ranks[12]==1 && ranks[13]==1 && ranks[1]==1) //ace high
                            topStraightValue=14; //higher than king

                          int[] orderedRanks = new int[5];

                          int index=0;

                           if (ranks[1]==1) //if ace, run this before because ace is highest card
                                      orderedRanks[index]=14; //record an ace as 14 instead of one, as its the highest card
                                      index++; //increment position

                            for (int x=13; x>=2; x--)
                                      if (ranks[x]==1) //we have already written code to handle the case of their being two cards of the same rank

                          //start hand evaluation
                            if ( sameCards==1 ) {    //if we have no pair...
                                value[0]=1;          //this is the lowest type of hand, so it gets the lowest value
                                value[1]=orderedRanks[0];  //the first determining factor is the highest card,
                                value[2]=orderedRanks[1];  //then the next highest card,
                                value[3]=orderedRanks[2];  //and so on

                    if (sameCards==2 && sameCards2==1) //if 1 pair
                                value[0]=2;                //pair ranked higher than high card
                                value[1]=largeGroupRank;   //rank of pair
                                value[2]=orderedRanks[0];  //next highest cards.

                            if (sameCards==2 && sameCards2==2) //two pair
                                value[1]= largeGroupRank>smallGroupRank ? largeGroupRank : smallGroupRank; //rank of greater pair
                                value[2]= largeGroupRank<smallGroupRank ? largeGroupRank : smallGroupRank; //rank of smaller pair
                                value[3]=orderedRanks[0];  //extra card

                            if (sameCards==3 && sameCards2!=2) //three of a kind (not full house)
                                value[1]= largeGroupRank;

                            if (straight)
                                value[1]=topStraightValue;  //if we have two straights, the one with the highest top cards wins

                            if (flush)   
                                value[1]=orderedRanks[0]; //tie determined by ranks of cards

                            if (sameCards==3 && sameCards2==2)  //full house

                            if (sameCards==4)  //four of a kind

                            if (straight && flush)  //straight flush

    //rest of our code to assign values to the value array goes here

    void displayAll()
        for (int x=0; x<5; x++)
            System.out.println(cards[x]); //calls cards[x].toString()

    int compareTo(Hand that)
        for (int x=0; x<6; x++) //cycle through values
            if (this.value[x]>that.value[x])
                return 1;
            else if (this.value[x]<that.value[x])
                return -1;
        return 0; //if hands are equal
    void display()
        String s;
        switch( value[0] )

            case 1:
                s="high card";
            case 2:
                s="pair of " + Card.rankAsString(value[1]) + "\'s";
            case 3:
                s="two pair " + Card.rankAsString(value[1]) + " " + Card.rankAsString(value[2]);
            case 4:
                s="three of a kind " + Card.rankAsString(value[1]) + "\'s";
            case 5:
                s=Card.rankAsString(value[1]) + " high straight";
            case 6:
            case 7:
                s="full house " + Card.rankAsString(value[1]) + " over " + Card.rankAsString(value[2]);
            case 8:
                s="four of a kind " + Card.rankAsString(value[1]);
            case 9:
                s="straight flush " + Card.rankAsString(value[1]) + " high";
                s="error in Hand.display: value[0] contains invalid value";
        s = "                " + s; //this just moves the output over a little in the console so its easier to see when viewing the output

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2014-11-15 23:30
快速回复:自己做的一个 blackjack 的简易文字模式, 求大神帮忙修改下

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