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标题:MFC 用到 vector 遇到了很多问题不知道怎么改?求帮忙。贴中是 VC++6.0 编译 ...
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MFC 用到 vector 遇到了很多问题不知道怎么改?求帮忙。贴中是 VC++6.0 编译的错误
--------------------Configuration: Test - Win32 Debug--------------------
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(236) : error C2258: illegal pure syntax, must be '= 0'
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(236) : error C2252: '_VBITS' : pure specifier can only be specified for functions
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(238) : error C2934: 'vector<bool,class std::allocator<unsigned int> >' : template-class-id redefined as a nested 'class' of 'vector<_Ty,_A>'
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(560) : error C2804: binary 'operator ==' has too many parameters
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(564) : error C2804: binary 'operator !=' has too many parameters
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(568) : error C2804: binary 'operator <' has too many parameters
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(572) : error C2804: binary 'operator >' has too many parameters
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(576) : error C2804: binary 'operator <=' has too many parameters
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(580) : error C2804: binary 'operator >=' has too many parameters
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(236) : error C2258: illegal pure syntax, must be '= 0'
        d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\activeedgetable.h(29) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *,class std::allocator<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *> >' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(236) : error C2252: '_VBITS' : pure specifier can only be specified for functions
        d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\activeedgetable.h(29) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *,class std::allocator<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *> >' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(238) : error C2934: 'vector<bool,class std::allocator<unsigned int> >' : template-class-id redefined as a nested 'class' of 'vector<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *,class std::allocator<c
lass std::CActiveEdgeTable *> >'
        d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\activeedgetable.h(29) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *,class std::allocator<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *> >' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(560) : error C2804: binary 'operator ==' has too many parameters
        d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\activeedgetable.h(29) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *,class std::allocator<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *> >' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(564) : error C2804: binary 'operator !=' has too many parameters
        d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\activeedgetable.h(29) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *,class std::allocator<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *> >' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(568) : error C2804: binary 'operator <' has too many parameters
        d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\activeedgetable.h(29) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *,class std::allocator<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *> >' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(572) : error C2804: binary 'operator >' has too many parameters
        d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\activeedgetable.h(29) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *,class std::allocator<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *> >' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(576) : error C2804: binary 'operator <=' has too many parameters
        d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\activeedgetable.h(29) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *,class std::allocator<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *> >' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(580) : error C2804: binary 'operator >=' has too many parameters
        d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\activeedgetable.h(29) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *,class std::allocator<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *> >' being compiled
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\ActiveEdgeTable.cpp(28) : error C2039: 'size' : is not a member of 'vector<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *,class std::allocator<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\ActiveEdgeTable.cpp(29) : error C2676: binary '[' : 'class std::vector<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *,class std::allocator<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *> >' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptab
le to the predefined operator
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\ActiveEdgeTable.cpp(41) : error C2039: 'push_back' : is not a member of 'vector<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *,class std::allocator<class std::CActiveEdgeTable *> >'
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(236) : error C2258: illegal pure syntax, must be '= 0'
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(236) : error C2252: '_VBITS' : pure specifier can only be specified for functions
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(238) : error C2934: 'vector<bool,class std::allocator<unsigned int> >' : template-class-id redefined as a nested 'class' of 'vector<_Ty,_A>'
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(560) : error C2804: binary 'operator ==' has too many parameters
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(564) : error C2804: binary 'operator !=' has too many parameters
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(568) : error C2804: binary 'operator <' has too many parameters
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(572) : error C2804: binary 'operator >' has too many parameters
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(576) : error C2804: binary 'operator <=' has too many parameters
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(580) : error C2804: binary 'operator >=' has too many parameters
        f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(584) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<_Ty,_A>' being compiled
f:\编\fill.h(53) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class CLine,class std::allocator<class CLine> >' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(564) : error C2804: binary 'operator !=' has too many parameters
        d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\fill.h(53) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class CLine,class std::allocator<class CLine> >' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(568) : error C2804: binary 'operator <' has too many parameters
        d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\fill.h(53) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class CLine,class std::allocator<class CLine> >' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(572) : error C2804: binary 'operator >' has too many parameters
        d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\fill.h(53) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class CLine,class std::allocator<class CLine> >' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(576) : error C2804: binary 'operator <=' has too many parameters
        d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\fill.h(53) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class CLine,class std::allocator<class CLine> >' being compiled
f:\编程语言工具\c\vc\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\vector(580) : error C2804: binary 'operator >=' has too many parameters
        d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\fill.h(53) : see reference to class template instantiation 'std::vector<class CLine,class std::allocator<class CLine> >' being compiled
d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\fill.h(55) : error C2872: 'std' : ambiguous symbol
d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\fill.h(56) : error C2872: 'std' : ambiguous symbol
d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\fill.h(57) : error C2872: 'std' : ambiguous symbol
d:\program\图形学\cgwork1017\testview.h(118) : error C2872: 'std' : ambiguous symbol
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(224) : error C2039: 'push_back' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(595) : error C2039: 'push_back' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(819) : error C2039: 'size' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(819) : error C2039: 'size' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(823) : error C2039: 'size' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(824) : error C2676: binary '[' : 'class std::vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(825) : error C2039: 'size' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(828) : error C2039: 'clear' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(830) : error C2039: 'size' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(832) : error C2039: 'size' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(833) : error C2039: 'clear' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(838) : error C2039: 'clear' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(845) : error C2039: 'size' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(845) : error C2039: 'size' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(849) : error C2039: 'size' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(850) : error C2676: binary '[' : 'class std::vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(851) : error C2039: 'size' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(854) : error C2039: 'clear' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(856) : error C2039: 'size' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(858) : error C2039: 'size' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(859) : error C2039: 'clear' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(864) : error C2039: 'clear' : is not a member of 'vector<class CPoint,class std::allocator<class CPoint> >'
D:\program\图形学\CGWORK1017\TestView.cpp(864) : fatal error C1003: error count exceeds 100; stopping compilation
Generating Code...
执行 cl.exe 时出错.

Test.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

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2014-05-10 23:43
快速回复:MFC 用到 vector 遇到了很多问题不知道怎么改?求帮忙。贴中是 VC++6. ...

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