抱着侥幸心态去参加了学校的ACM校赛。十一个题。AC了 四道题。难题基本没做出来。
可以做出来的D题被 负数和 空 卡了。就是卡数据了。一直不停的RE和WA。浪费大把时间。
H题的八数码问题 本来用打算用哈希表判重,可是一直卡在这写不对。
Problem H: Can you get it?
Time Limit: 5 Sec Memory Limit: 512 MB
Description Jingkai Wang always ponder over things alone. So, his gay friend Jie Yang, ask him to play a interesting game which called Jiugong Arrangement. This game is very easy, the rules as follow. Gving you the begin status and the end status, you just need to find what is the minimum steps the begin status change to the end status. Surely, you can move Input The first line of input contains only one integer T ( 1 < = T < = 100 ) indicates the test cases, the following T cases. Each test has six lines, the previous three lines indicate the begin status and the next three lines indicate the end status. Output The output only contains one number, indicate the minimum steps from the begin status to the end status. If there is impossible to change the begin status to end status, please output -1. Sample Input 2 123 456 78. 123 .46 758 135 246 78. 467 581 23. Sample Output 3 22
I题 :
Problem I: Love Toys
Time Limit: 2 Sec Memory Limit: 512 MB
Description As the Math King in our ACM team, Tailong Wu want to give his girl-friend a surprise in her birthday. He plans to buy n toys to his girl-friend. The n toys can be made in m toy factories, and each toy factory may spend different time making toys. Each toy only can be made completely in one factory. The production order of these toys can be random. Before the factory finishes one toy , it can’t make others. Now, his girl-friend’s birthday is coming, he wants to get the n toys as soon as possible. Input The input contains multiple test cases; The first line of each test case contains two integers n ( 1 < = n < = 50 ), m ( 1 < = m < = 50 ), the following n lines, each line contains m integers Ci,j indicate the time which the ith spend Ci,j making the toy j. Output The output only contains one float time indicate the minimum average time he can buy the n toys. The result should be rounded to six decimal places. Sample Input 3 4 100 100 100 1 99 99 99 1 98 98 98 1 3 4 1 100 100 100 99 1 99 99 98 98 1 98 3 4 1 100 100 100 1 99 99 99 98 1 98 98 Sample Output 2.000000 1.000000 1.333333