回复 60楼 TonyDeng
CLEAR ALL CLEAR Main() CLEAR ALL RETURN PROCEDURE Main() LOCAL lcFileName, loExcel, lnRow, lnCol, lnIndex, lnRecIndex LOCAL lnFile, laString[1], lcBuffer LOCAL lnMaxRows, lnMaxCols lnMaxRows = 10 lnMaxCols = 4 lcFileName = "工资条.txt" IF !FILE(lcFileName) MESSAGEBOX("文件" + lcFileName + "不存在!", 16, "") RETURN ENDIF lnFile = FOPEN(lcFileName) IF lnFile == -1 MESSAGEBOX("文件" + lcFileName + "打开失败!", 16, "") RETURN ENDIF lnIndex = 0 DO WHILE !FEOF(lnFile) lnIndex = lnIndex + 1 DIMENSION laString[lnIndex] laString[lnIndex] = ALLTRIM(FGETS(lnFile)) ENDDO FCLOSE(lnFile) IF !USED("工资") USE test_prn ALIAS 工资 IN 0 ENDIF lcFileName = Application.DefaultFilePath + "\工资条" IF FILE(lcFileName + ".xls") loFileName = lcFileName + ".xls" DELETE FILE (lcFileName) ELSE IF FILE(lcFileName + ".xlsx") lcFileName = lcFileName + ".xlsx" DELETE FILE (lcFileName) ENDIF ENDIF WAIT "正在启动 Microsoft Excel Application,请稍候……" WINDOW NOWAIT loExcel = CREATEOBJECT("Excel.Application") WAIT "正在生成工资条,请稍候……" WINDOW NOWAIT WITH loExcel .SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1 .Workbooks.Add .WorkSheets(1).Activate lnRecIndex = 0 SELECT 工资 SCAN ALL lnRecIndex = lnRecIndex + 1 lnRow = 1 + (lnRecIndex - 1) * lnMaxRows IF lnRecIndex > 1 .ActiveSheet.Rows(1 + (lnRecIndex - 1) * lnMaxRows).PageBreak = 1 ENDIF FOR lnIndex = 1 TO ALEN(laString, 1) lnCol = 2 lcBuffer = laString[lnIndex] DO WHILE !EMPTY(lcBuffer) LOCAL lcCaption, lcExpression, llBold Get_Expression(Get_Unit(@lcBuffer), @lcCaption, @lcExpression, @llBold) IF EMPTY(lcCaption) .AND. EMPTY(lcExpression) lnCol = lnCol + 1 ENDIF IF !EMPTY(lcExpression) .AND. !Empty(EVALUATE(lcExpression)) IF !EMPTY(lcCaption) WITH .Cells(lnRow + lnIndex, lnCol) .Value = lcCaption .Font.Bold = llBold .HorizontalAlignment = 3 ENDWITH WITH .Cells(lnRow + lnIndex, lnCol + 1) .Value = EVALUATE(lcExpression) .Font.Bold = llBold .HorizontalAlignment = 3 ENDWITH lnCol = lnCol + 2 ELSE WITH .Cells(lnRow + lnIndex, lnCol) .Value = EVALUATE(lcExpression) .Font.Bold = llBold .HorizontalAlignment = 3 ENDWITH lnCol = lnCol + 1 ENDIF IF lnCol > 2 * lnMaxCols lnRow = lnRow + 1 lnCol = 2 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO NEXT ENDSCAN .ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(lcFileName) .Quit ENDWITH RELEASE loExcel WAIT "工资条已生成" WINDOW ENDPROC FUNCTION Get_Unit(tcString) LOCAL lnPos, lcUnit lcUnit = "" IF !EMPTY(tcString) lnPos = AT(",", tcString) IF lnPos > 0 lcUnit = ALLTRIM(LEFT(tcString, lnPos - 1)) tcString = SUBSTR(tcString, lnPos + 1) ELSE lcUnit = ALLTRIM(tcString) tcString = "" ENDIF ENDIF RETURN lcUnit ENDFUNC PROCEDURE Get_Expression(tcString, tcCaption, tcExpression, tlBold) LOCAL lnPos1, lnPos2 tcCaption = "" tcExpression = "" tlBold = ("<B>" $ tcString) lnPos1 = AT("[", tcString) lnPos2 = AT("]", tcString) IF (lnPos1 > 0) .AND. (lnPos2 > 0) tcCaption = ALLTRIM(SUBSTR(tcString, lnPos1 + 1, lnPos2 - lnPos1 - 1)) ENDIF lnPos1 = AT("{", tcString) lnPos2 = AT("}", tcString) IF (lnPos1 > 0) .AND. (lnPos2 > 0) tcExpression = ALLTRIM(SUBSTR(tcString, lnPos1 + 1, lnPos2 - lnPos1 - 1)) ENDIF ENDPROC
CLEAR ALL CLEAR Main() CLEAR ALL RETURN PROCEDURE Main() LOCAL lcFileName, loExcel, lnRow, lnCol, lnIndex, lnRecIndex LOCAL lnFile, laString[1], lcBuffer LOCAL lnMaxRows, lnMaxCols lnMaxRows = 10 lnMaxCols = 4 lcFileName = "工资条.txt" IF !FILE(lcFileName) MESSAGEBOX("文件" + lcFileName + "不存在!", 16, "") RETURN ENDIF lnFile = FOPEN(lcFileName) IF lnFile == -1 MESSAGEBOX("文件" + lcFileName + "打开失败!", 16, "") RETURN ENDIF lnIndex = 0 DO WHILE !FEOF(lnFile) lnIndex = lnIndex + 1 DIMENSION laString[lnIndex] laString[lnIndex] = ALLTRIM(FGETS(lnFile)) ENDDO FCLOSE(lnFile) IF !USED("工资") USE test_prn ALIAS 工资 IN 0 ENDIF lcFileName = Application.DefaultFilePath + "\工资条" IF FILE(lcFileName + ".xls") loFileName = lcFileName + ".xls" DELETE FILE (lcFileName) ELSE IF FILE(lcFileName + ".xlsx") lcFileName = lcFileName + ".xlsx" DELETE FILE (lcFileName) ENDIF ENDIF WAIT "正在启动 Microsoft Excel Application,请稍候……" WINDOW NOWAIT loExcel = CREATEOBJECT("Excel.Application") WAIT "正在生成工资条,请稍候……" WINDOW NOWAIT WITH loExcel .SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1 .Workbooks.Add .WorkSheets(1).Activate lnRecIndex = 0 SELECT 工资 SCAN ALL lnRecIndex = lnRecIndex + 1 lnRow = 1 + (lnRecIndex - 1) * lnMaxRows IF lnRecIndex > 1 .ActiveSheet.Rows(1 + (lnRecIndex - 1) * lnMaxRows).PageBreak = 1 ENDIF FOR lnIndex = 1 TO ALEN(laString, 1) lnCol = 2 lcBuffer = laString[lnIndex] DO WHILE !EMPTY(lcBuffer) LOCAL lcCaption, lcExpression, llBold Get_Expression(Get_Unit(@lcBuffer), @lcCaption, @lcExpression, @llBold) IF lnCol > (2 * lnMaxCols) lnRow = lnRow + 1 lnCol = 2 ENDIF IF EMPTY(lcCaption) .AND. EMPTY(lcExpression) lnCol = lnCol + 1 ENDIF IF !EMPTY(lcExpression) .AND. !Empty(EVALUATE(lcExpression)) IF !EMPTY(lcCaption) WITH .Cells(lnRow + lnIndex, lnCol) .Value = lcCaption IF llBold .Font.Bold = .T. ENDIF .HorizontalAlignment = 3 ENDWITH WITH .Cells(lnRow + lnIndex, lnCol + 1) .Value = TRANSFORM(EVALUATE(lcExpression)) IF llBold .Font.Bold = .T. ENDIF .HorizontalAlignment = 3 ENDWITH lnCol = lnCol + 2 ELSE WITH .Cells(lnRow + lnIndex, lnCol) .Value = TRANSFORM(EVALUATE(lcExpression)) IF llBold .Font.Bold = .T. ENDIF .HorizontalAlignment = 3 ENDWITH lnCol = lnCol + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO NEXT ENDSCAN .ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(lcFileName) .Quit ENDWITH RELEASE loExcel WAIT "工资条已生成" WINDOW ENDPROC FUNCTION Get_Unit(tcString) LOCAL lnPos, lcUnit lcUnit = "" IF !EMPTY(tcString) lnPos = AT(",", tcString) IF lnPos > 0 lcUnit = ALLTRIM(LEFT(tcString, lnPos - 1)) tcString = SUBSTR(tcString, lnPos + 1) ELSE lcUnit = ALLTRIM(tcString) tcString = "" ENDIF ENDIF RETURN lcUnit ENDFUNC PROCEDURE Get_Expression(tcString, tcCaption, tcExpression, tlBold) LOCAL lnPos1, lnPos2 tcCaption = "" tcExpression = "" tlBold = ("<B>" $ tcString) lnPos1 = AT("[", tcString) lnPos2 = AT("]", tcString) IF (lnPos1 > 0) .AND. (lnPos2 > 0) tcCaption = ALLTRIM(SUBSTR(tcString, lnPos1 + 1, lnPos2 - lnPos1 - 1)) ENDIF lnPos1 = AT("{", tcString) lnPos2 = AT("}", tcString) IF (lnPos1 > 0) .AND. (lnPos2 > 0) tcExpression = ALLTRIM(SUBSTR(tcString, lnPos1 + 1, lnPos2 - lnPos1 - 1)) ENDIF ENDPROC