public class test13{ public int i; public String s=""; public test13(){ i=5; s="liyang"; } public static void main(String[] args){ new test13(); System.out.println("i="+i); System.out.println("s="+s); } }
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-08-05 15:43:55编辑过]
1,Test13 is a class, 我建议你用大写来命名
2. i 和 s 是Test13下的private variable(int)/object(String),所以,应该是private int i; private String s;
如果你一定要让它们成为public,那么就必须把它们定义为static: public static int i; public static String s; (although this is very very unusual!! I suggest avoid it) test13();<<这一行我想你是要建立一个instance of the Test13class, 要建立一个instance/obect, 格式是这样的:
ClassName instaceName = new ConstructorName(parameters);
in this case:
Test13 test = new Test13(); //where the name of test can be varied as u want
4.假设你的i 和s都是public,那么根本没有必要来建立一个新的instance test,要print只要System.out.println(i)就可以.可是我觉得你这里的意图是要用建立的Test13的object来call出i 和s,那么,应该是
summary as the following:
public class Test13{ private int i; private String s="";
public Test13(){ i=5; s="liyang"; } public static void main(String[] args){ Test13 test = new Test13(); System.out.println("i="+test.i); System.out.println("s="+test.s); } } //although this progarm works pretty well, but the more general way of doing such thing will be
public class Test13{ private int i; private String s="";
public Test13(){ i=5; s="liyang"; } public int getInt(){ // this is an accessor method which return the value of int i return i; } public String getString(){ // this is an accessor method which returns the String s return s; } public static void main(String[] args){ Test13 test = new Test13(); System.out.println("i="+test.getInt()); System.out.println("s="+test.getString()); } }