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标题:【北京急招】oracle dba通信公司 英语要精通
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来 自:北京
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帖 子:87
注 册:2012-9-7
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【北京急招】oracle dba通信公司 英语要精通
As a member of the delivery team in Beijing , you will be responsible of delivering, administrating and supervising Oracle 10g and 11g RAC databases and My SQl and Postgre SQL Databases.

?          Setting up new Oracle RAC database clusters, including OS (Linux) and SAN/NAS installation and configuration,
?          Performing Oracle, My SQL and Postgre SQL migrations and upgrades,
?          Providing 2nd level support to our clients and 3rd level support to our integrators (24/7 support, with a weekly rotation),
?          Daily reviewing system logs and pro-actively monitoring our clients' production databases,
?          Entering SRs on the Oracle Metalink and following them through to problem resolution,
?          Possibly assisting developers with SQL coding and reviewing their queries,
?          Weekly reporting on activities to company headquarters in Paris .

Required Qualifications
?          3-4years year BS degree from a reputable university
?          Expertise on Oracle RAC databases, preferably OCP
?          Expertise on MySQL and or Postgre SQL
?          A t least two years of hands-on experience with production Oracle RAC databases
?          Practical knowledge of RMAN backup and restore procedures
?          Practical experience of integrating SAN/NAS environments
?          Good knowledge of Linux RedHat and shell scripting
?          Good understanding of written and spoken English
?          A good knowledge of Linux clusters, SAN and PHP would be appreciated

The applicant must be open-minded and a self-reliant individual with a strong sense of team work.
Language Requirements
Chinese mother tongue and good understanding of written and spoken English

MSN: angjing2006@     
E-mail: kongjing@   
Q   Q:1968628416    810674408
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: support including databases 北京 oracle 
2012-11-01 17:28
快速回复:【北京急招】oracle dba通信公司 英语要精通

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