一个打印网卡,network address , network mask 的小程序程序代码:
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pcap.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *dev; /* name of the device to use */ char *net; /* dot notation of the network address*/ char *mask; /* dot notation of the network mask*/ int ret; char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; bpf_u_int32 netp; /* ip */ bpf_u_int32 maskp; /* subnet mask */ struct in_addr addr; /* ask pcap to find a valid device for use to sniff on */ dev = pcap_lookupdev(errbuf); /*error checking */ if(dev == NULL) { printf("%s\n",errbuf); exit(1); } /* print out device name */ printf("DEV: %s\n",dev); /* ask pcap for the network address and mask of the device */ ret = pcap_lookupnet(dev, &netp, &maskp, errbuf); if(ret == -1) { printf("%s\n",errbuf); exit(1); } addr.s_addr = netp; net = inet_ntoa(addr); if(net == NULL) { perror("inet_ntoa"); exit(1); } printf("NET: %s\n",net); addr.s_addr = maskp; mask = inet_ntoa(addr); if(mask == NULL) { perror("inet_ntoa"); exit(1); } printf("MASK: %s\n",mask); return 0; }
$ gcc -lpcap -o capture capture.c
$ sudo ./capture
注一下in_addr 结构体提醒
#include <netinet/in.h>
struct sockaddr_in {
short sin_family; // e.g. AF_INET
unsigned short sin_port; // e.g. htons(3490)
struct in_addr sin_addr; // see struct in_addr, below
char sin_zero[8]; // zero this if you want to
struct in_addr {
unsigned long s_addr; // load with inet_aton()
[ 本帖最后由 madfrogme 于 2012-8-9 21:12 编辑 ]