/* *俄罗斯方块源程序 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <dos.h> #include <graphics.h> /*图形函数库*/ /*定义按键码*/ #define VK_LEFT 0x4b00 #define VK_RIGHT 0x4d00 #define VK_DOWN 0x5000 #define VK_UP 0x4800 #define VK_ESC 0x011b #define TIMER 0x1c /*设置中断号*/ /*定义常量*/ #define MAX_BOX 19 /*总共有19种各形态的方块*/ #define BSIZE 20 /*方块的边长是20个象素*/ #define Sys_x 160 /*显示方块界面的左上角x座标*/ #define Sys_y 25 /*显示方块界面的左上角y座标*/ #define Horizontal_boxs 10 /*水平的方向以方块为单位的长度*/ #define Vertical_boxs 15 /*垂直的方向以方块为单位的长度,也就说长是15个方块*/ #define Begin_boxs_x Horizontal_boxs/2 /*产生第一个方块时出现的起始位置*/ #define FgColor 3 /*前景颜色,如文字.2-green*/ #define BgColor 0 /*背景颜色.0-blac*/ #define LeftWin_x Sys_x+Horizontal_boxs*BSIZE+46 /*右边状态栏的x座标*/ #define false 0 #define true 1 /*移动的方向*/ #define MoveLeft 1 #define MoveRight 2 #define MoveDown 3 #define MoveRoll 4 /*以后坐标的每个方块可以看作是像素点是BSIZE*BSIZE的正方形*/ /*定义全局变量*/ int current_box_numb; /*保存当前方块编号*/ int Curbox_x=Sys_x+Begin_boxs_x*BSIZE,Curbox_y=Sys_y;/*x,y是保存方块的当前坐标的*/ int flag_newbox=false; /*是否要产生新方块的标记0*/ int speed=0; /*下落速度*/ int score=0; /*总分*/ int speed_step=30; /*每等级所需要分数*/ void interrupt (*oldtimer)(void);/* 指向原来时钟中断处理过程入口的中断处理函数指针 */ struct BOARD /*游戏底板结构,表示每个点所具有的属性*/ { int var; /*当前状态 只有0和1,1表示此点已被占用*/ int color; /*颜色,游戏底板的每个点可以拥有不同的颜色.增强美观*/ }Table_board[Vertical_boxs][Horizontal_boxs]; /*方块结构*/ struct SHAPE { char box[2]; /*一个字节等于8位,每4位来表示一个方块的一行 如:box[0]="0x88",box[1]="0xc0"表示的是: 1000 1000 1100 0000*/ int color; /*每个方块的颜色*/ int next; /*下个方块的编号*/ }; /*初始化方块内容.即定义MAX_BOX个SHAPE类型的结构数组,并初始化*/ struct SHAPE shapes[MAX_BOX]= { /* * 口 口口口 口口 口 * 口 口 口 口口口 * 口口 口 */ {0x88, 0xc0, CYAN, 1}, {0xe8, 0x0, CYAN, 2}, {0xc4, 0x40, CYAN, 3}, {0x2e, 0x0, CYAN, 0}, /* * 口 口口 口口口 * 口 口 口 口 * 口口 口口口 口 */ {0x44, 0xc0, MAGENTA, 5}, {0x8e, 0x0, MAGENTA, 6}, {0xc8, 0x80, MAGENTA, 7}, {0xe2, 0x0, MAGENTA, 4}, /* * 口 * 口口 口口 * 口 口口 */ {0x8c, 0x40, YELLOW, 9}, {0x6c, 0x0, YELLOW, 8}, /* * 口 口口 * 口口 口口 * 口 */ {0x4c, 0x80, BROWN, 11}, {0xc6, 0x0, BROWN, 10}, /* * 口 口 口 * 口口口 口口 口口口 口口 * 口 口 口 */ {0x4e, 0x0, WHITE, 13}, {0x8c, 0x80, WHITE, 14}, {0xe4, 0x0, WHITE, 15}, {0x4c, 0x40, WHITE, 12}, /* 口 * 口 * 口 口口口口 * 口 */ {0x88, 0x88, RED, 17}, {0xf0, 0x0, RED, 16}, /* * 口口 * 口口 */ {0xcc, 0x0, BLUE, 18} }; unsigned int TimerCounter=0; /*定时计数器变量*/ /* 新的时钟中断处理函数 */ void interrupt newtimer(void) { (*oldtimer)(); /* call the old routine */ TimerCounter++;/* increase the global counter */ } /* 设置新的时钟中断处理过程 */ void SetTimer(void interrupt(*IntProc)(void)) { oldtimer=getvect(TIMER); /*获取中断号为TIMER的中断处理函数的入口地址*/ disable(); /* 设置新的时钟中断处理过程时,禁止所有中断 */ setvect(TIMER,IntProc); /*将中断号为TIMER的中断处理函数的入口地址改为IntProc()函数的入口地址 即中断发生时,将调用IntProc()函数。*/ enable(); /* 开启中断 */ } /* 恢复原有的时钟中断处理过程 */ void KillTimer() { disable(); setvect(TIMER,oldtimer); enable(); } void show_intro(int xs,int ys) { char stemp[50]; setcolor (15); rectangle(xs,ys,xs+239,ys+100); sprintf(stemp," -Roll -Downwards"); stemp[0]=24; stemp[8]=25; setcolor(14); outtextxy(xs+40,ys+30,stemp); sprintf(stemp," -Turn Left -Turn Right"); stemp[0]=27; stemp[13]=26; outtextxy(xs+40,ys+45,stemp); outtextxy(xs+40,ys+60,"Esc-Exit "); setcolor(FgColor); } /*显示分数*/ void ShowScore(int score) { int x,y; char score_str[5];/*保存游戏得分*/ setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BgColor); x=LeftWin_x; y=100; bar(x-BSIZE,y,x+BSIZE*3,y+BSIZE*3); sprintf(score_str,"%3d",score); outtextxy(x,y,"SCORE"); outtextxy(x,y+10,score_str); } /*显示速度*/ void ShowSpeed(int speed) { int x,y; char speed_str[5];/*保存速度值*/ setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BgColor); x=LeftWin_x; y=150; bar(x-BSIZE,y,x+BSIZE*3,y+BSIZE*3); /*确定一个以(x1,y1)为左上角,(x2,y2)为右下角的矩形窗口, 再按规定图模和颜色填充。*/ sprintf(speed_str,"%3d",speed+1); outtextxy(x,y,"Level"); outtextxy(x,y+10,speed_str); /*输出字符串指针speed_str所指的文本在规定的(x, y)位置*/ outtextxy(x,y+50,"Nextbox"); } /**********初始化界面******* *参数说明: * x,y为左上角坐标 * m,n对应于Vertical_boxs,Horizontal_boxs * 分别表示纵横方向上方块的个数(以方块为单位) * BSIZE Sys_x Sys_y **********************************/ void initialize(int x,int y,int m,int n) { int i,j,oldx; oldx=x; for(j=0;j<n;j++) { for(i=0;i<m;i++) { Table_board[j][i].var=0; Table_board[j][i].color=BgColor; line(x,y,x+BSIZE,y); line(x,y,x,y+BSIZE); line(x,y+BSIZE,x+BSIZE,y+BSIZE); line(x+BSIZE,y,x+BSIZE,y+BSIZE); x+=BSIZE; } y+=BSIZE; x=oldx; } Curbox_x=x; Curbox_y=y;/*x,y是保存方块的当前坐标的*/ flag_newbox=false; /*是否要产生新方块的标记0*/ speed=0; /*下落速度*/ score=0; /*总分*/ ShowScore(score); ShowSpeed(speed); } /* 删除一行满的情况 * 这里的y为具体哪一行为满 */ int DelFullRow(int y) { /*该行游戏板往下移一行*/ int n,top=0; /*top保存的是当前最高点,出现一行全空就表示为最点了,移动是到最高点结束*/ register m,totoal; for(n=y;n>=0;n--)/*从当前行往上看*/ { totoal=0; for(m=0;m<Horizontal_boxs;m++) { if(!Table_board[n][m].var)totoal++; /*没占有方格+1*/ if(Table_board[n][m].var!=Table_board[n-1][m].var) /*上行不等于下行就把上行传给下行 xor关系*/ { Table_board[n][m].var=Table_board[n-1][m].var; Table_board[n][m].color=Table_board[n-1][m].color; } } if(totoal==Horizontal_boxs) /*发现上面有连续的空行提前结束*/ { top=n; break; } } return(top); /*返回最高点*/ } /*找到一行满的情况*/ void setFullRow(int t_boardy) { int n,full_numb=0,top=0; /*top保存的是当前方块的最高点*/ register m; /* t_boardy 口 5 口 6 口口口口口口 7 n 口口口口口口 8 */ for(n=t_boardy+3;n>=t_boardy;n--) { if(n<0 || n>=Vertical_boxs ){continue;} /*超过低线了*/ for(m=0;m<Horizontal_boxs;m++) /*水平的方向*/ { if(!Table_board[n+full_numb][m].var)break; /*发现有一个是空就跳过该行*/ } if(m==Horizontal_boxs) /*找到满行了*/ { if(n==t_boardy+3) /*第一次献给了n,最高的*/ top=DelFullRow(n+full_numb); /*清除游戏板里的该行,并下移数据*/ else DelFullRow(n+full_numb); full_numb++; /*统计找到的行数*/ } } if(full_numb) { int oldx,x=Sys_x,y=BSIZE*top+Sys_y; oldx=x; score=score+full_numb*10; /*加分数*/ /*这里相当于重显调色板*/ for(n=top;n<t_boardy+4;n++) { if(n>=Vertical_boxs)continue; /*超过低线了*/ for(m=0;m<Horizontal_boxs;m++) /*水平的方向*/ { if(Table_board[n][m].var) setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,Table_board[n][m].color);/*Table_board[n][m].color*/ else setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BgColor); bar(x,y,x+BSIZE,y+BSIZE); line(x,y,x+BSIZE,y); line(x,y,x,y+BSIZE); line(x,y+BSIZE,x+BSIZE,y+BSIZE); line(x+BSIZE,y,x+BSIZE,y+BSIZE); x+=BSIZE; } y+=BSIZE; x=oldx; } ShowScore(score); if(speed!=score/speed_step) {speed=score/speed_step; ShowSpeed(speed);} else {ShowSpeed(speed);} } } /* * 将新形状的方块放置在游戏板上,并返回此方块号 */ int MkNextBox(int box_numb) { int mask=128,t_boardx,t_boardy,n,m; t_boardx=(Curbox_x-Sys_x)/BSIZE; t_boardy=(Curbox_y-Sys_y)/BSIZE; for(n=0;n<4;n++) { for(m=0;m<4;m++) { if( ((shapes[current_box_numb].box[n/2]) & mask) ) { Table_board[t_boardy+n][t_boardx+m].var=1;/*这里设置游戏板*/ Table_board[t_boardy+n][t_boardx+m].color=shapes[current_box_numb].color;/*这里设置游戏板*/ } mask=mask/(2); if(mask==0)mask=128; } } setFullRow(t_boardy); Curbox_x=Sys_x+Begin_boxs_x*BSIZE,Curbox_y=Sys_y;/*再次初始化座标*/ if(box_numb==-1) box_numb=rand()%MAX_BOX; current_box_numb=box_numb; flag_newbox=false; return(rand()%MAX_BOX); } /* * 擦除(x,y)位置开始的编号为box_numb的box. */ void EraseBox(int x,int y,int box_numb) { int mask=128,t_boardx,t_boardy,n,m; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BgColor); for(n=0;n<4;n++) { for(m=0;m<4;m++) /*看最左边四个单元*/ { if( ((shapes[box_numb].box[n/2]) & mask) )/*最左边有方块并且当前游戏板也有方块*/ { bar(x+m*BSIZE,y+n*BSIZE,x+m*BSIZE+BSIZE,y+n*BSIZE+BSIZE); line(x+m*BSIZE,y+n*BSIZE,x+m*BSIZE+BSIZE,y+n*BSIZE); line(x+m*BSIZE,y+n*BSIZE,x+m*BSIZE,y+n*BSIZE+BSIZE); line(x+m*BSIZE,y+n*BSIZE+BSIZE,x+m*BSIZE+BSIZE,y+n*BSIZE+BSIZE); line(x+m*BSIZE+BSIZE,y+n*BSIZE,x+m*BSIZE+BSIZE,y+n*BSIZE+BSIZE); } mask=mask/(2); if(mask==0)mask=128; } } } void ErasePreBox(int x,int y,int box_numb) { int mask=128,t_boardx,t_boardy,n,m; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BgColor); for(n=0;n<4;n++) { for(m=0;m<4;m++) /*看最左边四个单元*/ { if( ((shapes[box_numb].box[n/2]) & mask) )/*最左边有方块并且当前游戏板也有方块*/ { bar(x+m*BSIZE,y+n*BSIZE,x+m*BSIZE+BSIZE,y+n*BSIZE+BSIZE); } mask=mask/(2); if(mask==0)mask=128; } } } /* 判断是否可以移动 * x,y为当前方块位置 * box_numb为方块号 * direction 方向标志 * 返回true 和false [color=#0000FF]#define MoveLeft -1 #define MoveRight 1 #define MoveDown 0 [/color]*/ int MoveAble(int x,int y,int box_numb,int direction) { int n,m,t_boardx,t_boardy; /*t_boardx 当前方块最左边在游戏板的位置*/ int mask; if(direction==MoveLeft) /*如果向左移*/ { mask=128; x-=BSIZE; t_boardx=(x-Sys_x)/BSIZE; t_boardy=(y-Sys_y)/BSIZE; for(n=0;n<4;n++) { for(m=0;m<4;m++) /*看最左边四个单元*/ { if((shapes[box_numb].box[n/2]) & mask)/*最左边有方块并且当前游戏板也有方块*/ { if((x+BSIZE*m)<Sys_x)return(false);/*碰到最左边了*/ else if(Table_board[t_boardy+n][t_boardx+m].var) /*左移一个方块后,此4*4的区域与游戏板有冲突*/ { return(false); } } mask=mask/(2); if(mask==0)mask=128; } } return(true); } else if(direction==MoveRight) /*如果向右移*/ { x+=BSIZE; t_boardx=(x-Sys_x)/BSIZE; t_boardy=(y-Sys_y)/BSIZE; mask=128; for(n=0;n<4;n++) { for(m=0;m<4;m++) /*看最右边四个单元*/ { if((shapes[box_numb].box[n/2]) & mask)/*最右边有方块并且当前游戏板也有方块*/ { if((x+BSIZE*m)>=(Sys_x+BSIZE*Horizontal_boxs) )return(false);/*碰到最右边了*/ else if( Table_board[t_boardy+n][t_boardx+m].var) { return(false); } } mask=mask/(2); if(mask==0)mask=128; } } return(true); } else if(direction==MoveDown) /*如果向下移*/ { y+=BSIZE; t_boardx=(x-Sys_x)/BSIZE; t_boardy=(y-Sys_y)/BSIZE; mask=128; for(n=0;n<4;n++) { for(m=0;m<4;m++) /*看最下边四个单元*/ { if((shapes[box_numb].box[n/2]) & mask)/*最下边有方块并且当前游戏板也有方块*/ { if((y+BSIZE*n)>=(Sys_y+BSIZE*Vertical_boxs) || Table_board[t_boardy+n][t_boardx+m].var) { flag_newbox=true; break; } } mask=mask/(2); /*mask依次为:10000000,01000000,00100000,00010000 00001000,00000100,00000010/00000001 */ if(mask==0)mask=128; } } if(flag_newbox) { return(false); } else return(true); } else if(direction==MoveRoll) /*转动*/ { t_boardx=(x-Sys_x)/BSIZE; t_boardy=(y-Sys_y)/BSIZE; mask=128; for(n=0;n<4;n++) { for(m=0;m<4;m++) /*看最下边四个单元*/ { if((shapes[box_numb].box[n/2]) & mask)/*最下边有方块并且当前游戏板也有方块*/ { if((y+BSIZE*n)>=(Sys_y+BSIZE*Vertical_boxs) )return(false);/*碰到最下边了*/ if((x+BSIZE*n)>=(Sys_x+BSIZE*Horizontal_boxs) )return(false);/*碰到最左边了*/ if((x+BSIZE*m)>=(Sys_x+BSIZE*Horizontal_boxs) )return(false);/*碰到最右边了*/ else if( Table_board[t_boardy+n][t_boardx+m].var) { return(false); } } mask=mask/(2); if(mask==0)mask=128; } } return(true); } else { return(false); } } /* *显示指定的方块 */ void show_box(int x,int y,int box_numb,int color) { int i,ii,ls_x=x; if(box_numb<0 || box_numb>=MAX_BOX)/*指定的方块不存在*/ box_numb=MAX_BOX/2; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,color); /********************************* * 移位来判断第哪一位是1 * 方块是每1行用半个字节来表示 * 128d=1000 0000b *********************************/ for(ii=0;ii<2;ii++) { int mask=128; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { if(i%4==0 && i!=0) /*表示转到方块的下一行了*/ { y+=BSIZE; x=ls_x; } if((shapes[box_numb].box[ii])&mask) { bar(x,y,x+BSIZE,y+BSIZE); line(x,y,x+BSIZE,y); line(x,y,x,y+BSIZE); line(x,y+BSIZE,x+BSIZE,y+BSIZE); line(x+BSIZE,y,x+BSIZE,y+BSIZE); } x+=BSIZE; mask/=2; } y+=BSIZE; x=ls_x; } } void main() { int GameOver=0; int key,nextbox; int Currentaction=0;/*标记当前动作状态*/ int gd=VGA,gm=VGAHI,errorcode; initgraph(&gd,&gm,""); errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) { printf("\nNotice:Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("Press any key to quit!"); getch(); exit(1); } setbkcolor(BgColor); setcolor(FgColor); randomize(); SetTimer(newtimer); initialize(Sys_x,Sys_y,Horizontal_boxs,Vertical_boxs);/*初始化*/ nextbox=MkNextBox(-1); show_box(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,current_box_numb,shapes[current_box_numb].color); show_box(LeftWin_x,Curbox_y+200,nextbox,shapes[nextbox].color); show_intro(Sys_x,Curbox_y+320); getch(); while(1) { /* Currentaction=0; flag_newbox=false; 检测是否有按键*/ if (bioskey(1)){key=bioskey(0); } else { key=0; } switch(key) { case VK_LEFT: if(MoveAble(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,current_box_numb,MoveLeft)) {EraseBox(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,current_box_numb);Curbox_x-=BSIZE;Currentaction=MoveLeft;} break; case VK_RIGHT: if(MoveAble(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,current_box_numb,MoveRight)) {EraseBox(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,current_box_numb);Curbox_x+=BSIZE;Currentaction=MoveRight;} break; case VK_DOWN: if(MoveAble(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,current_box_numb,MoveDown)) {EraseBox(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,current_box_numb);Curbox_y+=BSIZE;Currentaction=MoveDown;} else flag_newbox=true; break; case VK_UP:/*旋转方块*/ if(MoveAble(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,shapes[current_box_numb].next,MoveRoll)) {EraseBox(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,current_box_numb);current_box_numb=shapes[current_box_numb].next; Currentaction=MoveRoll; } break; case VK_ESC: GameOver=1; break; default: break; } if(Currentaction) { /*表示当前有动作,移动或转动*/ show_box(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,current_box_numb,shapes[current_box_numb].color); Currentaction=0; } /*按了往下键,但不能下移,就产生新方块*/ if(flag_newbox) { /*这时相当于方块到底部了,把其中出现点满一行的清去,置0*/ ErasePreBox(LeftWin_x,Sys_y+200,nextbox); nextbox=MkNextBox(nextbox); show_box(LeftWin_x,Curbox_y+200,nextbox,shapes[nextbox].color); if(!MoveAble(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,current_box_numb,MoveDown))/*刚一开始,游戏结束*/ { show_box(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,current_box_numb,shapes[current_box_numb].color); GameOver=1; } else { flag_newbox=false; } Currentaction=0; } else /*自由下落*/ { if (Currentaction==MoveDown || TimerCounter> (20-speed*2)) { if(MoveAble(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,current_box_numb,MoveDown)) { EraseBox(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,current_box_numb);Curbox_y+=BSIZE; show_box(Curbox_x,Curbox_y,current_box_numb,shapes[current_box_numb].color); } TimerCounter=0; } } if(GameOver )/*|| flag_newbox==-1*/ { printf("game over,thank you! your score is %d",score); getch(); break; } } getch(); KillTimer(); closegraph(); }存在错误。
#include <stdio.h> #include <bios.h> #include <dos.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define true 1 #define false 0 #define BoardWidth 12 #define BoardHeight 23 #define _INNER_HELPER /*inner helper method */ /*Scan Codes Define*/ enum KEYCODES { K_ESC =0x011b, K_UP =0x4800, /* upward arrow */ K_LEFT =0x4b00, K_DOWN =0x5000, K_RIGHT =0x4d00, K_SPACE =0x3920, K_P =0x1970 }; /* the data structure of the block */ typedef struct tagBlock { char c[4][4]; /* cell fill info array, 0-empty, 1-filled */ int x; /* block position cx [ 0,BoardWidht -1] */ int y; /* block position cy [-4,BoardHeight-1] */ char color; /* block color */ char size; /* block max size in width or height */ char name; /* block name (the block's shape) */ } Block; /* game's global info */ int FrameTime= 1300; int CellSize= 18; int BoardLeft= 30; int BoardTop= 30; /* next block grid */ int NBBoardLeft= 300; int NBBoardTop= 30; int NBCellSize= 10; /* score board position */ int ScoreBoardLeft= 300; int ScoreBoardTop=100; int ScoreBoardWidth=200; int ScoreBoardHeight=35; int ScoreColor=LIGHTCYAN; /* infor text postion */ int InfoLeft=300; int InfoTop=200; int InfoColor=YELLOW; int BorderColor=DARKGRAY; int BkGndColor=BLACK; int GameRunning=true; int TopLine=BoardHeight-1; /* top empty line */ int TotalScore=100; char info_score[20]; char info_help[255]; char info_common[255]; /* our board, Board[x][y][0]-isFilled, Board[x][y][1]-fillColor */ unsigned char Board[BoardWidth][BoardHeight][2]; char BufferCells[4][4]; /* used to judge if can rotate block */ Block curBlock; /* current moving block */ Block nextBlock; /* next Block to appear */ /* function list */ int GetKeyCode(); int CanMove(int dx,int dy); int CanRotate(); int RotateBlock(Block *block); int MoveBlock(Block *block,int dx,int dy); void DrawBlock(Block *block,int,int,int); void EraseBlock(Block *block,int,int,int); void DisplayScore(); void DisplayInfo(char* text); void GenerateBlock(Block *block); void NextBlock(); void InitGame(); int PauseGame(); void QuitGame(); /*Get Key Code */ int _INNER_HELPER GetKeyCode() { int key=0; if(bioskey(1)) { key=bioskey(0); } return key; } /* display text! */ void _INNER_HELPER DisplayInfo(char *text) { setcolor(BkGndColor); outtextxy(InfoLeft,InfoTop,info_common); strcpy(info_common,text); setcolor(InfoColor); outtextxy(InfoLeft,InfoTop,info_common); } /* create a new block by key number, * the block anchor to the top-left corner of 4*4 cells */ void _INNER_HELPER GenerateBlock(Block *block) { int key=(random(13)*random(17)+random(1000)+random(3000))%7; block->size=3;/* because most blocks' size=3 */ memset(block->c,0,16); switch(key) { case 0: block->name='T'; block->color=RED; block->c[1][0]=1; block->c[1][1]=1, block->c[2][1]=1; block->c[1][2]=1; break; case 1: block->name='L'; block->color=YELLOW; block->c[1][0]=1; block->c[1][1]=1; block->c[1][2]=1, block->c[2][2]=1; break; case 2: block->name='J'; block->color=LIGHTGRAY; block->c[1][0]=1; block->c[1][1]=1; block->c[1][2]=1, block->c[0][2]=1; break; case 3: block->name='z'; block->color=CYAN; block->c[0][0]=1, block->c[1][0]=1; block->c[1][1]=1, block->c[2][1]=1; break; case 4: block->name='5'; block->color=LIGHTBLUE; block->c[1][0]=1, block->c[2][0]=1; block->c[0][1]=1, block->c[1][1]=1; break; case 5: block->name='o'; block->color=BLUE; block->size=2; block->c[0][0]=1, block->c[1][0]=1; block->c[0][1]=1, block->c[1][1]=1; break; case 6: block->name='I'; block->color=GREEN; block->size=4; block->c[1][0]=1; block->c[1][1]=1; block->c[1][2]=1; block->c[1][3]=1; break; } } /* get next block! */ void NextBlock() { /* copy the nextBlock to curBlock */ curBlock.size=nextBlock.size; curBlock.color=nextBlock.color; curBlock.x=(BoardWidth-4)/2; curBlock.y=-curBlock.size; memcpy(curBlock.c,nextBlock.c,16); /* generate nextBlock and show it */ EraseBlock(&nextBlock,NBBoardLeft,NBBoardTop,NBCellSize); GenerateBlock(&nextBlock); nextBlock.x=1,nextBlock.y=0; DrawBlock(&nextBlock,NBBoardLeft,NBBoardTop,NBCellSize); } /* rotate the block, update the block struct data */ int _INNER_HELPER RotateCells(char c[4][4],char blockSize) { char temp,i,j; switch(blockSize) { case 3: temp=c[0][0]; c[0][0]=c[2][0], c[2][0]=c[2][2], c[2][2]=c[0][2], c[0][2]=temp; temp=c[0][1]; c[0][1]=c[1][0], c[1][0]=c[2][1], c[2][1]=c[1][2], c[1][2]=temp; break; case 4: /* only 'I' block arived here! */ c[1][0]=1-c[1][0], c[1][2]=1-c[1][2], c[1][3]=1-c[1][3]; c[0][1]=1-c[0][1], c[2][1]=1-c[2][1], c[3][1]=1-c[3][1]; break; } } /* judge if the block can move toward the direction */ int CanMove(int dx,int dy) { int i,j,tempX,tempY; for(i=0;i<curBlock.size;i++) { for(j=0;j<curBlock.size;j++) { if(curBlock.c[i][j]) { /* cannot move leftward or rightward */ tempX = curBlock.x + i + dx; if(tempX<0 || tempX>(BoardWidth-1)) return false; /* make sure x is valid! */ /* cannot move downward */ tempY = curBlock.y + j + dy; if(tempY>(BoardHeight-1)) return false; /* y is only checked lower bound, maybe negative!!!! */ /* the cell already filled, we must check Y's upper bound before check cell ! */ if(tempY>=0 && Board[tempX][tempY][0]) return false; } } } return true; } /* judge if the block can rotate */ int CanRotate() { int i,j,tempX,tempY; /* update buffer */ memcpy(BufferCells, curBlock.c, 16); RotateCells(BufferCells,curBlock.size); for(i=0;i<curBlock.size;i++) { for(j=0;j<curBlock.size;j++) { if(BufferCells[i][j]) { tempX=curBlock.x+i; tempY=curBlock.y+j; if(tempX<0 || tempX>(BoardWidth-1)) return false; if(tempY>(BoardHeight-1)) return false; if(tempY>=0 && Board[tempX][tempY][0]) return false; } } } return true; } /* draw the block */ void _INNER_HELPER DrawBlock(Block *block,int bdLeft,int bdTop,int cellSize) { int i,j; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,block->color); for(i=0;i<block->size;i++) { for(j=0;j<block->size;j++) { if(block->c[i][j] && (block->y+j)>=0) { floodfill( bdLeft+cellSize*(i+block->x)+cellSize/2, bdTop+cellSize*(j+block->y)+cellSize/2, BorderColor); } } } } /* Rotate the block, if success, return true */ int RotateBlock(Block *block) { char temp,i,j; int b_success; if(block->size==2) return true; if(( b_success=CanRotate())) { EraseBlock(block,BoardLeft,BoardTop,CellSize); memcpy(curBlock.c,BufferCells,16); DrawBlock(block,BoardLeft,BoardTop,CellSize); } return b_success; } /* erase a block, only fill the filled cell with background color */ void _INNER_HELPER EraseBlock(Block *block,int bdLeft,int bdTop,int cellSize) { int i,j; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BkGndColor); for(i=0;i<block->size;i++) { for(j=0;j<block->size;j++) { if(block->c[i][j] && (block->y+j>=0)) { floodfill( bdLeft+cellSize*(i+block->x)+cellSize/2, bdTop+cellSize*(j+block->y)+cellSize/2, BorderColor); } } } } /* move by the direction if can, donothing if cannot * return value: true - success, false - cannot move toward this direction */ int MoveBlock(Block *block,int dx,int dy) { int b_canmove=CanMove(dx,dy); if(b_canmove) { EraseBlock(block,BoardLeft,BoardTop,CellSize); curBlock.x+=dx; curBlock.y+=dy; DrawBlock(block,BoardLeft,BoardTop,CellSize); } return b_canmove; } /* drop the block to the bottom! */ int DropBlock(Block *block) { EraseBlock(block,BoardLeft,BoardTop,CellSize); while(CanMove(0,1)) { curBlock.y++; } DrawBlock(block,BoardLeft,BoardTop,CellSize); return 0;/* return value is assign to the block's alive */ } /* init the graphics mode, draw the board grid */ void InitGame() { int i,j,gdriver=DETECT,gmode; struct time sysTime; /* draw board cells */ memset(Board,0,BoardWidth*BoardHeight*2); memset(nextBlock.c,0,16); strcpy(info_help,"P: Pause Game. --by hoodlum1980"); initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,""); setcolor(BorderColor); for(i=0;i<=BoardWidth;i++) { line(BoardLeft+i*CellSize, BoardTop, BoardLeft+i*CellSize, BoardTop+ BoardHeight*CellSize); } for(i=0;i<=BoardHeight;i++) { line(BoardLeft, BoardTop+i*CellSize, BoardLeft+BoardWidth*CellSize, BoardTop+ i*CellSize); } /* draw board outer border rect */ rectangle(BoardLeft-CellSize/4, BoardTop-CellSize/4, BoardLeft+BoardWidth*CellSize+CellSize/4, BoardTop+BoardHeight*CellSize+CellSize/4); /* draw next block grids */ for(i=0;i<=4;i++) { line(NBBoardLeft+i*NBCellSize, NBBoardTop, NBBoardLeft+i*NBCellSize, NBBoardTop+4*NBCellSize); line(NBBoardLeft, NBBoardTop+i*NBCellSize, NBBoardLeft+4*NBCellSize, NBBoardTop+ i*NBCellSize); } /* draw score rect */ rectangle(ScoreBoardLeft,ScoreBoardTop,ScoreBoardLeft+ScoreBoardWidth,ScoreBoardTop+ScoreBoardHeight); DisplayScore(); /* set new seed! */ gettime(&sysTime); srand(sysTime.ti_hour*3600+sysTime.ti_min*60+sysTime.ti_sec); GenerateBlock(&nextBlock); NextBlock(); /* create first block */ setcolor(DARKGRAY); outtextxy(InfoLeft,InfoTop+20,"Up -rotate Space-drop"); outtextxy(InfoLeft,InfoTop+35,"Left-left Right-right"); outtextxy(InfoLeft,InfoTop+50,"Esc -exit"); DisplayInfo(info_help); } /* set the isFilled and fillcolor data to the board */ void _INNER_HELPER FillBoardData() { int i,j; for(i=0;i<curBlock.size;i++) { for(j=0;j<curBlock.size;j++) { if(curBlock.c[i][j] && (curBlock.y+j)>=0) { Board[curBlock.x+i][curBlock.y+j][0]=1; Board[curBlock.x+i][curBlock.y+j][1]=curBlock.color; } } } } /* draw one line of the board */ void _INNER_HELPER PaintBoard() { int i,j,fillcolor; for(j=max((TopLine-4),0);j<BoardHeight;j++) { for(i=0;i<BoardWidth;i++) { fillcolor=Board[i][j][0]? Board[i][j][1]:BkGndColor; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,fillcolor); floodfill(BoardLeft+i*CellSize+CellSize/2,BoardTop+j*CellSize+CellSize/2,BorderColor); } } } /* check if one line if filled full and increase the totalScore! */ void _INNER_HELPER CheckBoard() { int i,j,k,score=10,sum=0,topy,lines=0; /* we find the top empty line! */ j=topy=BoardHeight-1; do { sum=0; for(i=0;i< BoardWidth; i++) { sum+=Board[i][topy][0]; } topy--; } while(sum>0 && topy>0); /* remove the full filled line (max remove lines count = 4) */ do { sum=0; for(i=0;i< BoardWidth; i++) sum+=Board[i][j][0]; if(sum==BoardWidth)/* we find this line is full filled, remove it! */ { /* move the cells data down one line */ for(k=j; k > topy;k--) { for(i=0;i<BoardWidth;i++) { Board[i][k][0]=Board[i][k-1][0]; Board[i][k][1]=Board[i][k-1][1]; } } /*make the top line empty! */ for(i=0;i<BoardWidth;i++) { Board[i][topy][0]=0; Board[i][topy][1]=0; } topy++; /* move the topline downward one line! */ lines++; /* lines <=4 */ TotalScore+=score; score*=2; /* adding: 10, 30, 70, 150 */ } else j--; } while(sum>0 && j>topy && lines<4); /* speed up the game when score is high, minimum is 400 */ FrameTime=max(1200-100*(TotalScore/200), 400); TopLine=topy;/* update the top line */ /* if no lines remove, only add 1: */ if(lines==0) TotalScore++; } /* display the score */ void _INNER_HELPER DisplayScore() { setcolor(BkGndColor); outtextxy(ScoreBoardLeft+5,ScoreBoardTop+5,info_score); setcolor(ScoreColor); sprintf(info_score,"Score: %d",TotalScore); outtextxy(ScoreBoardLeft+5,ScoreBoardTop+5,info_score); } /* we call this function when a block is inactive. */ void UpdateBoard() { FillBoardData(); CheckBoard(); PaintBoard(); DisplayScore(); } /* pause the game, and timer handler stop move down the block! */ int PauseGame() { int key=0; DisplayInfo("Press P to Start or Resume!"); while(key!=K_P && key!=K_ESC) { while(!(key=GetKeyCode())){} } DisplayInfo(info_help); return key; } /* quit the game and do cleaning work. */ void QuitGame() { closegraph(); } /* the entry point function. */ void main() { int i,flag=1,j,key=0,tick=0; InitGame(); if(PauseGame()==K_ESC) goto GameOver; /* wait until a key pressed */ while(key!=K_ESC) { /* wait until a key pressed */ while(!(key=GetKeyCode())) { tick++; if(tick>=FrameTime) { /* our block has dead! (can't move down), we get next block */ if(!MoveBlock(&curBlock,0,1)) { UpdateBoard(); NextBlock(); if(!CanMove(0,1)) goto GameOver; } tick=0; } delay(100); } switch(key) { case K_LEFT: MoveBlock(&curBlock,-1,0); break; case K_RIGHT: MoveBlock(&curBlock,1,0); break; case K_DOWN: MoveBlock(&curBlock,0,1); break; case K_UP: RotateBlock(&curBlock); break; case K_SPACE: DropBlock(&curBlock); break; case K_P: PauseGame(); break; } } GameOver: DisplayInfo("GAME OVER! Press any key to exit!"); getch(); /* wait the user Press any key. */ QuitGame(); }