请教duck type的详细信息
我是学C#的,老师突然问道关于Python的一片外文中的duck type结果半天没有答上来。忘大神不吝赐教
definition: duck typing is a humorous way of describing the type non-checking system. initially coined by Dave Thomas in the Ruby community, its premise is that (referring to a value) "if it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, then it is a duck."
Even though Boo is a statically typed language, Duck Typing is a way to fake being a dynamic language. Duck typing allows variables to be recognized at runtime, instead of compile time. Though this can add a sense of simplicity, it does remove a large security barrier.
d as duck
d = 5 // 现在d是一个整型
print d
d += 100 // 能够做任何整型允许的操作
d = "hello" // 现在d变成了字符串类型了
print d
d = d.ToUpper() // 可以执行任何字符串操作了
print d