/* *优先队列实现哈夫曼树:哈夫曼树外部结点的个数为m,内部结点为m-1,所以总结点树为2m-1 */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MAX_PQ_SIZE 100 #define MAX_NUM 6 /*Haffuman tree data type define*/ struct HtNode /*哈夫曼树结点的结构*/ { int ww; /*以该结点为根的子树中所有外部结点的加权和*/ int parent,llink,rlink; }; struct HtTree /*哈夫曼树结构*/ { int m; /*外部结点的个数*/ int root; /*哈夫曼树根在数组中的下标*/ struct HtNode *ht; /*存放2*m-1个结点的数组*/ }; typedef struct HtTree *PHtTree; typedef struct HtNode* element_type; /*Priority tree datatype define*/ struct heap_struct { /*Maximum # that can fit in the heap*/ unsigned int max_heap_size; /*Crurrent # of elements in the head*/ unsigned int size; element_type *elements; }; typedef struct heap_struct*PRIORITY_QUEUE; PRIORITY_QUEUE create_pq(unsigned int max_elements) { PRIORITY_QUEUE H; if(max_elements>MAX_PQ_SIZE) { printf("Priority queue size is too large\n"); return NULL; } H=(PRIORITY_QUEUE)malloc(sizeof(struct heap_struct)); if(NULL==H) { printf("Out of space!\n"); return NULL; } /*Allocate the array + one extra for sentinel*/ H->elements=(element_type*)malloc((max_elements+1)*sizeof(element_type)); if(NULL==H->elements) { printf("Out of space!\n"); free(H); return NULL; } H->max_heap_size=max_elements; H->size=0; H->elements[0]=NULL; return H; } bool isEmptyPriorityQueue(PRIORITY_QUEUE H) { return H->size==0; } /*H->elements[0] is a sentinel*/ void enQueue(element_type x,PRIORITY_QUEUE H) { unsigned int i; if(H->size==H->max_heap_size) printf("Priority queue is full\n"); else { i=++H->size; /*the position of new element*/ while((i/2)!=0)/*compare with the value of the parent node*/ { if((*(H->elements[i/2])).ww>(*x).ww)/*通过间接访问运算与父结点的值进行比较*/ { H->elements[i]=H->elements[i/2];/*swap down*/ i=i/2; } else break; H->elements[0]=x; /*the final position*/ } } } element_type deQueue(PRIORITY_QUEUE H) { unsigned int i,child; element_type min_element,last_element; if(0==H->size) { printf("Priority queue if empty\n"); return H->elements[0]; } min_element=H->elements[1]; last_element=H->elements[H->size--]; for(i=1;i*2<=H->size;i=child) { /*find smaller child*/ child=i*2; if((child!=H->size)&&((*H->elements[child+1]).ww<(*H->elements[child]).ww)) child++; /*percolate one level*/ if((*last_element).ww>(*H->elements[child]).ww) H->elements[i]=H->elements[child];/*child move up*/ else break;/*is the smallest*/ } H->elements[i]=last_element;/*set here*/ return min_element; } element_type topPriorityQueue(PRIORITY_QUEUE H) { if(isEmptyPriorityQueue(H)) { printf("Priority queue is empty!\n"); return H->elements[0]; } else return H->elements[1]; } PHtTree huffman(int m,int *w)/*构造具有m个外部结点的哈夫曼树*/ { PHtTree pht;/*declare a pointer to Huffman tree*/ PRIORITY_QUEUE pq;/*declare a pointer to priority queue*/ int i,m1,m2; struct HtNode x1,x2;/*two pointer of HtNode*/ pht=(PHtTree)malloc(sizeof(struct HtTree)); if(NULL==pht) { printf("Out of space!\n"); return pht; } pht->ht=(struct HtNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct HtNode)*(2*m-1)); if(NULL==pht) { printf("Out of space!\n"); return pht; } for(i=0;i<2*m-1;i++)/*the array(ht) initializtion*/ { pht->ht[i].llink=-1; pht->ht[i].rlink=-1; pht->ht[i].parent=-1; if(i<m) pht->ht[i].ww=w[i]; else pht->ht[i].ww=-1; } pq=create_pq(MAX_NUM);/*分配优先队列空间 */ for(i=0;i<m;i++) { enQueue(pht->ht+i,pq);/*注意:是将结点的地址加入优先队列*/ } for(i=0;i<m-1;i++)/*需要构造m-1个内部结点*/ { x1=NULL; x2=NULL; x1=topPriorityQueue(pq);/* 从优先队列里找两个最小权的无父结点的结点,存放在x1,x2中 */ x2=topPriorityQueue(pq); pht->x1->parent=m+i;/*填入指向父节点的下标信息*/ pht->x2->parent=m+i; pht->ht[m+i].ww=m1+m2; /*填入父节点的权重*/ pht->ht[m+i].llink=x1;/*填入父节点的左右儿子字段信息*/ pht->ht[m+i].rlink=x2; enQueue(pht->ht+m+i.pq);/*将新构造的节点的地址插入优先队列*/ } pht->root=2*m-2;/*指向根节点*/ for(i=2*m-2;i>=0;i--)/*print Huffman tree*/ printf("No.%2d,value =%3d,lLink =%2d,rLink =%2d,parent =%2d\n",i,pht->ht[i].ww,pht->ht[i].llink,pht->ht[i].rlink,pht->ht[i].parent); return pht; } int main() { int weight[MAX_NUM]={12,3,56,7,8,32}; huffman(MAX_NUM,weight); return 0; }