SET Column_Name1= eExpression1 [, Column_Name2 = eExpression2 ...]
Specifies the columns in the table to update and their new values. If you omit the WHERE clause, every row in the table is updated with the same value.
If you want to use an object property in an expression, you need to specify a memory variable and then use that variable in the expression. For example, you can specify x = oColField("iid").Value and then use the SET clause set iid = x in your UPDATE - SQL command. If you use the object property, that is objectname.property, directly in the expression, the command uses it as an alias and fails.
You can include one subquery in the SET clause to specify an expression. If the subquery does not return any results, it returns NULL. For syntax and information about subqueries, see SELECT - SQL Command - FROM Clause.