(Bundled) cc: warning 480: The -A option is available only with the C/ANSI C product; ignored.(Bundled) cc: warning 480: The -g option is available only with the C/ANSI C product; ignored.
" ignored.cc: warning 422: Unknown option "
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 188: error 1000: Unexpected symbol:
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 188: error 1705: Function prototypes are an ANSI feature.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 188: error 1573: Type of "size_t" is undefined due to an illegal declaration.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 189: error 1705: Function prototypes are an ANSI feature.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 190: error 1705: Function prototypes are an ANSI feature.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 191: error 1705: Function prototypes are an ANSI feature.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 192: error 1000: Unexpected symbol:
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 192: error 1705: Function prototypes are an ANSI feature.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 192: error 1573: Type of "size_t" is undefined due to an illegal declaration.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 193: error 1000: Unexpected symbol:
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 194: warning 5: "const" will become a keyword.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 193: error 1705: Function prototypes are an ANSI feature.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 193: error 1573: Type of "size_t" is undefined due to an illegal declaration.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 194: error 1000: Unexpected symbol:
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 194: error 1705: Function prototypes are an ANSI feature.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 195: warning 5: "const" will become a keyword.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 195: error 1000: Unexpected symbol:
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 195: error 1705: Function prototypes are an ANSI feature.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 328: error 1705: Function prototypes are an ANSI feature.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 329: warning 5: "const" will become a keyword.
(Bundled) cc: "msxeditd.c", line 329: error 1000: Unexpected symbol: "char".
(Bundled) cc: error 2017: Cannot recover from earlier errors, terminating.