回复 10楼 muyubo
把你的QQ留下,我给你发截图,说的自习些!我的QQ 835860898
CLEAR ALL CLOSE DATABASES ALL SET EXCLUSIVE ON Main() RETURN PROCEDURE Main() LOCAL frm_Main AS Form frm_Main = CREATEOBJECT("_Main") frm_Main.Show READ EVENTS ENDPROC DEFINE CLASS _Main AS Form Caption = "論壇作業" Width = 600 Height = 400 AutoCenter = .T. ShowTips = .T. ADD OBJECT grd_Data AS Grid ADD OBJECT cmd_Adjust AS CommandButton WITH Caption = "調整價格", Height = 25, Width = 80, ToolTipText = "等級1調升10.0" + CHR(13)+CHR(10) + "等級2調升5.0" PROCEDURE Load USE cpjg IN 0 ENDPROC PROCEDURE Unload USE IN cpjg ENDPROC PROCEDURE Destroy CLEAR EVENTS ENDPROC PROCEDURE Activate ThisForm.Arrange ENDPROC PROCEDURE Resize ThisForm.Arrange ENDPROC PROCEDURE Arrange WITH ThisForm.cmd_Adjust .Top = ThisForm.Height - .Height - 5 .Left = 20 ENDWITH WITH ThisForm.grd_Data .Top = 0 .Left = 5 .Height = ThisForm.cmd_Adjust.Top - .Top - 5 .Width = ThisForm.Width - .Left - 5 ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE grd_Data.Init LOCAL aList[FCOUNT("cpjg")] LOCAL nIndex AS Integer aList[1] = "代碼" aList[2] = "品名" aList[3] = "等級" aList[4] = "價格" WITH ThisForm.grd_Data .DeleteMark = .F. .RecordMark = .F. .HighlightStyle = 2 .RecordSourceType = 1 .RecordSource = "cpjg" .ReadOnly = .T. .ColumnCount = FCOUNT("cpjg") FOR nIndex = 1 TO .ColumnCount .Columns(nIndex).ControlSource = "cpjg." + FIELD(nIndex, "cpjg") WITH .Columns(nIndex).Header1 .Caption = aList[nIndex] .Alignment = 2 .FontBold = .T. ENDWITH NEXT .Columns(3).InputMask = "999.99" .Columns(4).InputMask = "999.99" ENDWITH ENDPROC PROCEDURE cmd_Adjust.Click LOCAL nCurrentRecord AS Integer, nValue AS Currency SELECT cpjg nCurrentRecord = RECNO("cpjg") SCAN ALL DO CASE CASE cpjg.c03 == 1 nValue = 10.0 CASE cpjg.c03 == 2 nValue = 5.0 ENDCASE REPLACE cpjg.c04 WITH cpjg.c04 + nValue ENDSCAN GOTO nCurrentRecord IN cpjg ThisForm.grd_Data.Refresh ENDPROC ENDDEFINE
[ 本帖最后由 TonyDeng 于 2011-6-28 08:11 编辑 ]