#include<stdio.h> #include<malloc.h> struct Node { char Data; struct Node *next; struct Node *pre; }; struct Node *First; //链表头指针 struct Node *Rear; //链表尾指针 struct Node *Creat(); //创建新节点 void InsertFront(); //在链表头部插入新节点 void InsertMide(); //在链表中部插入新节点 void InsertRear(); //在链表尾部插入新节点 void PrintFront(); //从头部输出链表 void PrintRear(); //从尾部输出链表 void DelFront(); //在链表头部删除一个节点 void DelMide(); //在链表中删除一个节点 void DelRear(); //在链表尾部删除一个节点 int n; //全局变量 //--------------------------------------------------------- void main() { int i=1,j; printf("Please input the character for creating a linklist!\n"); printf("--------------------------------------------------\n"); First=Creat(); PrintFront(); while(1) { printf("\nPlease choose the operation: \n"); printf(" 1. Insert a character at front\n"); printf(" 2. Insert a character at Middle\n"); printf(" 3. Insert a character at rear \n"); printf(" 4. Delete a character at front\n"); printf(" 5. Delete a character at Middle\n"); printf(" 6. Delete a character at rear \n"); printf(" 7. Output the linklist at rear\n"); printf(" 0. Exit \n"); scanf("%d",&j); if(j==1) InsertFront(); else if(j==2) InsertMide(); else if(j==3) InsertRear(); else if(j==4) DelFront(); else if(j==6) DelRear(); else if(j==7) PrintRear(); else if(j==5) DelMide(); else break; } } //-------------------------------------------------------- struct Node *Creat() { struct Node *head; struct Node *p1,*p2; n=0; p1=p2=(struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); p1->next=p1->pre=NULL; printf("Please input the character:"); scanf("%c",&p1->Data); if(p1->Data=='\n') {head=NULL; return (head);} else{ while(p1->Data!='\n') { n=n+1; if(n==1) head=p2=p1; else { p2->next=p1; p1->pre=p2; } p1->next=NULL; p2=p1; p1=(struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); scanf("%c",&p1->Data); } Rear=p2;} return (head); } //---------------------------------------------------- void InsertFront() { struct Node *p,*s; int k=1; getchar(); while(k) { p=First; s=(struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); printf("Please input a new character:"); scanf("%c",&s->Data); if(!First) { First=Rear=s; First->next=First->pre=NULL; } else { s->next=p; s->pre=NULL; p->pre=s; First=s; } PrintFront(); printf("Are you want to continue(Y/N)?:"); if(getchar()=='Y'||getchar()=='y') k=1; else k=0; getchar(); } } //------------------------------------------------------- /*函数void InsertMide()在执行过程中有一个问题 就是当链表中元素出现重复,而要插入的位置恰好 在该元素前面时,链表中有一些元素会消失掉,若 各个元素不一样,或插入位置不再重复元素的前面 则程序运行正确,经过反复调试,目前还没有解决 该问题。 2011-5-6*/ void InsertMide() { struct Node *p,*s,*p1; int k=1; char x; getchar(); while(k) { p=First; printf("Please choose the character you want to insert before:"); scanf("%c",&x); s=(struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); printf("Please input a new character:"); getchar(); scanf("%c",&s->Data); while(p!=NULL&&p!=Rear) { p1=p->pre; if(p->Data==x) { if(p==First) { p1=s; p->pre=s; s->next=p; First=s; First->pre=NULL; } else { p1->next=s; s->pre=p1; p->pre=s; s->next=p; } } p1=p; p=p->next; } if(p==Rear) { if(p->Data==x) { p1->next=s; s->pre=p1; s->next=p; p->pre=s; Rear=p; Rear->next=NULL; } } PrintFront(); printf("Are you want to continue(Y/N)?:"); if(getchar()=='Y'||getchar()=='y') k=1; else k=0; getchar(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------- void InsertRear() { struct Node *p,*s; int k=1; getchar(); while(k) { p=Rear; s=(struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); printf("Please input a new character:"); scanf("%c",&s->Data); if(!Rear) { First=Rear=s; Rear->pre=Rear->next=NULL; } else { s->next=NULL; s->pre=Rear; p->next=s; Rear=s; } PrintFront(); printf("Are you want to continue(Y/N)?:"); if(getchar()=='Y'||getchar()=='y') k=1; else k=0; getchar(); } } //------------------------------------------------------ void PrintFront() { struct Node *p; p=First; printf("Output the linklist at front :"); if(!First) printf("The linklist is empty!\n"); else { while(p!=NULL) { printf("%c ",p->Data); p=p->next; } } printf("\n"); } //--------------------------------------------------------- void PrintRear() { struct Node *p; p=Rear; printf("Output the linklist at Rear :"); if(!First) printf("The linklist is empty!\n"); else { while(p!=NULL) { printf("%c ",p->Data); p=p->pre; } } printf("\n"); } //----------------------------------------------------- void DelFront() { int k=1; while(k) { struct Node *p; p=First; if(First==Rear) { printf("\n%c is deleted!\n",p->Data); First=Rear=NULL; free(p); PrintFront(); break; } if(First!=Rear) { printf("\n%c is deleted!\n",p->Data); First=p->next; First->pre=NULL; free(p); PrintFront(); } printf("Are you want to continue(Y/N)?:"); if(getchar()=='Y'||getchar()=='y') k=1; else k=0; } } //---------------------------------------------------- void DelMide() { struct Node *p,*p1; int k=1; char x; getchar(); while(k) { p=First; printf("Please choose the character you want to delete:"); scanf("%c",&x); while(p!=NULL&&p!=Rear) { p1=p->pre; if(p->Data==x) { if(p==First) { p1=p->next; First=p1; First->pre=NULL; } else { (p->next)->pre=p1; p1->next=p->next; } } p1=p; p=p->next; } if(p==Rear) if(p->Data==x) { if(Rear==First) { Rear=First=NULL; PrintFront(); break; } else { Rear=Rear->pre; Rear->next=NULL; } } PrintFront(); printf("Are you want to continue(Y/N)?:"); if(getchar()=='Y'||getchar()=='y') k=1; else k=0; getchar(); } } //----------------------------------------------------- void DelRear() { int k=1; while(k) { struct Node *p; p=Rear; if(First==Rear) { printf("\n%c is deleted!\n",p->Data); First=Rear=NULL; free(p); PrintFront(); break; } if(First!=Rear) { printf("\n%c is deleted!\n",p->Data); Rear=p->pre; Rear->next=NULL; free(p); PrintFront(); } else printf("The linklist is empty!\n"); printf("Are you want to continue(Y/N)?:"); if(getchar()=='Y'||getchar()=='y') k=1; else k=0; } }
存在问题如注释处所写, 其他部分没什么问题,
[ 本帖最后由 bccn_2012 于 2011-6-7 16:40 编辑 ]