#include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> class MyString { char *s_sentence ; public: MyString(char s[]) //构造 { s_sentence=s ; } MyString(MyString& p_s)// { s_sentence=p_s.s_sentence ; } char* operator +(MyString& o_s)//运算符+重载 { char *sum=new char ; int i=0,j=0; while(*(s_sentence+i)!='\0')//先取第一个句子 { *(sum+i)=*(s_sentence+i) ; i++ ; } while(*(o_s.s_sentence+j)!='\0')//第二个 { *(sum+i+j)=*(o_s.s_sentence+j) ; j++ ; } *(sum+i+j)='\0' ; //去除程序运行后面多出的几个未知字符 return sum ; } static void compare(MyString& f,MyString& s)//长度比较 { for(;;) { f.s_sentence++ ; s.s_sentence++ ; if(*s.s_sentence=='\0') {cout<<"The first sentence was longer\n" ;break ;} //比较一下哪个句子先结束 else if(*f.s_sentence=='\0'){cout<<"The second sentence was longer\n" ;break ;} } } ~MyString() //析构 { cout<<"Delete the sentence" ; } } ; int main() { MyString first("what's your name?"),second("i'm LiNing.") ; char *p ; p=first+second ; cout<<"Add: "<<p<<"\n"<<"The result of compare: "; MyString::compare(first,second) ; system("pause") ; }