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Microsoft VBScript 运行时错误 '800a000d'
类型不匹配: 'getNewFileObj'
\admin\pf_upload_class.asp, line 205
Once you try, try your best! QQ:77826787

'类名: AnUpLoad(艾恩无组件上传类)
'作者: Anlige
'版本: 艾恩ASP无组件上传类优化版(V9.11.1)
'开发日期: 2008-4-12
'修改日期: 2009-11-1
'主页: http://www.
'Email: i@
'QQ: 1034555083

Class AnUpLoad
    Private Form, Fils
    Private vCharSet, vMaxSize, vSingleSize, vErr, vVersion, vTotalSize, vExe, pID, vOP, vErrExe, vboundary, vLostTime, vMode, vFileCount

    Public Property Let Mode(ByVal Value)
        vMode = Value
    End Property

    Public Property Let MaxSize(ByVal Value)
        vMaxSize = Value
    End Property

    Public Property Let SingleSize(ByVal Value)
        vSingleSize = Value
    End Property

    Public Property Let Exe(ByVal Value)
        vExe = LCase(Value)
    End Property

    Public Property Let CharSet(ByVal Value)
        vCharSet = Value
    End Property

    Public Property Get ErrorID()
        ErrorID = vErr
    End Property

    Public Property Get FileCount()
        FileCount = Fils.Count
    End Property

    Public Property Get Description()
        Description = GetErr(vErr)
    End Property

    Public Property Get Version()
        Version = vVersion
    End Property

    Public Property Get TotalSize()
        TotalSize = vTotalSize
    End Property

    Public Property Get ProcessID()
        ProcessID = pID
    End Property

    Public Property Let openProcesser(ByVal Value)
        vOP = Value
    End Property

    Public Property Get LostTime()
        LostTime = vLostTime
    End Property

    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        Set Form = server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Set Fils = server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        vVersion = "艾恩ASP无组件上传类优化版(V9.11.1)"
        vMaxSize = -1
        vSingleSize = -1
        vErr = -1
        vExe = ""
        vTotalSize = 0
        vCharSet = "gb2312"
        vOP = False
        pID = "AnUpload"
        setApp "", 0, 0, ""
        vMode = 0
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        Dim f
        For Each f in Fils
            Fils(f).Value = Empty
            Set Fils(f) = Nothing
        Set Form = Nothing
        Set Fils = Nothing
    End Sub


    Public Sub GetData()
        Dim time1
        time1 = Timer()
        If vOP Then pID = request.querystring("processid")
        Dim Value, Str, bcrlf, fpos, sSplit, slen, istart, ef
        Dim TotalBytes, tempdata, BytesRead, ChunkReadSize, PartSize, DataPart, formend, formhead, startpos, endpos, formname, FileName, fileExe, valueend, NewName, localname, type_1, contentType
        TotalBytes = Request.TotalBytes
        ef = False
        If checkEntryType = False Then
            ef = True
            vErr = 2
        End If
        'If Not ef Then
        'If vMaxSize > 0 And TotalBytes > vMaxSize Then ef = true : vErr = 1
        'End If
        If ef Then Exit Sub
        If vMode = 0 Then
            vTotalSize = 0
            Dim StreamT
            Set StreamT = server.CreateObject("Adodb.stream")
            StreamT.Type = 1
            StreamT.Mode = 3
            BytesRead = 0
            ChunkReadSize = 1024 * 16
            Do While BytesRead < TotalBytes
                PartSize = ChunkReadSize
                If PartSize + BytesRead > TotalBytes Then PartSize = TotalBytes - BytesRead
                DataPart = Request.BinaryRead(PartSize)
                StreamT.Write DataPart
                BytesRead = BytesRead + PartSize
                setApp "uploading", TotalBytes, BytesRead, ""
            setApp "uploaded", TotalBytes, BytesRead, ""
            StreamT.Position = 0
            tempdata = StreamT.Read
            Set StreamT = Nothing
            tempdata = Request.BinaryRead(TotalBytes)
        End If
        bcrlf = ChrB(13) & ChrB(10)
        fpos = InStrB(1, tempdata, bcrlf)
        sSplit = MidB(tempdata, 1, fpos - 1)
        slen = LenB(sSplit)
        istart = slen + 2
        Do While lenb(tempdata) > 2 + slen
            formend = InStrB(istart, tempdata, bcrlf & bcrlf)
            formhead = MidB(tempdata, istart, formend - istart)
            Str = Bytes2Str(formhead)
            startpos = InStr(Str, "name=""") + 6
            endpos = InStr(startpos, Str, """")
            formname = LCase(Mid(Str, startpos, endpos - startpos))
            valueend = InStrB(formend + 3, tempdata, sSplit)
            If InStr(Str, "filename=""") > 0 Then
                startpos = InStr(Str, "filename=""") + 10
                endpos = InStr(startpos, Str, """")
                type_1 = InStr(endpos, LCase(Str), "content-type")
                contentType = Trim(Mid(Str, type_1 + 13))
                FileName = Mid(Str, startpos, endpos - startpos)
                If Trim(FileName) <> "" Then
                    LocalName = FileName
                    FileName = Replace(FileName, "/", "\")
                    FileName = Mid(FileName, InStrRev(FileName, "\") + 1)
                    If InStr(FileName, ".")>0 Then
                        fileExe = Split(FileName, ".")(UBound(Split(FileName, ".")))
                        fileExe = ""
                    End If
                    If vExe <> "" Then '判断扩展名
                        If checkExe(fileExe) = True Then
                            vErr = 3
                            vErrExe = fileExe
                            tempdata = Empty
                            Exit Sub
                        End If
                    End If
                    NewName = Getname()
                    NewName = NewName & "." & fileExe
                    vTotalSize = vTotalSize + valueend - formend - 6
                    If vSingleSize > 0 And (valueend - formend - 6) > vSingleSize Then '判断上传单个文件大小
                        vErr = 5
                        tempdata = Empty
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                    If vMaxSize > 0 And vTotalSize > vMaxSize Then '判断上传数据总大小
                        vErr = 1
                        tempdata = Empty
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                    If Fils.Exists(formname) Then
                        vErr = 4
                        tempdata = Empty
                        Exit Sub
                        Dim fileCls
                        Set fileCls = getNewFileObj()
                        fileCls.ContentType = contentType
                        fileCls.Size = (valueend - formend - 5)
                        fileCls.FormName = formname
                        fileCls.NewName = NewName
                        fileCls.FileName = FileName
                        fileCls.LocalName = FileName
                        fileCls.extend = Split(NewName, ".")(UBound(Split(NewName, ".")))
                        fileCls.Value = midb(tempdata, formend + 4, valueend - formend - 5)
                        Fils.Add formname, fileCls
                        Set fileCls = Nothing
                    End If
                End If
                Value = MidB(tempdata, formend + 4, valueend - formend - 6)
                If Form.Exists(formname) Then
                    Form(formname) = Form(formname) & "," & Bytes2Str(Value)
                    Form.Add formname, Bytes2Str(Value)
                End If
            End If
            istart = 2 + slen
            tempdata = midb(tempdata, valueend + 2)
        vErr = 0
        tempdata = Empty
        vLostTime = FormatNumber((Timer - time1) * 1000, 2)
    End Sub

    Public Sub setApp(stp, total, current, desc)
        Application(pID) = "{ID:""" & pID & """,step:""" & stp & """,total:" & total & ",now:" & current & ",description:""" & desc & """,dt:""" & Now() & """}"
    End Sub


    Private Function checkExe(ByVal ex)
        Dim notIn
        notIn = True
        If vExe = "*" Then
            notIn = False
        ElseIf InStr(1, vExe, "|") > 0 Then
            Dim tempExe
            tempExe = Split(vExe, "|")
            Dim I
            I = 0
            For I = 0 To UBound(tempExe)
                If LCase(ex) = tempExe(I) Then
                    notIn = False
                    Exit For
                End If
            If vExe = LCase(ex) Then
                notIn = False
            End If
        End If
        checkExe = notIn
    End Function


    Public Function GetSize(ByVal Size)
        If Size < 1024 Then
            GetSize = FormatNumber(Size, 2) & "B"
        ElseIf Size >= 1024 And Size < 1048576 Then
            GetSize = FormatNumber(Size / 1024, 2) & "KB"
        ElseIf Size >= 1048576 Then
            GetSize = FormatNumber((Size / 1024) / 1024, 2) & "MB"
        End If
    End Function


    Private Function Bytes2Str(ByVal byt)
        If LenB(byt) = 0 Then
            Bytes2Str = ""
            Exit Function
        End If
        Dim mystream, bstr
        Set mystream = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
        mystream.Type = 2
        mystream.Mode = 3
        mystream.WriteText byt
        mystream.Position = 0
        mystream.CharSet = vCharSet
        mystream.Position = 2
        bstr = mystream.ReadText()
        Set mystream = Nothing
        Bytes2Str = bstr
    End Function


    Private Function GetErr(ByVal Num)
        Select Case Num
            Case 0
                GetErr = "数据处理完毕!"
            Case 1
                GetErr = "上传数据超过" & GetSize(vMaxSize) & "限制!可设置MaxSize属性来改变限制!"
            Case 2
                GetErr = "未设置上传表单enctype属性为multipart/form-data或者未设置method属性为Post,上传无效!"
            Case 3
                GetErr = "含有非法扩展名(" & vErrExe & ")文件!只能上传扩展名为" & Replace(vExe, "|", ",") & "的文件"
            Case 4
                GetErr = "对不起,程序不允许使用相同name属性的文件域!"
            Case 5
                GetErr = "单个文件大小超出" & GetSize(vSingleSize) & "的上传限制!"
        End Select
    End Function


    Private Function Getname()
        Dim y, m, d, h, mm, S, r
        y = Year(Now)
        m = Month(Now)
        If m < 10 Then m = "0" & m
        d = Day(Now)
        If d < 10 Then d = "0" & d
        h = Hour(Now)
        If h < 10 Then h = "0" & h
        mm = Minute(Now)
        If mm < 10 Then mm = "0" & mm
        S = Second(Now)
        If S < 10 Then S = "0" & S
        r = 0
        r = CInt(Rnd() * 1000)
        If r < 10 Then r = "00" & r
        If r < 100 And r >= 10 Then r = "0" & r
        Getname = y & m & d & h & mm & S & r
    End Function


    Private Function checkEntryType()
        Dim ContentType, ctArray, bArray, RequestMethod
        RequestMethod = Trim(LCase(Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD")))
        If RequestMethod = "" Or RequestMethod<>"post" Then
            checkEntryType = False
            Exit Function
        End If
        ContentType = LCase(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE"))
        ctArray = Split(ContentType, ";")
        If UBound(ctarray)>= 0 Then
            If Trim(ctArray(0)) = "multipart/form-data" Then
                checkEntryType = True
                vboundary = Split(ContentType, "boundary=")(1)
                checkEntryType = False
            End If
            checkEntryType = False
        End If
    End Function


    Public Function Forms(ByVal formname)
        If Trim(formname) = "-1" Then
            Set Forms = Form
            If Form.Exists(LCase(formname)) Then
                Forms = Form(LCase(formname))
                Forms = ""
            End If
        End If
    End Function


    Public Function Files(ByVal formname)
        If Trim(formname) = "-1" Then
            Set Files = Fils
            If Fils.Exists(LCase(formname)) Then
                Set Files = Fils(LCase(formname))
                Set Files = Nothing
            End If
        End If
    End Function

End Class
<script language="jscript" runat="server">
function getNewFileObj(){
    return new UploadFile();   
function UploadFile(){
    this.NewName = "";
    this.Path = "";

    var arg = arguments;
    var Path ,Option, OverWrite
    if(arg.length==0){return {error:true,description:'参数错误,请传递至少一个参数'};}
    if(arg.length==1){Path = arg[0];Option=0;OverWrite=true;}
    if(arg.length==2){Path = arg[0];Option=arg[1];OverWrite=true;}
    if(arg.length==3){Path = arg[0];Option=arg[1];OverWrite=arg[2];}
    if(arg.length>3){return {error:true,description:'参数错误,最多传递3个参数'};}
        var IsP = (Path.indexOf(":")==1)
            Path = server.MapPath(Path);   
        Path = Path.replace("/","\\");
        if(Path.substr(Path.length-1,1)!="\\"){Path = Path + "\\";}
        this.Path = Path;
            Path = Path + this.LocalName;this.FileName = this.LocalName;
            if(Option==-1 && this.UserSetName!=""){
                Path = Path + this.UserSetName + "." + this.extend;this.FileName = this.UserSetName + "." + this.extend;
                Path = Path + this.NewName;this.FileName = this.NewName;
            Path = this.GetFilePath();
        var tmpStrm;
        tmpStrm = server.CreateObject("adodb.stream");
        tmpStrm.type= 1;
        var Info = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset");
        Info.Fields.Append("value", 205,-1);
        Info = null;
        tmpStrm = null;
        return {error:false,description:'成功保存文件'};
        return {error:true,description:ex.description};
    return this.value

    var oFSO;
    oFSO =server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject" );
    var sParent;
    sParent = oFSO.GetParentFolderName( folderPath );
    if(sParent == ""){return;}
    if(!oFSO.FolderExists(sParent)){this.CreateFolder( sParent );}
    oFSO = null;

    var oFSO,Fname,FNameL,i=0;
    oFSO =server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject" );
    Fname = this.Path + this.FileName;
    FNameL = this.FileName.substr(0,this.FileName.lastIndexOf("."));
        Fname = this.Path + FNameL + "(" + i + ")." + this.extend;
        this.FileName = FNameL + "(" + i + ")." + this.extend
    oFSO = null;
    return Fname;

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