#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <vector> using namespace std; #define MAXNUM_VERTEX 20 //最多有 20个顶点 #define MAXNUM_EDGE 21 typedef struct { int v,w; int weight; }Edge; typedef struct { int vertex[MAXNUM_VERTEX]; Edge edge[MAXNUM_EDGE]; int num_vertex, num_edge; }Graph; Graph graph; //声明为全局变量 bool search_vertex(int ver) { for(int i=0; i<graph.num_vertex; i++) if( ver == graph.vertex[i] ) return 1; printf("the vertex %d you input is not existed! \n", ver); return 0; } void create_graph() { //输入顶点信息 printf("input the number of vertex in the graph\n"); scanf(" %d", &graph.num_vertex); printf("input the vertex of graph, like 1,2\n"); for(int i=0; i<graph.num_vertex; i++) scanf(" %d", &graph.vertex[i]); //输入边信息 printf("input the number of edge in the graph\n"); scanf(" %d", &graph.num_edge); printf("intput the edge of graph and the weight of line, like 1-2 5\n"); for(int j=0; j<graph.num_edge; j++) { p1: int a,c,d; char b; scanf(" %d %c %d %d", &a, &b, &c, &d); if( search_vertex(a) && search_vertex(c) ) { graph.edge[j].v=a; graph.edge[j].w=c; graph.edge[j].weight=d; } else goto p1; } } void sort_by_weight() { for(int i=1; i<graph.num_edge; i++) { Edge temp=graph.edge[i]; for(int j=i-1; j>=0 && graph.edge[j].weight>temp.weight; j--) graph.edge[j+1]=graph.edge[j]; graph.edge[j+1]=temp; } } /*不相交集处理函数*/ inline void makeset(vector<int> & array) { for(int i=0; i<array.size(); i++) array[i]=i; } int findset(vector<int> & parent, int i) { if(i != parent[i]) i=parent[i]; return i; } inline void merge(vector<int> & parent, int i, int j) { parent[i]=j; } /*不相交集处理函数*/ void kruskal() { int num_ver=graph.num_vertex; int count=0; vector<int> parent_ver; parent_ver.resize(num_ver); /*核心部分是用不相交集合成树*/ makeset(parent_ver); printf("the edge of min tree as follow: \n"); for( int i=0; i<num_ver && count<num_ver-1; i++ ) //count表示合并(merge)的次数num_ver-1次 { int m=graph.edge[i].v; int n=graph.edge[i].w; int w=graph.edge[i].weight; if( findset(parent_ver,m) != findset(parent_ver,n)) //当属于不同的集合时,则将该边添加进树中 { printf("(%d %d) %d\n", m,n,w); merge(parent_ver,m,n); count++; } } } void print_edge() { printf("the graph you input as follow: \n"); for(int i=0; i<graph.num_edge; i++) printf("%d-%d the weight is: %d\n", graph.edge[i].v, graph.edge[i].w, graph.edge[i].weight); } void main() { create_graph(); sort_by_weight(); print_edge(); kruskal(); }
[ 本帖最后由 xiaobai1593 于 2011-3-2 16:47 编辑 ]