老师 我这里还是有问题,运行到红色一行的时候 错误提示“除数为零”。
xxx As Single
Dim yyy As Single
Dim hhh As Single
Dim xy_max As Single
Dim k As Long
Dim arry_num As Long
Dim strFileName As String '文件名
strFileName = App.Path & "\" & Text1.Text & ".TXT"
List1.AddItem (App.Path & "\" & Text1.Text & ".TXT")
If Dir(App.Path & "\" & Text1.Text & ".TXT") = vbNullString Then
MsgBox "您选择的数据不存在!,请重新选择"
Open strFileName For Input As #1
Dim s As String
Do Until EOF(1)
' 循环至文件尾
arry_num = arry_num + 1
Input #1, s
List1.AddItem (arry_num)
Dim xyh_arry() As Single
ReDim xyh_arry(0 To 2, 0 To arry_num - 1) As Single
Do Until EOF(1)
' 循环至文件尾
Line Input #1, TextLine
' 读入一行数据并将其赋予某变量
'xxx = Val(Mid(TextLine, 1, 13))
'yyy = Val(Mid(TextLine, 14, 13))
'hhh = Val(Mid(TextLine, 27, 13))
Dim o As Long
Dim fj()
TextLine = Replace(TextLine, vbTab, " ")
'把 TAB 换成 空格
o = Len(TextLine)
TextLine = Replace(TextLine, "
", " ")
'把 双空格 换成 单空格
Loop While o <> Len(TextLine)
fj = Split(TextLine, " ")
'以 单空格 为分隔符
If UBound(fj) >= 2 Then
xxx = Val(fj(0))
yyy = Val(fj(1))
hhh = Val(fj(2))
End If
List1.AddItem xxx
List1.AddItem yyy
List1.AddItem hhh
If xxx >= yyy Then
If xxx >= xy_max Then
xy_max = xxx
End If
If yyy >= xy_max Then
xy_max = yyy
End If
End If
xyh_arry(0, k) = xxx
xyh_arry(1, k) = yyy
xyh_arry(2, k) = hhh
List1.AddItem (xyh_arry(0, k))
List1.AddItem (xyh_arry(1, k))
List1.AddItem (xyh_arry(2, k))
k = k + 1
Close #1
Dim surface_width As Integer
Dim surface_height As Integer
Dim surface_count As Integer
If (xxx >= yyy) Then
surface_width = xy_max * 5
surface_height = xy_max * 5
surface_count = xy_max * 5
surface_width = xy_max * 5
surface_height = xy_max * 5
surface_count = xy_max * 5
End If
P.ForeColor = vbRed
P.DrawWidth = 1
P.ScaleMode = 0
P.Scale (0, surface_count)-(surface_count, 0) '设定坐标尺度
If (surface_width >= surface_height) Then
P.Line (0, surface_height)-(surface_width - 1, surface_height), vbBlue '横线
P.Line -(surface_width - 1, 1), vbBlue
P.Line -(0, 1), vbBlue
P.Line -(0, surface_height), vbBlue
P.Line (surface_width, 0)-(surface_width, surface_height), vbBlue
P.Line -(0, surface_height), vbBlue
P.Line -(0, 1), vbBlue
P.Line -(surface_width, 1), vbBlue
End If
P.CurrentX = surface_width / 30
'设置 原点 O POINT 的位置
P.CurrentY = surface_height / 30
P.Print "0"
P.DrawWidth = 5
For k = 0 To arry_num - 1
P.PSet (xyh_arry(0, k), arry(1, k))
List1.AddItem (arry(0, k) & "," & arry(1, k))
Next k
End If
End Sub