一个关于RE的invalid syntax的问题
[color=#0000FF]defphone_numbers(name_fin, name_fout): '''you are given a bunch of phone numbers in a file whose name is provided by parameter name_fin, each line has exectly one phone number. They look like this: 8144658695 812 673 5748 812 453 6783 812-348 7584 (617) 536 6584 834-674-8595 use some regexes to reformat the numbers using the sub() method so that the phone numbers look like 814+465-8695 812+673-5748 812+453-6783 812+348-7584 617+536-6584 834+674-8595 and write back to a file whose name is provided by parameter name_fout, each line with one phone number, in the same order as in the input file.''' with open(name_fin,'rU') as f, open(name_fout,'wt') as g: s=[]# 先搞一个list来装 fin 的内容 for line in f: line=line.rstrip('\n') # 现将每一行的换行符去掉 x=compile(r'(\d{3})\D*(\d{3})\D*(\d{4})' ) x.sub( r'\1+\2-\3', line ) #将 fin 中每一行的内容先进行转换,分成三个部分 s.append((x.sub( r'\1+\2-\3', line )) #再将每一行进行替换,换成题目要求的形式 #第一部分和第二部分以'+'相连,第二部分和第三部分以'—'相连 line ='\n'.join(s[i] for i in range(len(s)) print(line,file=g) #将得到的s list 中的每一项,用换行符相连,而后输出到fout 里面(这里定义为g) [/color]