请E文高手们翻译下下面的英文,以高清电子书作为报答。FADF 可理解为:Features or Attributes Describe Flags
FADF_AUTO 0x0001 An array that is allocated on the stack.
FADF_STATIC 0x0002 An array that is statically allocated.
FADF_EMBEDDED 0x0004 An array that is embedded in a structure.
FADF_FIXEDSIZE 0x0010 An array that may not be resized or reallocated.
FADF_RECORD 0x0020 An array containing records. When set there will be a pointer to the IRecordinfo interface at negative offset 4 in the array descriptor.
具有指向 IRecodeinfo 的指针,存储于数组描述符之前的 4 个字节
FADF_HAVEIID 0x0040 An array that has an IID identifying interface. When set there will be a guid at negative offset 16 in the safearray descriptor. Flag is set only when FADF_DISPATCH or FADF_UNKNOWN is also set.
存储接口指针,则数组描述符之前 16 个字节将被用于存储 GUID。必须同时包含 FADF_DISPATCH 或 FADF_UNKNOWN
FADF_HAVEVARTYPE 0x0080 An array that has a VT type. When set there will be a VT tag at negative offset 4 in the array descriptor that specifies the element type.
存储可变元类型,数组描述符之前 4 个字节将被用于存储 VT_type 以指出元素类型
FADF_BSTR 0x0100 An array of BSTRs.
FADF_UNKNOWN 0x0200 An array of IUnknown*.
FADF_DISPATCH 0x0400 An array of IDispatch*.
FADF_VARIANT 0x0800 An array of VARIANTs.
FADF_RESERVED 0xF0E8 Bits reserved for future use.
OLE 自动化中包含一组以 SafeArray 开头的操作 SAFEARRAY