请教各位朋友一个问题.以下代码 我想实现在页面输出显示查询出来的100条数据当中.做一个判断.判断字段 hidfuhao =1 的时候.显示出来的用户名变成一个图片.也就是说,如果hidfuhao=1 那么用户名显示为A图片.不知道如何实现呢?,先在这里谢谢各位了,代码如下:<%
Dim HiddenUser
HiddenUser ="张三,李四,王五,赵六"
HiddenUser =Replace(HiddenUser, ",", "','")
HiddenUser ="'"& HiddenUser &"'"
Dim count
count = ubound(Split(HiddenUser,","))+1
Call CreatePage()
Sub CreatePage()
Dim aryGetData
Set ClsWeb.Rs =ClsWeb.Conn.Execute("Select Top 100 Name, ExtInfo, Hidfuhao, GiftPoint From [User] WHERE Name Not In("& HiddenUser &") Order By GiftPoint Desc")
If Not ClsWeb.Rs.Eof Then aryGetData =ClsWeb.Rs.GetRows(100)
Set ClsWeb.Rs =Nothing
Call top("排行榜")
Dim tmpLoop : tmpLoop =4
For nLoop =0 To ubound(aryGetData, 2)
<table width="900" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="top"><table width="690" border="0" align="right" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td background="images/r_bg.gif">
<table width="560" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">
<td width="56" height="50">
<% If (nLoop +1) <4 Then %>
<img src="images/fuhao/<% =nLoop +1 %>.gif">
<% If ((nLoop +1) Mod 3 =0 and (nLoop +1) <45) Then %><img src="images/fuhao/<% =tmpLoop %>.gif"><% tmpLoop =tmpLoop +1 %><% End If %>
End If
%> </td>
<td width="68" class="num"><% =nLoop +1 %>.</td>
<td width="257"><% =ClsWeb.ColorName(aryGetData(0, nLoop), aryGetData(1, nLoop)) %></td>
<td width="150" align="right"><span class="money">
<% =aryGetData(2, nLoop) %></span>
<img src="images/money.gif" width="18" height="11"></td>
<% Next %>