function TForm1.CalculateAll(AExpression: string): string;
var StartPos, EndPos: Integer;//子表达式的开始位置/结束位置 SubExpression: string;//子表达式 ResultValue: string;//计算结果
begin while Length(AExpression) > 0 do begin SubExpression := GetExpression(StartPos, EndPos, AExpression); ResultValue := Calculate(SubExpression); AExpression := Format('%s%s%s', [Copy(AExpression, 1, StartPos - 1), ResultValue, Copy(AExpression, EndPos + 1, MaxInt)]); if (Pos('*', AExpression) = 0) and (Pos('/', AExpression) = 0) and (Pos('+', AExpression) = 0) and (Pos('-', AExpression) = 0) then Break;//一个正数时
if (Pos('*', AExpression) = 0) and (Pos('/', AExpression) = 0) and (Pos('+', AExpression) = 0) and (Pos('-', AExpression) = 1) then Break;//一个负数时 end; Result := AExpression;
function TForm1.CalculateEx(FirstNum, SecondNum, ASign: string): string;
var fFirstNum, fSecondNum: Double;
begin Result := ''; fFirstNum := StrToFloat(FirstNum); fSecondNum := StrToFloat(SecondNum); if ASign = '+' then Result := FloatToStr(fFirstNum + fSecondNum); if ASign = '-' then Result := FloatToStr(fFirstNum - fSecondNum); if ASign = '*' then Result := FloatToStr(fFirstNum * fSecondNum); if ASign = '/' then Result := FloatToStr(fFirstNum / fSecondNum);
function TForm1.GetExpression(var StartPos, EndPos: Integer; AExpression: string): string;
begin if Pos('(', AExpression) > 0 then begin StartPos := GetLastSignPos('(', AExpression); EndPos := GetLatestSignPos(StartPos, AExpression); Result := Copy(AExpression, StartPos + 1, EndPos - StartPos - 1); end else begin StartPos := 1; EndPos := Length(AExpression); Result := AExpression; end;
function TForm1.GetLatestSignPos(StartPos: Integer; AExpression: string): Integer;
var iCount: Integer; sLenght: Integer;//字符串长度 AExpr: string[250];
begin Result := -1; AExpr := AExpression; sLenght := Ord(AExpr[0]); for iCount := StartPos to sLenght do begin if AExpr[iCount] = ')' then begin Result := iCount; Break; end; end;
function TForm1.GetLastSignPos(ASign, AExpression: string): Integer;
var iCount: Integer; sLenght: Integer;//字符串长度 AExpr: string[250];
begin Result := -1; AExpr := AExpression; sLenght := Ord(AExpr[0]); for iCount := 1 to sLenght do begin if AExpr[iCount] = ASign then Result := iCount; end;
function TForm1.GetNumber(var ResultPos: Integer; AExpression: string; Position: Integer; Direction: TDirection): string;
var AExpr: string[250]; iCount: Integer; AValue: string; SpecialPos: Integer;//特殊位置
begin AExpr := AExpression; iCount := Position; AValue := ''; case Direction of dcBack: begin Dec(iCount); while (iCount > 0) do begin if (iCount = 1) and (AExpr[iCount] = '-') then begin AValue := Format('%s%s', [AExpr[iCount], AValue]); ResultPos := iCount; Break; end; if (AExpr[iCount] = '+') or (AExpr[iCount] = '-') or (AExpr[iCount] = '*') or (AExpr[iCount] = '/') thenBreak; AValue := Format('%s%s', [AExpr[iCount], AValue]); ResultPos := iCount; Dec(iCount); end; end; dcForward: begin Inc(iCount); SpecialPos := iCount; while iCount <= Ord(AExpr[0]) do begin if (iCount = SpecialPos) and (AExpr[iCount] = '-') then//乘(除)后面跟一个负数时 begin AValue := Format('%s%s', [AValue, AExpr[iCount]]); ResultPos := iCount; Inc(iCount); Continue; end; if (AExpr[iCount] = '+') or (AExpr[iCount] = '-') or (AExpr[iCount] = '*') or (AExpr[iCount] = '/') thenBreak; AValue := Format('%s%s', [AValue, AExpr[iCount]]); ResultPos := iCount; Inc(iCount); end; end; end; Result := AValue;
function TForm1.IsANegative(AExpression: string): Boolean;
var OutVal: Double;
begin Result := TryStrToFloat(AExpression, OutVal); Result := OutVal < 0;
type TDLLForm = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Edit1: TEdit; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end;
var DLLForm: TDLLForm;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure SepNum(SourceS:string;var destS:array of string);
var s1,s2:string; i,j:integer;
begin s1:=sourceS; j:=1; for i := 1 to length(s1) do begin if s1[i] in ['+','-','*','/','(',')'] then begin dests[j]:=s1[i]; inc(j); end; if s1[i] in ['0'..'9'] then begin dests[j]:=dests[j]+s1[i]; if i<length(s1) then if s1[i+1] in ['+','-','*','/','(',')']then inc(j); end; end;
procedure Ps(var S:array of string);
var i,j:integer; temp:array of string;
setlength(temp,high(s)); for I := 1 to high(s) do if s[i]<>'' then begin temp[j]:=s[i]; inc(j); end; for i := 1 to high(temp)do s[i]:=temp[i];
// 做* / 运算;
procedure sf1(var s1:array of string);
var i,j:integer;
for I := 2 to high(s1)-1do begin if s1[i]='*' then if (s1[i-1]<>'(') and (s1[i-1]<>')') and (S1[i+1]<>')') and (S1[i+1]<>'(')then begin s1[i+1]:=floattostr(strtofloat(s1[i-1])*strtofloat(s1[i+1])); s1[i-1]:=''; s1[i]:=''; end;
if s1[i]='/' then if (s1[i-1]<>'(') and (s1[i-1]<>')') and (S1[i+1]<>')') and (S1[i+1]<>'(')then begin s1[i+1]:=floattostr(strtofloat(s1[i-1])/strtofloat(s1[i+1])); s1[i-1]:=''; s1[i]:=''; end; end;
// 做+ /
procedure sf2(var s1:array of string);
var i:integer;
begin for i := 2 to high(s1)-1 do begin if s1[i]='+' then if (s1[i-1]<>'(') and (s1[i-1]<>')') and (S1[i+1]<>')') and (S1[i+1]<>'(') and (s1[i-2]<>'*') and (s1[i-2]<>'/') and (s1[i+2]
<>'*') and (s1[i+2]<>'/') then begin s1[i+1]:=floattostr(strtofloat(s1[i-1])+strtofloat(s1[i+1])); s1[i-1]:=''; s1[i]:=''; end; if s1[i]='-' then if (s1[i-1]<>'(') and (s1[i-1]<>')') and (S1[i+1]<>')') and (S1[i+1]<>'(')and (s1[i-2]<>'*') and (s1[i-2]<>'/') and (s1[i+2]
<>'*') and (s1[i+2]<>'/')then begin s1[i+1]:=floattostr(strtofloat(s1[i-1])-strtofloat(s1[i+1])); s1[i-1]:=''; s1[i]:=''; end; end;
// 去括号
procedure sf3(var s1:array of string);
var i:integer;
begin for i := 1 to high(s1)-2 do if (s1[i]='(') and (s1[i+2]=')') then begin s1[i]:=''; s1[i+2]:=''; end;
procedure TDLLForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var s1:string; s2:array of string; i:integer;
begin s1:=edit1.Text; setlength(s2,length(s1)+2); sepNum(s1,s2);
repeat sf1(s2); // * / ps(s2); sf2(s2); // + - ps(s2); sf3(s2); ps(s2);
untils2[2]=''; //是否还有括号