多次打开表 且未关闭 会影响速度吗?(附代码)
<% dim rs1 set rs1=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs1.open "select * from biao where leibie='"a"'",conn,1,1 if not rs1.eof and rs1.bof then for i=1 to rs1.recordcount response.write rs1("name") dim rs2 set rs2=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs2.open "select * from biao where leibie='"b"'",conn,1,1 if not rs2.eof and rs2.bof then for i=1 to rs2.recordcount response.write rs2("name") dim rs3 set rs3=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs3.open "select * from biao where leibie='"b"'",conn,1,1 if not rs3.eof and rs3.bof then for i=1 to rs3.recordcount response.write rs3("name") ... %>代码如上,这样重复引用且未关闭表的话,会影响速度吗?