Private Sub mnuEncryptBinary_Click()Dim EncStr As String
Dim EncKey As String, TempEncKey As String
Dim EncLen As Integer
Dim EncPos As Integer
Dim EncKeyPos As Integer
Dim tempChar As String
Dim TA As Integer, TB As Integer, TC As Integer
UndoText(frm) = ChildForms(frm).Text1.Text
JustChanged = True
TempEncKey = InputBox("Enter the encryption key. This key will be vital for decrypting this text later.", "Encrypt")
If TempEncKey = "" Then Exit Sub
EncStr = ""
EncPos = 1
EncKeyPos = 1
For x = 1 To Len(TempEncKey)
EncKey = EncKey & Asc(Mid$(TempEncKey, x, 1))
EncLen = Len(EncKey)
For x = 1 To Len(ChildForms(frm).Text1.Text)
TB = Asc(Mid$(EncKey, EncKeyPos, 1))
EncKeyPos = EncKeyPos + 1
If EncKeyPos > EncLen Then EncKeyPos = 1
TA = Asc(Mid$(ChildForms(frm).Text1.Text, x, 1))
TC = TB Xor TA
tempChar = GetBinary(TC)
EncStr = EncStr & tempChar
ChildForms(frm).Text1.Text = EncStr
End Sub
Private Sub mnuDecryptBinary_Click()
Dim EncStr As String
Dim EncKey As String, TempEncKey As String
Dim EncLen As Integer
Dim EncPos As Integer
Dim EncKeyPos As Integer
Dim tempChar As String
Dim TA As Integer, TB As Integer, TC As Integer
UndoText(frm) = ChildForms(frm).Text1.Text
JustChanged = True
TempEncKey = InputBox("Enter the decryption key. This is the key that was typed for encryption.", "Decrypt")
If TempEncKey = "" Then Exit Sub
EncStr = ""
EncPos = 1
EncKeyPos = 1
For x = 1 To Len(TempEncKey)
EncKey = EncKey & Asc(Mid$(TempEncKey, x, 1))
EncLen = Len(EncKey)
For x = 1 To Len(ChildForms(frm).Text1.Text) Step 8
TB = Asc(Mid$(EncKey, EncKeyPos, 1))
EncKeyPos = EncKeyPos + 1
If EncKeyPos > EncLen Then EncKeyPos = 1
tempChar = Mid$(ChildForms(frm).Text1.Text, x, 8)
TA = BintoDec(tempChar)
TC = TB Xor TA
EncStr = EncStr & Chr$(TC)
ChildForms(frm).Text1.Text = EncStr
End Sub