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注 册:2005-8-30
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我遇到这样一个错误提示,不知道该怎么办? 缺少 ')' ladd1.asp, line 362, column 200 rszdv=split(name&"++"&sex&"++"&shengao&"++"&mz&"++"&yy&"++"&tg&"++"&dizhi&"++"&education&"++"&postcalcode&"++"&marry&"++"&cd&"++"&tel&"++"&tel1&"++"&tel2&"++"&lg&"++"&mc&"++"&yy&"++"&car&"++"&job&"++"&hb&"++"&fresume&"++"&H_info&"++"&bedroom&"++"&bath&"++"&Nr&"++"&Nb&"++"&Nl&"++"&homepage&"++"&Email&"++"&live&"++"&cc&"++"&c_name&"++"&sex1&"++"&birth&"++"&hbb&"++"&si&"++"&fd&"++"&mc&"++"&c_name1&"++"&sex2&"++"&birth1&"++"&hbb1&"++"&si1&"++"&fd1&"++"&mc1&"++"&mc2&"++"&Cleanbaby&"++"&CleanRoom&"++"&L_baby&"++"&L_fy&"++"&feedbaby&"++"&feedfy&"++"&c_baby&"++"&petcare&"++"&gard&"++"&snow&"++"&dp&"++"&df&"++"&Party&"++"&jobstart&"++"&jobd&"++"&h_wage&"++"&ded&"++"&Agepref,"++") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: education homepage Email style 
2005-08-30 10:30
Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16
等 级:版主
威 望:33
帖 子:8674
注 册:2004-11-6

2005-08-30 10:35
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:5
注 册:2005-8-30
非常感谢你!你在哪里,如果在北京我请你吃饭! 是这样的,我的水平不高,我帮人做了一个网站,www.lzfey.com/nanny上面分保姆和顾主,保姆(nanny)的注册没有问题,而同样的程序顾主(Employer )却出现这样的错误,我怎么也改正不过来!
2005-08-30 10:47
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:5
注 册:2005-8-30

<!--#include file="top.asp"-->

<!--#include file="inc/articlechar.inc"--> <% dim conn,DBPath dim rs_lar dim sql,haveerr,star dim i dim err(25)

'叛断Session变量是否超时 'if isempty(session("u_id")) then 'response.redirect "timeout.asp" 'end if

'----------------------------------------------------------------- Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") DBPath = Server.MapPath("CONN/hs1299764859.mdb") conn.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & DBPath '----------------------------------------------------------------- Set rs_lar = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") sql="select user_id from larchives where user_id =" & session("u_id") rs_lar.open sql,conn,3,2

if not(rs_lar.eof and rs_lar.bof) then response.write "You have established the file!" response.end end if

name =htmlencode2(request("name")) ne =request("ne") sex =request("sex") byear =request("byear") bmonth =request("bmonth") bday =request("bday") marry =request("marry") cd =request("cd") home =htmlencode2(request("home")) dizhi =htmlencode2(request("dizhi")) postcalcode =request("postcalcode") lg =request("lg") mz =request("mz") tg =request("tg") car =request("car") job =request("job") hb =request("hb") fresume =htmlencode2(request("fresume")) tel =request("tel") tel1 =request("tel1") tel2 =request("tel2") H_info =request("H_info") bedroom =request("bedroom") bath =request("bath") H_size =request("H_size") nr =request("nr") nb =request("nb") nl =request("nl") homepage =htmlencode2(Trim(request("homepage"))) email =request("email") education =request("education") live =request("live") cc =request("cc") c_name =request("c_name") sex1 =request("sex1") birth =request("birth") hbb =request("hbb") si =request("si") fd =request("fd") mc =request("mc") c_name =request("c_name1") sex1 =request("sex2") birth =request("birth1") hbb =request("hbb1") si =request("si1") fd =request("fd1") mc =request("mc1") mc =request("mc2") Cleanbaby =request("Cleanbaby") CleanRoom =request("CleanRoom") L_baby =request("L_baby") L_fy =request("L_fy") feedbaby =request("feedbaby") feedfy =request("feedfy") c_baby =request("c_baby") petcare =request("petcare") gard =request("gard") snow =request("snow") dp =request("dp") df =request("df") Party =request("Party") jobstart =request("jobstart") jobd =request("jobd") h_wage =request("h_wage") ded =request("ded") Agepref =request("Agepref")

'容错代码-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if len(name)>50 then err(1)="Name can't over 50 letters!" if len(name)<2 then err(1)="The name is minimal to also want 2 letters!" if len(fresume)>500 then err(8)="Resume can't over 500 letters!" if fresume="" then fresume="-Not fill-" if home="" then home="-Not fill-" if len(email)>50 then err(11)="Email at most can have 50 letters!" if not isvalidemail(email) then err(12)="The mistake of email address!" if not(isdate(byear & "-" & bmonth & "-" & bday)) then err(24)="Birthday you have no choice or date of birthdays invalid!" for i=1 to 24 if err(i)<>"" then haveerr="yes" response.write err(i) response.end

end if next

function IsValidEmail(email) dim names, name, i, c IsValidEmail = true names = Split(email, "@") if UBound(names) <> 1 then IsValidEmail = false exit function end if for each name in names if Len(name) <= 0 then IsValidEmail = false exit function end if for i = 1 to Len(name) c = Lcase(Mid(name, i, 1)) if InStr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-.", c) <= 0 and not IsNumeric(c) then IsValidEmail = false exit function end if next if Left(name, 1) = "." or Right(name, 1) = "." then IsValidEmail = false exit function end if next if InStr(names(1), ".") <= 0 then IsValidEmail = false exit function end if i = Len(names(1)) - InStrRev(names(1), ".") if i <> 2 and i <> 3 then IsValidEmail = false exit function end if if InStr(email, "..") > 0 then IsValidEmail = false end if end function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if (bmonth=12 and bday>=22) or (bmonth=1 and bday<=19) then star= "山羊座" elseif (bmonth=1 and bday>=20) or (bmonth=2 and bday<=18) then star= "水瓶座" elseif (bmonth=2 and bday>=19) or (bmonth=3 and bday<=20) then star= "双鱼座" elseif (bmonth=3 and bday>=21) or (bmonth=4 and bday<=19) then star= "白羊座" elseif (bmonth=4 and bday>=20) or (bmonth=5 and bday<=20) then star= "金牛座" elseif (bmonth=5 and bday>=21) or (bmonth=6 and bday<=20) then star= "双子座" elseif (bmonth=6 and bday>=21) or (bmonth=7 and bday<=22) then star= "巨蟹座" elseif (bmonth=7 and bday>=23) or (bmonth=8 and bday<=22) then star= "狮子座" elseif (bmonth=8 and bday>=23) or (bmonth=9 and bday<=22) then star= "处女座" elseif (bmonth=9 and bday>=23) or (bmonth=10 and bday<=22) then star= "天枰座" elseif (bmonth=10 and bday>=23) or (bmonth=11 and bday<=21) then star= "天蝎座" elseif (bmonth=11 and bday>=22) or (bmonth=12 and bday<=21) then star= "射手座" end if

%> <%if haveerr="yes" then%>

<LINK href="incc/style.css" rel=stylesheet type=text/css> <TABLE width=778 border=0 align="center" cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD vAlign=top align=middle> <TABLE width=778 border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <TBODY> <TR> <TD align=middle vAlign=top> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td height="8"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> </tr> </table> <SPAN id=_ctl0_Middle_03_Middle_LoveSearch1> </SPAN> <table width="96%" border="2" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" bordercolor="#CCCCCC"> <tr> <td><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=100% border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=320 height=24><IMG height=15 src="images/4-6.gif" width=15 align=absMiddle> <strong></strong></TD> <TD align=right width=36>&nbsp;</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD bgColor=#9cccdf colSpan=2 height=2></TD> </TR> <TR valign="top"> <TD height="200" colSpan=2 style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; PADDING-TOP: 5px"> <div align="center"> <p>&nbsp;</p><table border="0" width="420" bordercolor="#336699" cellspacing="0" align="center"> <tr> <td width="100%"> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="100%" height="30"> Register the failure!Discovers in personal file that you hand over necessarily column eyes as follows problem: </td> </tr> <%for i=1 to 25%> <%if err(i)<>"" then %> <tr> <td width="100%"> <ul> <li> <font color="red"> <%=err(i)%> </font> </li> </ul></td> </tr> <%end if%> <%next%> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" height="30"> <a href="" onclick="history.go(-1);return false;">[Return]</a> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div></TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE></td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td height="8"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td> </tr> </table></TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE></TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> <!--#include file="CopyRight1.asp"--> <%response.end%> <%end if%> <% Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") DBPath = Server.MapPath("CONN/hs1299764859.mdb") conn.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq=" & DBPath Set rs_lar = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") '检查入会ID,叛断是否已入档

rs_lar.open "larchives",conn,3,2 rs_lar.addnew rs_lar("user_id") =session("u_id") rs_lar("ne") =ne rs_lar("britherday") =byear & "-" & bmonth & "-" & bday rs_lar("age") =datediff("yyyy",byear & "-" & bmonth & "-" & bday,date) rs_lar("home") =province & home rs_lar("ip") =request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") rs_lar("date") =date rs_lar("time") =time rs_lar("click") =0 rs_lar("renqi") =0 rs_lar("photo") =0 rs_lar("last_login")=now() dim rszd rszd=split("name sex shengao mz yy tg dizhi education postcalcode marry cd tel tel1 tel2 lg mc yy car job hb fresume H_info bedroom bath H_size Nr Nb Nl homepage Email live cc c_name sex1 birth hbb si fd mc c_name1 sex2 birth1 hbb1 si1 fd1 mc1 mc2 Cleanbaby CleanRoom L_baby L_fy feedbaby feedfy c_baby petcare gard snow dp df Party jobstart jobd h_wage ded Agepref"," ")

dim rszdv rszdv=split(name&"++"&sex&"++"&shengao&"++"&mz&"++"&yy&"++"&tg&"++"&dizhi&"++"&education&"++"&postcalcode&"++"&marry&"++"&cd&"++"&tel&"++"&tel1&"++"&tel2&"++"&lg&"++"&mc&"++"&yy&"++"&car&"++"&job&"++"&hb&"++"&fresume&"++"&H_info&"++"&bedroom&"++"&bath&"++"&Nr&"++"&Nb&"++"&Nl&"++"&homepage&"++"&Email&"++"&live&"++"&cc&"++"&c_name&"++"&sex1&"++"&birth&"++"&hbb&"++"&si&"++"&fd&"++"&mc&"++"&c_name1&"++"&sex2&"++"&birth1&"++"&hbb1&"++"&si1&"++"&fd1&"++"&mc1&"++"&mc2&"++"&Cleanbaby&"++"&CleanRoom&"++"&L_baby&"++"&L_fy&"++"&feedbaby&"++"&feedfy&"++"&c_baby&"++"&petcare&"++"&gard&"++"&snow&"++"&dp&"++"&df&"++"&Party&"++"&jobstart&"++"&jobd&"++"&h_wage&"++"&ded&"++"&Agepref,"++")

for i=0 to ubound(rszd) if not isnull(rszdv(i)) and rszdv(i)<>"" then rs_lar(rszd(i))=rszdv(i) next rs_lar.update rs_lar.close

set rs_lar=nothing conn.close set conn=nothing

response.redirect "Reg_Next.asp" %>

2005-08-30 11:03

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