错误:unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header directive 下面是经过编译 的原代码,不知道是什么错误,请指教:多谢! #include<iostream.h> #include"ring.h" #include"josex.h" Jose::Jose() { numOfBoys = 0; interval = 0; numOfWinner = 0;
while(numOfBoys < 2) { cout <<"Please input the totle number of boys at the beginning:\n" cin >>&numOfBoys; cout <<endl; } while(intever < 1 || intever > numOfBoys) { cout <<"Please input the interval of the count:\n" cin >>&interval; cout <<endl; } while(numOfWinner < 1 || numOfWinner > numOfBoys) { cout <<"Please input the number of winners at the end:\n"; cin >>&numOfWinner; cout <<endl; } } void Jose::GetWinner() { Ring x(numOfBoys); for(int i= 0; i < numOfBoys-numOfWinner; i++) { x.Count(interval); x.ClearBoy(); }
cout << "\n The winner is:" x.PutBoy(); return; } )