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下了一个ASP,用Dreamweaver打开只有“对不起,你没有执行该操行的权限”,删了<!--#include file="char.inc"-->后用Dreamweaver能打开,但是又运行不了,为什么???
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dim typeid
dim typename
dim typecontent
set rs=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rs.Source="select * from "& db_Type_Table &" where typeview=1 order by typeorder"
rs.Open rs.Source,conn,1,1
Dim ArraytypeID(10000),ArraytypeName(10000)

set rs=nothing

set rs=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rs.Source="select * from "& db_Type_Table &" where typeview=1 order by typeorder"
rs.Open rs.Source,conn,1,1
Dim ArraytyID(10000),ArraytyName(10000),Arraytyview(10000)
if not rs.EOF then

while not rs.EOF


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set rs9=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rs9.Source="select   * from "& db_News_Table &" where checkked=1  order by newsid desc"

rs9.Open rs9.Source,conn,1,1

do while not rs9.EOF and bbb<6
set rsgui=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rsgui.Source="select * from "& db_Type_Table &" where mode=3 order by typeid"
rsgui.Open rsgui.Source,conn,1,1
  while not rsgui.eof and not rs9.eof and  not aaa=1
if rs9("typeid")=rsgui("typeid" ) then
end if

set rsgui=nothing
if aaa=0 then
newsurl="ReadNews.asp?NewsID=" & rs9("NewsID")
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set rs9=nothing%>
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dim ii
ii = 0
set rs=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
if DbType = "MSSQL" then
        rs.Source="select top " & top_txt & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where updatetime>'"& now()-30 &"' and checkked=1 order by click DESC"   '选择本月
        rs.Source="select top " & top_txt & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (updatetime>now()-30) and checkked=1 order by click DESC"   '选择本月
end if
rs.Open rs.Source,conn,1,1
if rs.bof and rs.eof then
    response.write "<tr><td align=center><br>暂 无<br><br></td></tr>"
    do while not rs.eof
    set rsgui=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rsgui.Source="select * from "& db_Type_Table &" where mode=3 order by typeid"
rsgui.Open rsgui.Source,conn,1,1
  while not rsgui.eof and not rs.eof and  not aaa=1
if rs("typeid")=rsgui("typeid" ) then
end if
set rsgui=nothing
if aaa=0 then    
                <td height=18> ·
                  <%if rs("picnews")=1 then%> <img src="images/news_img.gif"> <%end if%> <a class=middle href="ReadNews.asp?NewsID=<%=rs("NewsID")%>" title="<%=htmlencode4(rs("title"))%>" target="_blank" ><%=CutStr(htmlencode4(rs("title")),14)%></a> </td>
              ii = ii + 1
end if

    if ii>top_txt-1 then exit do
end if  
set rs=nothing%>
          <%if topfont=1 then%>
        <tr >
          <td align="center"  > </td>
        <tr >
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        <%end if%>
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          <td height="50" > <%if showspecial=1 then%> <%set rs2=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")  '专题
rs2.Source="select Top " & top_sp & " * from "& db_Special_Table &"  order by SpecialID DESC "
rs2.Open rs2.Source,conn,1,1
if not rs2.EOF then
while not rs2.EOF

TrString="&nbsp;·&nbsp;<a class=class href='Special_News.asp?SpecialID=" & rs2("SpecialID") &"'>" & trim(CutStr(htmlencode4(rs2("SpecialName")),14)) & "</a><br>"
Response.Write TrString

%> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a class=class href=Special.asp>更多专题...</a>
Response.Write "<tr><td width=100% align=center height=40>暂无专题</td></tr>"
end if
set rs2=nothing

%> </td>
        <%end if%>
        <%end if%>
        <tr >
          <% if showdata=1 then%>
          <td height="34" align="center" background="images/left1-m5.gif">&nbsp;</td>
        <tr >
          <td > <br> <%                                
        function gettipnum()
            dim tmprs
            tmprs=conn.execute("Select Count(NewsID) from "& db_News_Table &" where checkked=1")
            set tmprs=nothing
            if isnull(gettipnum) then gettipnum=0
        end function

        function todays()
            dim tmprs
            tmprs=conn.execute("Select count(NewsID) from "& db_News_Table &" Where checkked=1 and year(updatetime)="& year(date()) &" and month(updatetime)="& month(date()) &" and day(updatetime)="& day(date()) &"")
            set tmprs=nothing
            if isnull(todays) then todays=0
        end function

        function getusernum()
            dim rs
            rs=ConnUser.execute("Select Count("& db_User_ID &") from "& db_User_Table &"")
            set rs=nothing
            if isnull(getusernum) then getusernum=0
        end function

        function getgg()
            dim rs
            if db_Sex_Select = "zuoxing" then
                rs=ConnUser.execute("Select Count("& db_User_Id &") from "& db_User_Table &" where  "& db_User_Sex &"='男' ")
                set rs=nothing
                if db_Sex_Select = "Number" then
                    rs=ConnUser.execute("Select Count("& db_User_Id &") from "& db_User_Table &" where  "& db_User_Sex &"=1")
                    set rs=nothing
                end if
            end if
            if isnull(getgg) then getgg=0
        end function

        function getmm()
            dim rs
            if db_Sex_Select = "zuoxing" then
                rs=ConnUser.execute("Select Count("& db_User_Id &") from "& db_User_Table &" where  "& db_User_Sex &"='女' ")
                set rs=nothing
                if db_Sex_Select = "Number" then
                    rs=ConnUser.execute("Select Count("& db_User_Id &") from "& db_User_Table &" where  "& db_User_Sex &"=0")
                    set rs=nothing
                end if
            end if
            if isnull(getmm) then getmm=0
        end function

        function getother()
            dim rs
            if db_Sex_Select = "zuoxing" then
                rs=ConnUser.execute("Select Count("& db_User_ID &") from "& db_User_Table &" where  "& db_User_Sex &" = '保密' ")
                set rs=nothing
                if db_Sex_Select = "Number" then
                    rs=ConnUser.execute("Select Count("& db_User_ID &") from "& db_User_Table &" where  "& db_User_Sex &" <>1 and  "& db_User_Sex &"<>0 ")
                    set rs=nothing
                end if
            end if
            if isnull(getother) then getother=0
        end function
        %> &nbsp;&nbsp;○- 今日文章:<font color=red><%=todays()%></font><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;○- 文章总数:<font color=red><%=gettipnum()%></font><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;○- 会员总数:<font color=red><%=getusernum()%></font><br>
            <!--#include file=LastMember.asp -->
            <br> <br> <%if showcount=1 then%> <script src=Cnt.asp></script>
            <!--#include file=zx.asp -->
            <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;○- 当前在线:<font color=red><%=i%></font><br> <br> <%end if%> </td>
        <%end if%>
          <td valign="top"> </td>
        <%if showuser=1 then%>
        <%end if%>
          <%if showvote="1" then%>
          <td height="34" background="images/left1-m7.gif"> <div align="center" class="style1"></div></td>
        set rs=conn.execute("SELECT * FROM " & db_Vote_Table & " where IsChecked=1")
        if rs.eof then
        <tr align="center">
          <TD height="30" valign="bottom">尚无任何投票</TD>
          <TD width=100% align="center"><b><br>
        <FORM action="Vote.asp" target="newwindow" method=post name=research>
            <TD vAlign=top width="100%"> <%
for i=1 to 8
    if rs("Select"&i)<>"" then
%> <INPUT style="border: 0" <%if i=1 then%>checked<%end if%> name=Options type=radio value=<%=i%>>
              <%=i%>.<%=rs("Select"&i)%><BR> <%    end if
%> </TD>
            <TD width="100%" height=30 align=center> <INPUT style="cursor:hand" type=submit value="投它一票" id=submit1 name=submit1>
              <INPUT onclick="javascript:vote()" type="button" value="查看结果" id=button1 name=button1 style="cursor:hand">
        <%end if%>
        <%end if%>
    <td width="10" rowspan="2" background="images/left-s.gif"></td>
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          <td width="450" height="34" valign="top" background="IMAGES/tjxw.jpg" bgcolor="#009999">&nbsp;
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            <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                <td height="34" background="images/fast-2.gif">&nbsp;</td>
 dim  BDID1
set rsb=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rsb.Source="select * from "& db_Board_Table &" order by ID DESC"
rsb.Open rsb.Source,conn,1,1
if not rsb.EOF then
                <td height="118" align=center>
                  <table width="90%" height="90%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                      <td align="center"> <MARQUEE onmouseover=this.stop() onmouseout=this.start()
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                        <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
                            <% while not rsb.eof %>
                              <TD width="100%"> ·<A class=link2 HREF="BoardNews.asp?BDID=<%=BDID1%>" target="_blank" ><%=CutStr(htmlencode4(rsb("title")),100)%></A> </TD>
                            <% rsb.movenext
                               wend %>
                        </MARQUEE> </td>
              <%else Response.Write "<tr><td align=center><br>暂  无</td></tr>"
        end if
      set rsb=nothing%>
          <td width="450" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <!--#include file=DaoDu.asp -->
          <td height="32" colspan="2" background="images/photonews.gif">&nbsp;</td>
          <td height="100" colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <!--#include file="NewsTopPhoto.asp"--> </td>
          <td height="8" colspan="2" valign="top" background="images/t1.gif">&nbsp;</td>
          <td colspan="2" valign="top"> <%
for i=1 to RecordCount
            <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#f0f8ff" id="AutoNumber6" style="border-collapse: collapse">
                  <td width="292" valign="top">
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                          <td  background="IMAGES/titlemain.gif" height="30" colspan="2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="IMAGES/D_1.gif" width="13" height="13" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font><A class=top HREF="Type.asp?typeid=<%=typeid%>"><%=typeName%></A></font></td>
                          <td width="10%" align="left" valign="top"> <%
set rs=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
if uselevel=1 then
    if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="super" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="typemaster" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="bigmaster" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="smallmaster" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="check" then
        rs.Source="select top " & L_BG & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 and picnews=1 and picname is not null order by newsid DESC"
    end if
    if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="" then
        rs.Source="select top " & L_BG & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 and newslevel=0 and picnews=1 and picname is not null) order by newsid DESC"
    end if
    if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="selfreg" then
        if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("reglevel")=3 then
            rs.Source="select top " & L_BG & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 and picnews=1 and picname is not null) order by newsid DESC"
        end if
        if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("reglevel")=2 then
            rs.Source="select top " & L_BG & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 and picnews=1 and picname is not null) order by newsid DESC"
        end if
        if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("reglevel")=1 then
            rs.Source="select top " & L_BG & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 and picnews=1 and picname is not null) order by newsid DESC"
        end if
    end if
    rs.Source="select top " & L_BG & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 and picnews=1 and picname is not null order by newsid DESC"
end if
rs.Open rs.Source,conn,1,1
if rs.EOF then
    Response.Write "<img src='images/notopic.gif' width=56 border=0 height=56>"
while not rs.EOF
    %> <a class="class" target="_blank" href="ReadNews.asp?newsid=<%=rs("newsid")%>" title="<%=htmlencode4(title)%>">
                            <%if fileext="jpg" or fileext="bmp" or fileext="png" or fileext="gif" then%>
                            <img src="<%=FileUploadPath & rs("picname")%>" width="56" border=1 style=border-color:#ffffff height="56">
                            </a> <%end if%> <%if fileext="swf" then%> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.,0,0,0" width="56" height="56">
                              <param name="movie" value="<%=FileUploadPath & rs("picname")%>">
                              <param name="quality" value="high">
                              <param name="Play" value="-1">
                              <param name="Loop" value="0">
                              <param name="Menu" value="-1">
                              <embed src="<%=FileUploadPath & rs("picname")%>" width="56" pluginspage="http://www. type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object>
                            <%end if%> <%
    end if
    set rs=nothing
    %> </td>
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                              <% dim rs3
    set rs3=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
    if uselevel=1 then
        if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="super" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="typemaster" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="bigmaster" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="smallmaster" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="check" then
            rs3.Source="select top " & top_news & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1) order by newsid DESC"
        end if
        if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="" then
            rs3.Source="select top " & top_news & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1) order by newsid DESC"
        end if
        if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="selfreg" then
            if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("reglevel")=3 then
                rs3.Source="select top " & top_news & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 ) order by newsid DESC"
            end if
            if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("reglevel")=2 then
                rs3.Source="select top " & top_news & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 ) order by newsid DESC"
            end if
            if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("reglevel")=1 then
                rs3.Source="select top " & top_news & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 ) order by newsid DESC"
            end if
        end if
        rs3.Source="select top " & top_news & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1) order by newsid DESC"
    end if
    rs3.Open rs3.Source,conn,1,1
    while not rs3.EOF
        newsurl="ReadNews.asp?NewsID=" & rs3("NewsID")
        if showyear=1 then
            datetime="<font class=middle>(" & year(rs3("UpdateTime"))  &"年"& Month(rs3("UpdateTime"))  &"月"& Day(rs3("UpdateTime")) &"日)</font>"
            datetime="<font class=middle>("& Month(rs3("UpdateTime"))  &"月"& Day(rs3("UpdateTime")) &"日)</font>"
        end if
        if rs3("picnews")=1 then
            if fileext="jpg" or fileext="bmp" or fileext="png" or fileext="gif" then
            img=" <img src='images/news_img.gif' border='0'>"
            img="<img src='images/news_media.gif' border='0'>"
            end if
        end if

    if rs3("bigclassID")<>"" then
        set rs22=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
        sql="SELECT bigclassID,bigclassname FROM "& db_BigClass_Table &" WHERE bigclassID="&B
        Set rs22=Conn.Execute(sql)
        set rs22=Nothing
    end if

                                  <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111">
                                          <td>[<%=A%>]<%=img%> <a class="middle" href="<%if rs3("titleface")="无" then %><%=newsurl%><% else %> <%=newswwwurl%><%end if%>" title="<%=htmlencode4(rs3("title"))%>" target="_blank">
                                            <font color="<%=rs3("titlecolor")%>">
                                            <%=CutStr(htmlencode4(rs3("title")),14)%> </font> </a>
                                            <% if rs3("titlesize")>=1 then %> <A class=middle HREF="<%=path%>Review.asp?NewsID=<%=rs3("NewsID")%>" target="_blank" ><font color=red><b>评</b></font></A>
                                            <%end if %>
                                            <%''if showauthor="1" then%> <%''=rs3("Author")%> <%''end if%> </td>
                          <td width="10%" align="right"></td>
                          <td width="90%" align="right"><a class="class" href="Type.asp?typeid=<%=typeid%>"><img src="images/more.gif" border="0" alt="更多<%=typeName%>" /></a></td>
              if i<=RecordCount then
                  <td width="1" valign="top" bgcolor="#D9D5D5"></td>
                  <td width="50%" valign="top">
                    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="biankuangindex" id="AutoNumber13" style="border-collapse: collapse">
                        <tr >
                          <td background="IMAGES/titlemain.gif" height="30" colspan="2">&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="IMAGES/D_1.gif" width="13" height="13" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font><a class=top href="Type.asp?typeid=<%=typeid%>"><%=typeName%></a></font></td>
                          <td width="10%" align="left" valign="top"> <%
set rs=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
if uselevel=1 then
if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="super" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="typemaster" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="bigmaster" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="smallmaster" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="check" then
rs.Source="select top " & L_BG & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 and picnews=1 and picname is not null order by newsid DESC"
end if
if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="" then
rs.Source="select top " & L_BG & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 and newslevel=0 and picnews=1 and picname is not null) order by newsid DESC"
end if
if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="selfreg" then
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    rs.Source="select top " & L_BG & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 and picnews=1 and picname is not null) order by newsid DESC"
    end if
    if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("reglevel")=2 then
    rs.Source="select top " & L_BG & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 and picnews=1 and picname is not null) order by newsid DESC"
    end if
    if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("reglevel")=1 then
    rs.Source="select top " & L_BG & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 and picnews=1 and picname is not null) order by newsid DESC"
    end if
end if
rs.Source="select top " & L_BG & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 and picnews=1 and picname is not null order by newsid DESC"
end if
rs.Open rs.Source,conn,1,1
if rs.EOF then
Response.Write "<img src=images/notopic.gif width=56 border=0 height=56>"
while not rs.EOF
%> <a class="class" target="_blank" href="ReadNews.asp?newsid=<%=rs("newsid")%>" title="<%=htmlencode4(title)%>">
                            <%if fileext="jpg" or fileext="bmp" or fileext="png" or fileext="gif" then%>
                            <img src="<%=FileUploadPath & rs("picname")%>" width="56" border=1 style=border-color:#ffffff height="56" /></a>
                            <%end if%> <%if fileext="swf" then%> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.,0,0,0" width="56" height="56">
                              <param name="movie" value="<%=FileUploadPath & rs("picname")%>" />
                              <param name="quality" value="high" />
                              <param name="Play" value="-1" />
                              <param name="Loop" value="0" />
                              <param name="Menu" value="-1" />
                              <embed src="<%=FileUploadPath & rs("picname")%>" width="56" pluginspage="http://www. type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>
                            </object> <%end if%> <%
end if
set rs=nothing
%> </td>
                          <td width="90%" valign="top"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%" id="AutoNumber14">
set rs3=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
if uselevel=1 then
if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="super" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="typemaster" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="bigmaster" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="smallmaster" or Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="check" then
rs3.Source="select top " & top_news & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1) order by newsid DESC"
end if
if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="" then
rs3.Source="select top " & top_news & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1) order by newsid DESC"
end if
if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("key")="selfreg" then
    if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("reglevel")=3 then
    rs3.Source="select top " & top_news & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 ) order by newsid DESC"
    end if
    if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("reglevel")=2 then
    rs3.Source="select top " & top_news & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 ) order by newsid DESC"
    end if
    if Request.cookies(Forcast_SN)("reglevel")=1 then
    rs3.Source="select top " & top_news & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1 ) order by newsid DESC"
    end if
end if
    rs3.Source="select top " & top_news & " * from "& db_News_Table &" where (typeid=" & typeid &" and checkked=1) order by newsid DESC"
end if
rs3.Open rs3.Source,conn,1,1
while not rs3.EOF
newsurl="ReadNews.asp?NewsID=" & rs3("NewsID")
if showyear=1 then
datetime="<font class=middle>(" & year(rs3("UpdateTime"))  &"年"& Month(rs3("UpdateTime"))  &"月"& Day(rs3("UpdateTime")) &"日)</font>"
newsurl="ReadNews.asp?NewsID=" & rs3("NewsID")
datetime="<font class=middle>("& Month(rs3("UpdateTime"))  &"月"& Day(rs3("UpdateTime")) &"日)</font>"
end if

if rs3("picnews")=1 then
            if fileext="jpg" or fileext="bmp" or fileext="png" or fileext="gif" then
            img=" <img src='images/news_img.gif' border='0'>"
            img="<img src='images/news_media.gif' border='0'>"
            end if
        end if
    if rs3("bigclassID")<>"" then
        set rs22=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
        sql="SELECT bigclassID,bigclassname FROM "& db_BigClass_Table &" WHERE bigclassID="&B
        Set rs22=Conn.Execute(sql)
        set rs22=Nothing
    end if

                                  <td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
                                          <td>[<%=A%>]<%=img%> <a class="middle" href="<%if rs3("titleface")="无" then %><%=newsurl%><% else %> <%=newswwwurl%><%end if%>" title="<%=htmlencode4(rs3("title"))%>" target="_blank">
                                            <font color="<%=rs3("titlecolor")%>">
                                            <%=CutStr(htmlencode4(rs3("title")),14)%> </font> </a>
                                            <% if rs3("titlesize")>=1 then %> <A class=middle HREF="<%=path%>review.asp?NewsID=<%=rs3("NewsID")%>" target="_blank" ><font color=red><b>评</b></font></A>
                                            <%end if %>
                                            <%''if showauthor="1" then%> <%''=rs3("Author")%> <%''end if%> </td>
                          <td width="10%" align="right"></td>
                          <td width="90%" align="right"><a class="class" href="Type.asp?typeid=<%=typeid%>"><img src="images/more.gif" border="0" alt="更多<%=typeName%>" /></a></td>
                  <%end if%>
                  <td colspan="3" valign="top" >
                  <% if i=2  then %>
                     <% if right(lmgg1,3)="swf" then %> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.,0,29,0" width="588" height="<%=lmgg1h%>" >
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                      <param name="quality" value="high">
                      <embed src="<%=lmgg1%>" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="588"  height="<%=lmgg1h%>" ></embed></object>
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                    <% end if %> <% end if %>
                <% if i=4  then %>
                       <% if right(lmgg2,3)="swf" then %> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.,0,29,0" width="588" height="<%=lmgg2h%>">
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                      <param name="quality" value="high">
                      <embed src="<%=lmgg2%>" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="588" height="<%=lmgg2h%>" ></embed></object>
                    <% else %> <a href="<%=lmgg22%>" target="_blank"><img src="<%=lmgg2%>" width="588"  height="<%=lmgg2h%>" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0"></a>
                    <% end if %> <% end if %>
                <% if i=6  then %>
                    <% if right(lmgg3,3)="swf" then %> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.,0,29,0" width="588" height="<%=lmgg3h%>" >
                  <param name="movie" value="<%=lmgg3%>">
                    <param name="quality" value="high">
                     <embed src="<%=lmgg3%>" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="588" height="<%=lmgg3h%>" ></embed>
                    <% else
                  if left(right(lmgg3,4),1)="." then
                  %> <a href="<%=lmgg33%>" target="_blank"><img src="<%=lmgg3%>" width="588"  height="<%=lmgg3h%>"  hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0"></a>
                    end if
                    end if %> <% end if %> </td>
set rs3=nothing
%> </td>

<table width="760" border="0"  align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
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      <td background="images/db.gif" height="30" colspan="3" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>

<table width="760" height="31" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
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        Response.Write "<script language=JavaScript>marquee_logo_news();</script><P align=left>"& vbcrlf
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    set rs10=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
    rs10.Source="select top "& linkshownum &" * from "& db_Link_Table &" where linktype=2 and pass=1 order by ID DESC "
    rs10.Open rs10.Source,conn,1,1
    for i=1 to linkshownum
        if not rs10.EOF then%> <a href="<%=rs10("weburl")%>" target="_blank" title="<%=rs10("webname")%> 简介:<%=rs10("content")%> 站长:<%=rs10("webmaster")%> 申请时间:<%=rs10("dateandtime")%>"><img src="<%=rs10("logo")%>" width="88" height="31" border="0" align=left></a>
        else%> <a href="#" onclick="javascript:linkreg()"><img src="images/logo.gif" width=88 height=31 border=0 align=left></a>
      <%end if
    Next%> </td>
    set rs10=nothing
end if%>
<table width="760" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" >
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set rs10=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rs10.Source="select top "& linkshownum &" * from "& db_Link_Table &" where linktype=0 and pass=1 order by ID DESC "
rs10.Open rs10.Source,conn,1,1
for i=1 to 6
    if not rs10.EOF then
    <td height=31 align="center"><a class="middle" href="<%=rs10("weburl")%>" target="_blank" title="<%=rs10("content")%>
    <td height=31 align="center"><a class="middle" href="#" onclick="javascript:linkreg()">您的位置</a></td>
    <%end if
set rs10=nothing
    <td align="center"><input type=button style="cursor:hand" name=link1 value="申请" onclick="javascript:linkreg()">
      <input type=button style="cursor:hand" name=link1 value="更多" onclick="javascript:morelink()">
  <%end if%>

<table width="760" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td width="190" align="center">
      <select style="WIDTH: 140px" onChange=javascript:window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value) size=1 name=select>
        <option value="#" selected>教育网站链接</option>
        <option value="http://www.moe.中华人民共和国教育部</option>
        <option value="http://www.中国基础教育网</option>
        <option value="http://www.教育教学网</option>
        <option value="http://www.惟存教育</option>
        <option value="http://www.人教网</option>
        <option value="http://www.中国教育技术学科资源网</option>
        <option value="http://www.赛伯时空教育</option>
        <option value="http://www.kepu.中国科普</option>
    <td width="190" align="center">
      <select style="WIDTH: 140px" onChange=javascript:window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value) size=1 name=select8>
        <option selected value="#">查询站点链接</option>
        <option value="http://www.天气在线</option>
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    <td width="190" align="center">
      <select style="WIDTH: 140px" onChange=javascript:window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value) size=1 name=select7>
        <option value="#" selected>兄弟学校链接</option>
        <option value="http://www.北正街小学</option>
        <option value="http://www.育英小学</option>
        <option value="http://www.东升小学</option>
    <td width="180" align="center">
<select style="WIDTH: 140px" onChange=javascript:window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value) size=1 name=select6>
        <option value="#" selected>班级个人主页</option>

Response.Write "<table width=760 align=center border=0 height=50><tr><td align=center>暂 无 文 章 类 别,请 <a href=login.asp>登 陆</a> 后 添 加!</td></tr></table>"
<%end if%>
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2008-10-20 12:00
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注 册:2007-6-29

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2008-10-20 12:07
Rank: 3Rank: 3
等 级:论坛游侠
威 望:4
帖 子:330
注 册:2008-9-6
[bo][un]sunfishy[/un] 在 2008-10-20 12:07 的发言:[/bo]




2008-10-20 12:44

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