sql语句:Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rs2 As New ADODB.Recordset
cnn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=jchisn;Data Source=JXJXYY"
Dim sql As String
Dim sum As String
sql = "select offname as 科室,hoscode as 住院号,patname as 病人姓名,medname As 药品名称, medspec As 规格, roomunit As 单位, roomprice As 单价, number As 数量, selfallmoney As 金额, sendopecode As 发药人, exectime As 发药时间 from AdviceListView where roomcode=2000 and sendopecode>0 " & _
"and hoscode like '" & Text1.Text & "%" & "' " & _
" and offname like'" & Combo1.Text & "%" & "' " & _
" and medname like'" & Text2.Text & "%" & "' " & _
" order by exectime desc"
sum = "select sum(number) As 数量, sum(selfallmoney) As 金额 from AdviceListView where roomcode=2000 and hoscode like '" _
& Text1.Text & "%" & "' "
If cnn.State = adStateOpen Then
Set rs1.ActiveConnection = cnn
rs1.CursorType = adOpenStatic
rs1.Open sql
Set rs2.ActiveConnection = cnn
rs2.CursorType = adOpenStatic
rs2.Open sum
Adodc1.ConnectionString = cnn
Adodc1.RecordSource = sql
Adodc2.ConnectionString = cnn
Adodc2.RecordSource = sum
If rs2.Fields(0) <> "" Then
Label1.Caption = rs2.Fields(0)
Label1.Caption = ""
End If
If rs2.Fields(1) <> "" Then
Label2.Caption = rs2.Fields(1)
Label2.Caption = ""
End If
End If
End Sub
以前我用Adodc绑定时,sql = "select offname as 科室,hoscode as 住院号,patname as 病人姓名,medname As 药品名称, medspec As 规格, roomunit As 单位, roomprice As 单价, number As 数量, selfallmoney As 金额, sendopecode As 发药人, exectime As 发药时间 from AdviceListView where roomcode=2000 and sendopecode>0 " & _
"and hoscode like '" & Text1.Text & "%" & "' " & _
" and offname like'" & Combo1.Text & "%" & "' " & _
" and medname like'" & Text2.Text & "%" & "' " & _
" order by exectime desc"
sql = "select offname as 科室,hoscode as 住院号,patname as 病人姓名,medname As 药品名称, medspec As 规格, roomunit As 单位, roomprice As 单价, number As 数量, selfallmoney As 金额, sendopecode As 发药人, exectime As 发药时间 from AdviceListView where roomcode=2000 and sendopecode>0 " & _
"and hoscode like '" & Text1.Text & "%" & "' " & _
" order by exectime desc"
时可以查询到数据,加上 " and offname like'" & Combo1.Text & "%" & "' " & _
" and medname like'" & Text2.Text & "%" & "' " & _