;*********** WINDLX Ex.3: Factorial *************;*********** (c) 1991 G黱ther Raidl *************
;*********** Modified: 1992 Maziar Khosravipour *************
; Program begin at symbol main
; requires module INPUT
; read a number from stdin and calculate the factorial (type: double)
; the result is written to stdout
Prompt: .asciiz "An integer value >1 : "
PrintfFormat: .asciiz "Factorial = %g\n\n"
.align 2
PrintfPar: .word PrintfFormat
PrintfValue: .space 8
.global main
;*** Read value from stdin into R1
addi r1,r0,Prompt
jal InputUnsigned
;*** init values
movi2fp f10,r1 ;R1 -> D0 D0..Count register
cvti2d f0,f10
addi r2,r0,1 ;1 -> D2 D2..result
movi2fp f11,r2
cvti2d f2,f11
movd f4,f2 ;1-> D4 D4..Constant 1
;*** Break loop if D0 = 1
Loop: led f0,f4 ;D0<=1 ?
bfpt Finish
;*** Multiplication and next loop
multd f2,f2,f0
subd f0,f0,f4
j Loop
Finish: ;*** write result to stdout
sd PrintfValue,f2
addi r14,r0,PrintfPar
trap 5
;*** end
trap 0