<title>添加<%=name%>的课表</title><table border="1" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#FAE7F1" >
<table width=100%><tr>
<% for j=1 to 7 %>
<td align="center">
<% rmbs(j) %>
星期<%=rmb %>
<% next %>
<% for i=1 to 4 %>
<% for j=1 to 7 %>
<td width=5 align="center">
<input name="w&'<%=j%>'&'<%=i%>'" type="text" size=7></td>
<% next%>
<% next%>
Function rmbs(num)
num = FormatNumber(num, 2)
Dim numList
Dim rmbList
Dim numLen
Dim numChar
Dim numstr
Dim n
Dim n1, n2
Dim hz
numList = "0一二三四五六日八九十"
rmbList = "分角元拾佰仟万拾佰仟亿拾佰仟万"
If num > 9999999999999.99 Then
rmb = "超出范围的人民币值"
Exit Function
End If
numstr = CStr(num * 100)
numLen = Len(numstr)
n = 1
Do While n <= numLen
numChar = CInt(Mid(numstr, n, 1))
n1 = Mid(numList, numChar + 1, 1)
n2 = Mid(rmbList, numLen - n + 1, 1)
If Not n1 = "jj零" Then
hz = hz + CStr(n1) + CStr(n2)
If n2 = "亿" Or n2 = "万" Or n2 = "元" Or n1 = "零" Then
Do While Right(hz, 1) = "零"
hz = Left(hz, Len(hz) - 1)
End If
If (n2 = "亿" Or (n2 = "万" And Right(hz, 1) <> "亿") Or n2 = "元") Then
hz = hz + CStr(n2)
If Left(Right(hz, 2), 1) = "零" Or Right(hz, 1) <> "亿" Then
hz = hz + n1
End If
End If
End If
n = n + 1
Do While Right(hz, 1) = "零"
hz = Left(hz, Len(hz) - 1)
If Right(hz, 1) = "元" Then
hz = hz + "整"
End If
rmb = left(hz,1)
End Function%>