BCB F1帮助就有例子啊
The following example uses a button, a string grid, and an Open dialog box on a form. When the button is clicked, the user is prompted for a filename. When the user clicks OK, the specified file is opened, read into a buffer, and closed. Then the buffer is displayed in two columns of the string grid. The first column contains the character values in the buffer. The second column contains the numeric values of the characters in the buffer.
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
int iFileHandle;
int iFileLength;
int iBytesRead;
char *pszBuffer;
if (OpenDialog1->Execute())
iFileHandle = FileOpen(OpenDialog1->FileName, fmOpenRead);
iFileLength = FileSeek(iFileHandle,0,2);
pszBuffer = newchar[iFileLength+1];
iBytesRead = FileRead(iFileHandle, pszBuffer, iFileLength);
for (int i=0;i<iBytesRead;i++)
StringGrid1->RowCount += 1;
StringGrid1->Cells[1][i+1] = pszBuffer[i];
StringGrid1->Cells[2][i+1] = IntToStr((int)pszBuffer[i]);
delete [] pszBuffer;
Application->MessageBox("Can't perform one of the following file operations: Open, Seek, Read, Close.", "File Error", IDOK);
int ReadTxtFile(char *fileName)
int iFileHandle;
int iFileLength;
int iBytesRead;
char *pszBuffer;
iFileHandle = FileOpen(fileName, fmOpenRead);
if(iFileHandle==-1) {ShowMessage("Can't open file");return 0;}
iFileLength = FileSeek(iFileHandle,0,2);
pszBuffer = new char[iFileLength+1];
iBytesRead = FileRead(iFileHandle, pszBuffer, iFileLength);//读取出来了
delete []pszBuffer;//用完了释放掉
return 1;