use functional decomposition to write a c++ program that takes a number in the range of 0 to 6 and second number in the range of 1 to 366 as input. the first number represents the day of week on which the year begins, where 0 is sunday, and so on. the senond num indicates the day of the year. the program the outputs the name of the day of the week corresponding to the day of the year. the number of the day of the week can be computed as: (start day + day of year - 1)%7我不明白这公式是什么意思。start day 是 0~6 里的一个数? day of year 是1~366 里的数?随便赋个值进去,如果结果是28.5714。。。。。那我怎么能知道它是星期几阿??/