set rs=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
if Request("user_zhuozhe_name")="" and Request("user_dangwei_file")="" and Request("user_fashong_fangshi")="" then
rs.Source="select * from client where kfsj between #"&uptime&"# and #"&uptime1&"# order by id desc"
if Request("user_fashong_fangshi")="" then
if Request("user_dangwei_file")="" then
rs.Source="select * from client where zhuozhe_name like '%"&Request("user_zhuozhe_name")&"%' and (kfsj between #"&uptime&"# and #"&uptime1&"#) order by id desc"
rs.Source="select * from client where client_adr like '%"&Request("user_dangwei_file")&"%' and (kfsj between #"&uptime&"# and #"&uptime1&"#) order by id desc"
end if
rs.Source="select * from client where fashong_fangshi="&request("user_fashong_fangshi")&" and (kfsj between #"&uptime&"# and #"&uptime1&"#) order by id desc"
end if
end if
rs.Open rs.Source,conn,1,1
sql="select sum(freight) as from client" '//client是表名
if not rs.EOF then
rs.PageSize = MyPageSize
MaxPages = rs.PageCount
rs.absolutepage = Page
total = rs.RecordCount
<td width="8%" height="18" align="right" class="but" onMouseDown="this.className='tddown'" onMouseUp="this.className='but'" onMouseOut="this.className='but'"> <%=num%></td>