Request 对象 错误 'ASP 0206 : 80004005' 不能调用 BinaryRead /upload.asp,行 23 使用 Request.Form 集合之后,不能调用 BinaryRead。
'无组件文件上传 ver2.11
Class Upload
Private arrData
Private stmRequest
Private objData
Private m_blnCaseSensitive
Private Sub Class_Initialize '构造函数(初始化数据)
dim intFileSize,binFileData
intFileSize = Request.totalbytes '客户端响应数据字节的大小
m_blnCaseSensitive = false
if intFileSize = 0 then
exit sub
end if
set stmRequest = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
With stmRequest
.Mode = 3
.Type = 1
.Write Request.BinaryRead(intFileSize) '得到数据量要小于或等于totalbytes
.Position = 0
binFileData = .Read '将数据流赋值给变量 binFileData
End With
if lenB(binFileData)=0 then exit sub
dim binCrLf,binDivider,intDividerLen
binCrLf = chrB(13) & chrB(10)
if instrB(binFileData,binCrLf) - 1 < 0 then exit sub '如果没有binCrLf退出循环
binDivider = leftB(binFileData,instrB(binFileData,binCrLf) - 1)
intDividerLen=lenB(binDivider) + 2
dim intStartPoint,intEndPoint,binBlock,intLoop
set objData = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
intStartPoint = 1
intLoop = 0
intEndPoint = instrB(intStartPoint + 1,binFileData,binDivider,0)
if intEndPoint = 0 then exit do
binBlock = midB(binFileData,intStartPoint + intDividerLen,intEndPoint - intStartPoint - intDividerLen)
objData.Add intLoop,splitData(binBlock,intStartPoint + intDividerLen)
intStartPoint = intEndPoint
intLoop = intLoop + 1
arrData = objData.Items
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate '析构函数(释放内存数据)
dim intLoop
set objData = nothing
for intLoop = Lbound(arrData) to Ubound(arrData)
set arrData(intLoop) = nothing
set stmRequest=nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get CaseSensitive()
CaseSensitive = m_blnCaseSensitive
End Property
Public Property Let CaseSensitive(blnData)
m_blnCaseSensitive = blnData
End Property
Private Function splitData(binData,intBlockStart)
dim binCrLf,intPoint,clsData,binName,binValue,intBinStart
binCrLf = chrB(13) & chrB(10)
intPoint = instrB(binData,binCrLf & binCrLf)
binName = leftB(binData,intPoint-1)
if lenB(binData)-intPoint-5 > 0 then
binValue = midB(binData,intPoint+4,lenB(binData)-intPoint-5)
intBinStart = intBlockStart + intPoint + 2
end if
dim intStartPoint,intCount
intStartPoint = 0
intCount = 0
do while(instrB(intStartPoint + 1,binName,chrb(asc(";"))))
intStartPoint = instrB(intStartPoint + 1,binName,chrb(asc(";")))
intCount = intCount + 1
set clsData = new FormItem
if intCount > 1 then
clsData.DataType = 1 '二进制为1
clsData.DataType = 0 '文本为0
end if
dim binDivider,intStart,intLen
binDivider = chrb(Asc(";")) & chrb(Asc(" ")) & chrb(Asc("n")) & chrb(Asc("a")) & chrb(Asc("m")) & chrb(Asc("e")) & chrb(Asc("=")) & chrb(Asc(""""))
intPoint = instrB(binName,binDivider)
intStart = intPoint + 8
intLen = instrB(intStart,binName, chrb(Asc(""""))) - intStart
clsData.Name = bintoStr(midB(binName,intStart,intLen))
clsData.Start = intBinStart
if clsData.DataType then
if lenB(binValue) mod 2 <> 0 then
clsData.Value = binValue & chrB(0)
clsData.Value = binValue
end if
binDivider = chrb(Asc(";")) & chrb(Asc(" ")) & chrb(Asc("f")) & chrb(Asc("i")) & chrb(Asc("l")) & chrb(Asc("e")) & chrb(Asc("n")) & chrb(Asc("a")) & chrb(Asc("m")) & chrb(Asc("e")) & chrb(Asc("=")) & chrb(Asc(""""))
intPoint = instrB(binName,binDivider)
intStart = intPoint + 12
intLen = instrB(intStart,binName, chrb(Asc(""""))) - intStart
clsData.FileName = bintoStr(midB(binName,intStart,intLen))
binDivider = binCrLf & chrb(Asc("C")) & chrb(Asc("o")) & chrb(Asc("n")) & chrb(Asc("t")) & chrb(Asc("e")) & chrb(Asc("n")) & chrb(Asc("t")) & chrb(Asc("-")) & chrb(Asc("T")) & chrb(Asc("y")) & chrb(Asc("p")) & chrb(Asc("e"))
intPoint = instrB(binName,binDivider)
intStart = intPoint + 16
clsData.ContentType = bintoStr(midB(binName,intStart))
clsData.Value = bintoStr(binValue)
end if
set splitData = clsData
End Function
Private Function bintoStr(binStr)
Dim intUnicodeLow,strReturn,blnSkipFlag,intLoop
blnSkipFlag = false
strReturn = ""
If lenB(binStr) Then
For intLoop=1 To LenB(binStr)
If blnSkipFlag Then
blnSkipFlag = false
intUnicodeLow = MidB(binStr,intLoop,1)
If AscB(intUnicodeLow) > 127 Then
strReturn =strReturn & Chr(AscW(MidB(binStr,intLoop+1,1) & intUnicodeLow))
blnSkipFlag = true
strReturn = strReturn & Chr(AscB(intUnicodeLow))
End If
End If
End If
bintoStr = strReturn
End Function
Public Function binRequest(strName,intNum)
dim blnExists,intCount,intLoop
intCount = 0
if isEmpty(arrData) then
set binRequest = new FormItem
exit function
end if
for intLoop = 0 to ubound(arrData)
if not isObject(arrData(intLoop)) then exit for
if m_blnCaseSensitive then '如果大小写敏感
if strName = arrData(intLoop).Name then
if intCount = intNum then
blnExists = true
exit for
end if
intCount = intCount + 1
end if
if UCase(strName) = UCase(arrData(intLoop).Name)then
if intCount = intNum then
blnExists = true
exit for
end if
intCount = intCount + 1
end if
end if
if blnExists then
set binRequest = arrData(intLoop)
set binRequest = new FormItem
end if
End Function
Public Function binCount(strName)
dim intCount,intLoop
intCount = 0
if isEmpty(arrData) then
binCount = intCount
exit function
end if
for intLoop = 0 to ubound(arrData)
if not isObject(arrData(intLoop)) then exit for
if m_blnCaseSensitive then '如果大小写敏感
if strName = arrData(intLoop).Name then
intCount = intCount + 1
end if
if UCase(strName) = UCase(arrData(intLoop).Name) then
intCount = intCount + 1
end if
end if
binCount = intCount
End Function
Public Function isExists(strName)
dim blnExists,intLoop
blnExists = false
if isEmpty(arrData) then
isExists = blnExists
exit function
end if
for intLoop = 1 to ubound(arrData)
if not isObject(arrData(intLoop)) then exit for
if m_blnCaseSensitive then '如果大小写敏感
if strName = arrData(intLoop).Name then
blnExists = true
exit for
end if
if UCase(strName) = UCase(arrData(intLoop).Name) then
blnExists = true
exit for
end if
end if
isExists = blnExists
End Function
Public Function SavetoFile(strName,intNum,strFullName,blnForce)
dim clsData
set clsData = binRequest(strName,intNum)
If IsEmpty(binRequest(strName,intNum).DataType) Then
SavetoFile = 1 '该控件不存在
Exit Function
End if
If len(binRequest(strName,intNum).value) = 0 Then
SavetoFile = 2 '该控件值为空
Exit Function
End If
dim objFSO
set objFSO = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if not objFSO.FolderExists(GetPath(strFullName)) then
SavetoFile = 4 '保存路径的目录不存在
Exit Function
end if
set objFSO = nothing
dim stmData
set stmData = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
with stmData
.Mode = 3 'adModeWrite; 4 adModeReadWrite; 1 adModeRead (默认值)
.Type = 1 'adTypeBinary
dim objFs
set objFs = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if blnForce then
stmRequest.Position = clsData.Start
stmRequest.Copyto stmData,lenB(clsData.value)
on Error Resume Next
.SavetoFile strFullName,2 'adSaveCreateOverWrite
if Err <> 0 then
if objFs.FileExists(strFullName) then
SavetoFile = 8 '文件不能保存,该文件正在被使用
SavetoFile = 16 '文件不能保存,请确定该目录具有可写权限
end if
SavetoFile = 0
End if
on Error goto 0
if objFs.FileExists(strFullName) then
SavetoFile = 32 '非强制覆盖状态,文件已经存在
stmRequest.position = clsData.Start
stmRequest.copyto stmData,lenB(clsData.value)
on Error Resume Next
.SavetoFile strFullName,2 'adSaveCreateOverWrite
if Err <> 0 then
SavetoFile = 16 '文件不能保存,请确定该目录具有可写权限
SavetoFile = 0
End if
on Error goto 0
end if
end if
set objFs = nothing
end with
set stmData = nothing
End Function
Function GetPath(strFullName)
dim strReturn
strReturn = left(strFullName,InstrRev(strFullName,"\"))
GetPath = strReturn
End function
End Class
class FormItem
Private mName
Private mValue
Private mType '数据类型:二进制数据取1; 文本数据取0
Private mFileName
Private mContentType
Private mStart '二进制数据的开始结束位置
Public Property Get Name()
name = mName
end Property
Public Property Let Name(byVal varData)
mName = varData
end Property
Public Property Get Value()
value = mValue
end Property
Public Property Let Value(byVal varData)
mValue = varData
end Property
Public Property Get DataType()
DataType = mType
end Property
Public Property Let DataType(byVal varData)
mType = varData
end Property
Public Property Get FileName()
FileName = mFileName
end Property
Public Property Let FileName(byVal varData)
mFileName = varData
end Property
Public Property Get ContentType()
ContentType = mContentType
end Property
Public Property Let ContentType(byVal varData)
mContentType = varData
end Property
Public Property Get Start()
Start = mStart
end Property
Public Property Let Start(byVal varData)
mStart = varData
end Property
Public Property Get ShortFileName()
dim strReturn
strReturn = Mid(mFileName,InstrRev(mFileName,"\")+1)
ShortFileName = strReturn
End Property
Private Function ConvertIntel(strTemp)
dim i
for i = 1 to lenB(strTemp)
ConvertIntel = ConvertIntel + ascb( midb( strTemp, i, 1 ) ) * ( 2 ^ ( (i-1) * 8 ) )
end Function
Private Function ConvertMotorola(strTemp)
dim i,j
j = 0
for i = lenB(strTemp) to 1 step -1
ConvertMotorola = ConvertMotorola + ascb( midb( strTemp, i, 1 ) ) * ( 2 ^ ( j * 8 ) )
j = j + 1
end Function
Public Function IsImage(byRef imgWidth,byRef imgHeight,byRef imgType,byRef imgSize,byRef imgBit)
if mType = 0 or LenB(mValue) = 0 then
IsImage = false
imgWidth = -1
imgHeight = -1
imgType = "unknow"
imgSize = -1
imgBit = -1
exit function
end if
dim flag
flag = 0 '0 is not jpg/gif/png image; 1 is jpg/gif/png
'*********************************Check.jpg Start*****************************************************
dim i_Depth
if flag = 0 then
dim lngMarkerSize,tempstr,tstr,lngSize,flgFound,strTarget,lngpos,exitLoop
tempstr = LeftB(mValue,10)
tstr = chrb(255) & chrb(216) & chrb(255) & chrb(224) & chrb(0) & chrb(16) & chrb(74) & chrb(70) & chrb(73) & chrb(70)
if strcomp(tempstr,tstr,0) = 0 then
imgType = "JPG" '图片格式
imgSize = lenB(mValue) '图片大小
lngSize = imgSize
flgFound = 0
strTarget = chrb(255) & chrb(216) & chrb(255)
flgFound = instrb(mValue, strTarget)
lngPos = flgFound + 2
ExitLoop = false
do while ExitLoop = False and lngPos < lngSize
do while ascb(midb(mValue, lngPos, 1)) = 255 and lngPos < lngSize
lngPos = lngPos + 1
if ascb(midb(mValue, lngPos, 1)) < 192 or ascb(midb(mValue, lngPos, 1)) > 195 then
lngMarkerSize = ConvertMotorola(midb(mValue, lngPos + 1, 2))
lngPos = lngPos + lngMarkerSize + 1
ExitLoop = True
end if
imgHeight = ConvertMotorola(midb(mValue, lngPos +4, 2)) '图片高度
imgWidth = ConvertMotorola(midb(mValue, lngPos +6, 2)) '图片宽度
imgBit = ascb(midb(mValue, lngPos + 8, 1)) * 8 '图片色深
end if
end if
'*********************************Check.jpg End*****************************************************
'*********************************Check.gif Start*****************************************************
if flag = 0 then
dim tstr2
tempstr = Leftb(mValue,6)
tstr = chrb(71) & chrb(73) & chrb(70) & chrb(56) & chrb(57) & chrb(97)
tstr2 = chrb(71) & chrb(73) & chrb(70) & chrb(56) & chrb(55) & chrb(97)
if (strcomp(tempstr,tstr,0) = 0 or strcomp(tempstr,tstr2) = 0) and (lenB(mValue) > 12) then
imgType = "GIF" '图片格式
imgWidth = ConvertIntel(midb(mValue,7,2)) '图片宽度
imgHeight = ConvertIntel(midb(mValue,9,2)) '图片高度
imgBit = (ascb(midb(mValue, 11, 1)) and 112)/16 + 1 '图片色深
imgSize = lenB(mValue) '图片大小
flag = 2
flag = 0
end if
end if
'*********************************Check.gif End*****************************************************
'*********************************Check.bmp Start*****************************************************
if flag = 0 then
tempstr = Leftb(mValue,2)
tstr = chrb(Asc("B")) & chrb(Asc("M"))
if (strcomp(tempstr,tstr,0) = 0) and (lenb(mValue) >32 ) then
imgType = "BMP" '图片格式
imgWidth = ConvertIntel(midb(mValue,19,4)) '图片宽度
imgHeight = ConvertIntel(midb(mValue,23,4)) '图片高度
imgBit = ConvertIntel(midb(mValue,29,2)) '图片色深
imgSize = lenB(mValue) '图片大小
end if
end if
'*********************************Check.bmp End*****************************************************
'*********************************Check.png Start*****************************************************
if flag = 0 then
dim i_colorType
tstr=chrb(137) & chrb(80) & chrb(78) & chrb(71) & chrb(13) & chrb(10) & chrb(26) & chrb(10)
if (strcomp(tempstr,tstr,0) = 0) and (lenb(mValue) >27 )then
imgType = "PNG" '图片格式
imgWidth = ConvertMotorola(midb(mValue, 19, 2)) '图片宽度
imgHeight = ConvertMotorola(midb(mValue, 23, 2)) '图片高度
i_Depth = ascb(midb(mValue, 25, 1))
i_colorType = ascb(midb(mValue, 26, 1))
select case i_colorType
case 0
i_Depth = i_Depth
case 2
i_Depth = i_Depth * 3
case 3
i_Depth = i_Depth
case 4
i_Depth = i_Depth * 2
case 6
i_Depth = i_Depth * 4
case else
i_Depth = -1
end select
imgBit = i_Depth '图片色深
imgSize = lenB(mValue) '图片大小
flag = 2
flag = 0
end if
end if
'*********************************Check.png End*****************************************************
if flag = 0 then
isImage = false
imgWidth = -1
imgHeight = -1
imgType = "unknow"
imgSize = -1
imgBit = -1
IsImage = true
end if
End Function
end class