<% function unicode(str) dim i,j,c,i1,i2,u,fs,f,p unicode="" p="" for i=1 to len(str) c=mid(str,i,1) j=ascw(c) if j<0 then j=j+65536 end if if j>=0 and j<=128 then if p="c" then unicode=" "&unicode p="e" end if unicode=unicode&c else if p="e" then unicode=unicode&" " p="c" end if unicode=unicode&"&#"&j&";" end if next end function function cutline(str,linelen) dim i,j,c,k cutline="" j=0 for i=1 to len(str) c=mid(str,i,1) if asc(c)<0 or asc(c)>127 then k=2 else if asc(c)<32 then k=0 if asc(c)=13 then j=0 cutline=cutline+"<br/>"+c c="" end if else k=1 end if end if j=j+k if j>linelen*2 then cutline=cutline+"<br/>"+vbCrlf+c j=k else cutline=cutline+c end if next end function function convertsymbol(sStr) dim i,c convertsymbol="" for i=1 to len(sStr) c=mid(sStr,i,1) if c=">" then convertsymbol=convertsymbol & ">" elseif c="<" then convertsymbol=convertsymbol & "<" elseif c="'" then convertsymbol=convertsymbol & "'" elseif c="""" then convertsymbol=convertsymbol & """ elseif c="&" then convertsymbol=convertsymbol & "&" elseif c="$" then convertsymbol=convertsymbol & "$$" else convertsymbol=convertsymbol & c end if next end function function convertstring(sStr) dim strtemp,asctemp,c strtemp="" for i=1 to len(sStr) c=mid(sStr,i,1) asctemp=ascw(c) if (asctemp>47 and asctemp<58) or (asctemp>64 and asctemp<91) or (asctemp>96 and asctemp<123) then strtemp=strtemp & c end if next convertstring=Lcase(strtemp) end function %>