写着玩的程序,突然就想开发一个骗过Lemon评测平台的程序。目前,爆栈还是内存炸了不知道(大哭),而且用Dev C++写的,不会开C++11,具体也不会调了
// Author:PanDaoxi #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <dirent.h> using namespace std; #define endl "\n" #define ll long long const int INF = 101; int k; bool useStdIO, errors; string iFile, oFile, problemPath, errType, title, conStr, inp, dataFile[INF]; void getData(string path){ DIR* d = opendir(path.c_str()); if(!d){ errors = true; errType = "Could not reach the folder"; return; } dirent* e; while((e = readdir(d))){ dataFile[++k] = e -> d_name; if(dataFile[k] == "." || dataFile[k] == "..") k--; } closedir(d); return; } string getInput(string path){ FILE* cur = fopen(path.c_str(), "r"); if(!cur){ errors = true; return errType = "Could not read from the INPUT file"; } fseek(cur, 0, SEEK_END); size_t sz = ftell(cur); char* tmp = new char[sz]; rewind(cur); fread(tmp, sizeof(char), sz, cur); fclose(cur); return string(tmp); } void checkErr(){ if(errors){ cerr << errType; exit(0); } return; } int main(){ // 请用户填写如下题目信息 useStdIO = true; // 是否使用标准输入输出(true=使用标准输出,false=使用文件输出) title = "T1"; // 当前题目名称 iFile = title + ".in"; // 题目要求的输入数据文件(仅当 useStdIO 为真时有效) oFile = title + ".out"; // 题目要求的输出数据文件(仅当 useStdIO 为真时有效) // 请用户不要操作以下内容 problemPath = "../../data/" + title + "/"; if(useStdIO){ oFile = "con"; while(getline(cin, conStr)) inp += conStr + "\n"; } else{ freopen(iFile.c_str(), "r", stdin); inp = getInput(iFile); } freopen(oFile.c_str(), "w", stdout); checkErr(); getData(problemPath); checkErr(); for(int i=1; i<=k; i++){ if(dataFile[i].find("in") != dataFile[i].npos) continue; else if(getInput(problemPath + dataFile[i]) == inp){ string ans = getInput(problemPath + dataFile[i].substr(0, dataFile[i].find(".")) + oFile.substr(oFile.find("."))); checkErr(); cout << ans; fclose(stdout); return 0; } } errors = true; errType = "Could not find the answer"; checkErr(); fclose(stdout); return 0; }