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Sub instruct()

Dim f As Boolean
Dim SRN, ERN As Integer
Dim End_reel_N As Integer
Dim IntColor, IntColorN As Double
Dim i, j, k, l, m, n, c1 As Integer
Dim total_L, accum_L, H2_L As Single
Dim R, RH As Single

Const max_reel_num As Integer = 80


SRN = 12
ERN = SRN + max_reel_num
total_L = Range("H4").Value
End_reel_N = Range("K4").Value
H2_L = Range("AN4")
IntColor = 65535
IntColorN = 12632256

    With Selection.Interior
        .Pattern = xlNone
    End With

For i = 2 To End_reel_N - 1
    j = SRN + i - 1
    Range(Cells(j, 11), Cells(j, 13)).Select
    If Cells(j, 9) = 1 Then
        Selection.Interior.color = IntColor
        Selection.Value = 1
        Selection.Interior.color = IntColorN
        Selection.Value = 0
    End If
Next i

'慡儕乕儖應掕丂丂丟丂MFD,Cutoff,PMD     '以下是MFD、CUTOFF、PMD的抽检,每隔4盘抽一盘。
For i = 2 To End_reel_N - 1
    j = SRN + i - 1
    c1 = i Mod 5
    If c1 = 1 Then
      If Cells(j, 9) = 1 Then
        Call instruct_1(j, 15, 17, 35, IntColor, 1)   '如果是良品,则黄色显示1.

       Call instruct_1(j, 15, 17, 35, IntColorN, 0)  '如果是不良品,则灰色显示0.

        For k = 1 To j + 10
            If Cells(j - k, 9) = 1 Then

               Call instruct_1(j - k, 15, 17, 35, IntColor, 1)  '判断首盘纤位置。

                Exit For
            End If
        Next k

        For k = 1 To j + 10
            If Cells(j + k, 9) = 1 Then

               Call instruct_1(j + k, 15, 17, 35, IntColor, 1)  '判断末盘纤位置。

                Exit For
            End If
        Next k
      End If
    End If
Next i
For i = 2 To End_reel_N - 1
    j = SRN + i - 1
    c1 = i Mod 5                                                                '设置每隔4盘测一盘。
    If c1 = 1 Then
      If Cells(j, 9) = 1 Then
        Call instruct_1(j, 19, 21, 23, IntColor, 1)
        Call instruct_1(j, 19, 21, 23, IntColorN, 0)
        For k = 1 To j + 10
            If Cells(j - k, 9) = 1 Then
                Call instruct_1(j - k, 19, 21, 23, IntColor, 1)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next k
        For k = 1 To j + 10
            If Cells(j + k, 9) = 1 Then
                Call instruct_1(j + k, 19, 21, 23, IntColor, 1)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next k
      End If
    End If
Next i
'慡儕乕儖應掕丂丂丟丂僋儔僢僪宎丄僋儔僢僪旕墌棪丄曃怱検丄慺慄宎     'PK2400抽检程序
For i = 2 To End_reel_N - 1
    j = SRN + i - 1
    c1 = i Mod 5
    If c1 = 1 Then
      If Cells(j, 9) = 1 Then
        Call instruct_2(j, 25, 27, 29, 31, IntColor, 1)

        Call instruct_2(j, 25, 27, 29, 31, IntColorN, 0)

        For k = 1 To j + 10
            If Cells(j - k, 9) = 1 Then
                Call instruct_2(j - k, 25, 27, 29, 31, IntColor, 1)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next k

        For k = 1 To j + 10
            If Cells(j + k, 9) = 1 Then
                Call instruct_2(j + k, 25, 27, 29, 31, IntColor, 1)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next k
      End If
    End If
Next i

    c1 = SRN
    Set R1 = Range(Cells(c1, 11), Cells(c1, 36))
    c1 = SRN + End_reel_N - 1
    Set R2 = Range(Cells(c1, 11), Cells(c1, 36))
    Union(R1, R2).Select
    Selection.Interior.color = IntColor
    Selection.Value = 1
'悈慺帋尡                                                           'H2氢损抽检。
For i = 2 To End_reel_N - 1
    j = SRN + i - 1

    If Cells(j, 10) >= H2_L Then
      If Cells(j, 9) = 1 And Cells(j, 8) >= 7 Then
        Range(Cells(j, 37), Cells(j, 41)).Select
        Selection.Interior.color = IntColor
        Selection.Value = 1
        Exit For
        Range(Cells(j, 37), Cells(j, 41)).Select
        Selection.Interior.color = IntColorN
        Selection.Value = 0
        For k = 1 To j + 10
            If Cells(j - k, 9) = 1 And Cells(j - k, 8) >= 7 Then
                Range(Cells(j - k, 37), Cells(j - k, 41)).Select
                Selection.Interior.color = IntColor
                Selection.Value = 1
                Exit For
            End If
        Next k
        Exit For
      End If
    End If
Next i

'For i = 2 To End_reel_N - 1                                         '增加部分。此处开始。
'    j = SRN + i - 1
'    If Cells(j, 10) >= H2_L Then
'      If Cells(j, 9) = 1 And Cells(j, 8) >= 7 Then
'        Range(Cells(j, 37), Cells(j, 41)).Select
'        Selection.Interior.color = IntColor
'        Selection.Value = 1
'        Exit For
'      Else
'        Range(Cells(j, 37), Cells(j, 41)).Select
'        Selection.Interior.color = IntColorN
'        Selection.Value = 0
'        For k = 1 To j + 10
'            If Cells(j + k, 9) = 1 And Cells(j + k, 8) >= 7 Then
'                Range(Cells(j + k, 37), Cells(j + k, 41)).Select
'                Selection.Interior.color = IntColor
'                Selection.Value = 1
'                Exit For
'            End If
'        Next k
'        Exit For
'      End If
'    End If
'Next i                                                                 '以上部分为增加的,意为当良否判定不良时,抽上下两盘光纤氢损。 以处结束。


End Sub

Private Sub instruct_1(i1, a1, a2, a3, color, f)

Set R1 = Cells(i1, a1)
Set R2 = Cells(i1, a2)
Set R3 = Cells(i1, a3)
Union(R1, R2, R3).Select
Selection.Interior.color = color
Selection.Value = f

End Sub

Private Sub instruct_2(i, a1, a2, a3, a4, color, f)

Set R1 = Cells(i, a1)
Set R2 = Cells(i, a2)
Set R3 = Cells(i, a3)
Set r4 = Cells(i, a4)
Union(R1, R2, R3, r4).Select
Selection.Interior.color = color
Selection.Value = f

End Sub

Sub OTDR_instruct_again()

Dim f As Boolean
Dim SRN, ERN As Integer
Dim End_reel_N As Integer
Dim IntColor, IntColorN, IntColorNull As Double
Dim i, j, k, l, m, n, c1 As Integer
Dim total_L, accum_L, H2_L As Single
Dim R, RH As Single

Const max_reel_num As Integer = 80


SRN = 10
ERN = SRN + max_reel_num
total_L = Range("H4").Value
End_reel_N = Range("K4").Value
H2_L = Range("AN4")
IntColor = 65535
IntColorN = 12632256
IntColorNull = 13434879

For i = 2 To End_reel_N - 1
    j = SRN + i - 1
    If Cells(j, 13) = 9 And Cells(j, 19) = 1 Then
        Call instruct_1(j, 19, 21, 23, IntColorNull, 0)
        For k = 1 To j + 10
            If Cells(j - k, 13) = 1 Then
                Call instruct_1(j - k, 19, 21, 23, IntColor, 1)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next k
        For k = 1 To j + 10
            If Cells(j + k, 13) = 1 Then
                Call instruct_1(j + k, 19, 21, 23, IntColor, 1)
                Exit For
            End If
        Next k
    End If
'    If Cells(j, 13) = 9 And Cells(j, 26) = 1 Then
'        Call 巜帵棫偰_2(j, 26, 28, 30, 32, IntColorNull, 0)
'        For k = 1 To j + 10
'            If Cells(j - k, 13) = 1 Then
'                Call 巜帵棫偰_2(j - k, 26, 28, 30, 32, IntColor, 1)
'                Exit For
'            End If
'        Next k
'        For k = 1 To j + 10
'            If Cells(j + k, 13) = 1 Then
'                Call 巜帵棫偰_2(j + k, 26, 28, 30, 32, IntColor, 1)
'                Exit For
'            End If
'        Next k
'    End If

Next i


End Sub

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注 册:2013-2-16
2019-04-23 14:22
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