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等 级:新手上路
帖 子:13
注 册:2017-9-7
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//Program Simple Simon
#define bool int
#define true 1
#define false 0

int main(void)
    char another_game = 'Y';   //Records if another game is to be played
    const unsigned int DELAY = 1; //Display period in seconds
    bool correct = true;
    unsigned int tries = 0;    //Number of successful enteries for sequence length
    unsigned int digits = 0;   //Number of digits in a sequence
    time_t seed = 0; //Seed value for random number sequence
    unsigned int number =0;     //Stores an input digit
    time_t wait_start = 0 ;   //Store current time
    clock_t start_time = 0;   //Game start time in clock ticks
    unsigned int score = 0 ;      //Game score
    unsigned int total_digits = 0;  //Total of digits entered in a game
    unsigned int game_time =0;   //Game time in seconds
    unsigned int i ;

    //Describe how the game is played
    printf("\nTo play Simple Simon,");
    printf(" watch the screen for a sequence of digits.");
    printf("\nWatch carefully , as the digits are only displayed"
          " for %u secomnd%s",DELAY,DELAY>1 ? "s!" : "!");
    printf("The computer will remove them , and then prompt you");
    printf(" to enter the same sequence.");
    printf("\nWhen you do, you must put spaces between the digits.\n");
    printf("\nGood Luck!\nPress Enter to play\n");
    scanf_s("%c", &another_game);

    //Game loop-one outer loop iteration is a complete game

        //Initialize game
        correct = true ;   //Indicates correct sequence entered
        tries=0;   //Initialize count of successful tries
        digits = 2;        //Initial length of digit sequence
        start_time = clock();   //Record time at start of game
        //Inner loop continue as long as sequences are entered correctly
            ++tries;    //A new attempt
            wait_start = clock();     //record start time for sequence
            //Generate a sequence of digits and display them
            srand((unsigned)time(&seed));  //Initialize the radom sequence
            for(i=1;i <= digits;++i)
                printf(" %u ",rand() % 10);  //Output a random digit
                for (; clock()-wait_start < DELAY*CLOCKS_PER_SEC;);  //Wait DELAY seconds
            //Now overwrite the digit sequence
            printf("\r");    //Go to the begining of the line
            for ( i = 1;i <= digits; ++i)
                printf("  ");    //Output two spaces

            if (tries == 1)   //only output message for 1st try
                printf("\nNow you enter the sequence - don't forget"
                 " the spaces\n");
                printf("\r");       //Back to the bigining of the line
            srand((unsigned)seed); //Reinitialize the random sequence
            srand((unsigned)time(&seed));   ///Intialize the random sequence
            for (i = 1;i<=digits;++i)
                //Read the input sequence & check against the original
                scanf_s(" %u",&number);    //Read a digit
                if (number != rand() % 10)   //Compare with generated digit
                    correct = false;
            //On every third successful try , increase the sequence length
            if(correct && ((tries % 3)==0))
            printf("%s\n",correct,correct ? "Correct!" : "Wrong!");
        //Calculate and output the game score
        score = 10 * (digits - ((tries % 3 ) == 1));  //Points for sequence length
        total_digits = digits* (((tries %3)==0) ? 3 : tries % 3);
        if (digits > 2)
            total_digits += 3*((digits - 1)*(digits - 2)/2 - 1);
        game_time = (clock() - start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC - tries *DELAY;
        if (total_digits > game_time )
            score += 10*(game_time-total_digits);  //Add points for speed
        printf("\n\nGame time was %u seconds. Your score is % u.", game_time,score);
        fflush(stdin);   //Clear the input buffer

        //Check if a new game is required
        printf("\nDo you want to play again(y/n)?");
        scanf_s(" %c", &another_game);
    return 0;
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: the unsigned for sequence printf 
2017-09-23 19:20
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:13
注 册:2017-9-7
2017-09-23 19:22
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:13
注 册:2017-9-7
//Simple Simon
#define bool int
#define true 1
#define false 0

int main(void)
    char another_game = 'Y';
    const unsigned int DELAY = 1;
    bool correct = true;
    unsigned int tries = 0;
    unsigned int digits = 0;
    time_t seed = 0;
    unsigned int number = 0;
    time_t wait_start = 0;
    clock_t start_time = 0;
    unsigned int score = 0;
    unsigned int total_digits = 0;
    unsigned int game_time = 0;
    unsigned int i;

    printf("\nTo play Simple Simon,");
    printf(" watch the screen for a swquence of digits.");
    printf("\nWatch carefully , as the digits are only displayed"
        " for %u second%s ",DELAY,DELAY > 1 ? "s!" : "!");
    printf("\nThe computer will remove them , and then prompt you");
    printf(" to rnter the same sequemce.");
    printf("\nWhen you do , you must put spaces between the digits.\n");
    printf("\nGood Luck!\nPress Enter to play\n");


        correct = true ;
        tries = 0;
        digits = 2;
        start_time = clock();

            wait_start = clock();

            for(i = 1; i <= digits;++i)
                printf("%u ",rand() % 10);
            for(; clock()-wait_start <DELAY*CLOCKS_PER_SEC;)
            for (i = 1; i<=digits;++i)
                printf("  ");
                printf("\nNow you enter the sequence _ don't forget" " the spaces.\n");
            for (i = 1; i <= digits; ++i)
                scanf_s("%u", &number);
                if(number != rand() % 10)
                    correct = false;
            if (correct && ((tries % 3) ==0))
            printf("%s\n",correct ? "Correct!" : "Wrong!");
        score = 10*( digits-((tries % 3)==1));
        total_digits = digits*(((tries % 3)==0) ? 3 : tries%3);
        if(digits > 2)
            total_digits +=3*((digits - 1) *(digits-2)/2 -1);
        game_time = (clock()- start_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC-tries*DELAY;
        if(total_digits > game_time)
            score +=10*(game_time - total_digits);
        printf("\n\nGame time was %u seconds.Your score is %u." ,game_time,score);
        printf("\nDo you want to play again(y/n)?");
    return 0;
2017-09-24 15:58

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